Chapter 44- Moonlight Bust

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Night, 8PM
(No One's Pov)
Death leaned against the old willow, looking off at the school as he waited. Ten minutes had passed and he had already mentally started making bets with himself on whether his friend would show up or not. "Hey" Death froze up a bit at the quiet voice, turning his head to see Gamer wearing his mask like he told him... the back of his shirt and his sleeves covered in green and silver symbols and patterns, the demonic touch of a shadow walker "Hey... you look great" "T-thanks" he seemed so nervous. "You don't have to if you don't want to-" "Like you said... live today like it's our last" Death smiled a bit at the fallen's words "Ready to go in then?" he nodded his head, Death grabbed his hand and started walking towards the school hall.

Mangle, Bonnie, Skyler and Akire walked into the crowded school hall, Angel and Anti walking in behind them. Angel looked around the hall, seeing teenagers dancing and talking as the music boomed through the building, the teachers talking to each other in the corner, most likely planning on how to escape the social gathering. The small group made their way over to a small table, Angel glanced back at the door they just walked through, seeing Death and Gamer walk in "Death!" Angel yelled, just barely being heard over all the noise as she waved the two boys over to join them. Death and Gamer walked over "This dance is even louder than last year's" Death laughed as Gamer quickly let go of Death's hand. Mrs Breeks walked over to the group "Angel, Ianthe wants you do get up on stage to say a few words to officially start the dance" "Okay" Angel waved to her friends, assuring them she'll be back with them in a few minutes before walking over to the stage, up the stairs, being met with the dj who handed her a microphone before she walked out into the middle of the stage, a spotlight shining on her. "May I have everyone's attention, please" Angel spoke into the microphone as the room slowly grew silent "We'd like to thank the school committee of Ego University and those who volunteered in helping us make tonight happen" there was a short cheer accompanied by clapping. "We'd also like to thank visiting schools; Bear Mountain High School, Mount Willow Oceanside College and Coral Coast High for continuing the annual Boronia Shield Visit. Tonight is a treat and celebration of all students' outstanding behavior during this visit and may we wish the best of luck to everyone present and to next year's visit held at Mount Willow" everyone cheered as Angel walked off-stage, while the music kicked back up. Angel walked back over to her friends, they talked a bit until the ended up splitting up, Death and Gamer going off one way, the other five another way.
Two Hours Later, 10PM
(Angel's Pov)
I told Anti a while ago that he could go hangout with the guys, leaving me with the girls... or just Akire, the other three went off with some vs students while me and Akire sat down on two chairs, the two of us clearly bored as hell. "Why can't we just ditch this thing?" "Because one of us has to actually stay for the whole thing" I signed, answering Akire's question "Just be luck that you're not cleaning up all the mess tomorrow-" I looked at Akire as her eyes went completely white, indicating that she was most probably having some sort of vision. "Of course, of all days it had to be now-" in the corner of my eye I saw two guys, vs students, arguing over a- you've got to be fucking kidding me.... I stood up and walked over to the two vs students, hearing more of their little argument. "You take it, you poured it" "Like hell I'm taking the fucking blame, it was your idea-" I snatched the bottle off one of them, surprising them as I read the label "What the hell is in this?" I growled, holding the empty bottle "J-just what the bottle says, it's just very fucking strong-" "What did you do?" I asked coldly. "Emptied the whole thing into the drinks-" "Why the fuck would you do this?!" he took a step back "I-I'm sorry, alright? We didn't think it'd be that fucking strong-" I punched him, hard enough to knock the asshole onto his ass. I looked around the room, trying to see Gamer or basically anyone at this point "You fucking stay" I threatened before rushing off. I pushed through the crowd, some of the students obviously drunk, others a little off and a few thankfully haven't touched the drinks. I looked around, seeing that the teachers were all gone except for one yet he was busy talking to a couple of students to see the disaster unfolding in front of him.

"Widow" I turned my head to see Mercy "The hell's happening? You're walking around like a headless shade-" "The drinks have been spiked" I interrupted, Mercy's face covered with seriousness "What do I have to do?" "I need you to find any vs students not drugged and get them to help guide everyone out of the hall... and get that fucking teacher to help as well" I pointed at the idiot. "We have to end this dance now" "Got it" Mercy headed off, pulling a few people aside while I went to find Gamer... which I unfortunately did.

(Gamer's Pov)
My throat burned a bit from the drink I just had, I mean this stuff should only be lemonade and a couple other soft-drinks yet it tasted a bit weird... maybe they're gone off or something- Angel ran over to me, looking out of breath "Gamer, the drinks are spiked".... Angel needs to have better timing. "W-what?" "Someone's spiked the drinks- how much did you have?" she asked worriedly "Just one- someone did what to the drinks?!" Angel rolled her eyes, angrily signing "Fucking hell, where's Mangle?" "She was by the stage-" Angel rushed off as I stood were I was until I saw Death about to drink out of a cup. I rushed over to him "Death, don't drink it!" "Why-" "It's all spiked, don't drink any of it-" I could smell it in his breath, sure Death is my friend, but he becomes the worse version of himself when he's drunk. "My fucking god, how many drinks did you have?" "Somewhere between ten and......" Death started looking at the colored lights "Those are so pretty, can we take them back to hell?" and I could already tell he was fucking drunk. "H-hey, why the sad face- that is an awesome choker your wearing, why don't you wear it more often?" "Okay Death, time to go back to the dorms" "Nooooo! I want another drink-" I grabbed Death's hand and practically dragged him out of the school hall. While walking through the corridors, Death was holding my hand and smiling stupidly "Why are you smiling?" "Thinking about something cute~" "Oh really? What's so cute?" "I think you know~" Death looked down at me weirdly "Okay?" I sped up, dragging Death with me. First time being asked to a stupid dance and my 'date' gets fucking drunk... we walked through a door leading outside, soon walking towards the dorms.

(Angel's Pov)
It had taken a while, but now all but a few students were now out of the school hall and back at their dorms. I walked over to the doors, meeting up with Declan, Mercy and Adelina "That everyone?" I asked "Not sure, people did leave before we started ending the party early" Declan answered before walking off somewhere "We'll find out if anyone's missing in the morning, for now we just need to make sure that whoever's on campus now doesn't wonder off or leave- Leo?" Adelina looked out the door, the angel himself walking over to us. "Leo, you need to go back-" "Drinks are spiked, I know" Leo had this disgusted look on his face "What's wrong?" I asked "I don't want to be anywhere near the dorms at the moment" by the look on his face, I could tell that even I don't want to know what he's on about. Declan walked over to us, Akire knocked out cold in his arms "The fuck happened to her?" Mercy asked, pointing at Akire "I don't know, she didn't have any of the spiked drink" "I think..." I could feel a strong scent of Akire's power, that vision she had or something, it might've been a bit too much and she just passed out. "Declan, can you take her back to her dorm" I asked "Sure" he walked out the door as I turned back to the others "Do another sweep around the school for students, just in case we missed any still on grounds".

(Gamer's Pov)
I helped Death back to his room, closing the door behind us, I helped Death sit down on his bed, I went to walk out but Death grabbed my wrist "Death, let go-" he pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply, I pulled away "Death, your drunk!-" with one swift move, he laid me down on the bed, looking down at me "Death stop-" he kissed me again. He forced his tongue into my mouth as he held me down by the wrists.... I wanted him off me. I don't want to do this! A few seconds passed and the things I felt when he first kissed me came back, the feeling of being violated, the feeling of my dignity and sanity being taken away... Death pulled away and kissed my neck as I tried to push him off yet ended up letting out a cry of pain when Death bit my neck "D-Death.... sta-stop! Please!" I stuttered, he didn't hear me though, and now I really wanted him off me. "I said stop!" I managed to push him off me, I got off the bed and ran out the door. I ran into my room, closed and locked the door, sitting on the ground leaning against the door, I placed a hand over the bleeding bite mark on my neck as I started to tear up "F-fuck!" I whispered to myself, covering my mouth and crying.

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