Chapter 57- Welcome Home Week

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(Death's Pov)
"I still think I should go with you guys-" "Stop worrying" Gamer laughed a bit as he zipped up his bag "I'll be with Leo and the girls in Hell's Palace the whole week, I'll be safe this time-" "That's not what I'm worried about Game... it's what you did to Haruka a couple of weeks ago and to Sabina before that-" "Seriously Death" I looked at him... his laugh and smile, just another deceitful mask covering up the truth. "We can't risk it- the ripper blood-" "That runs through my veins is a danger within itself to me and whoever's around, yeah I know... Ianthe's given me that speech too many times as is" Gamer signed before looking up at me "But seriously Death, don't worry about me the whole week, I'm completely fine and in control" he smiled. This... this just hit a nerve really hard "Gamer, I'm serious. It took me months to control my own powers-" "I'll be close to the Royal family, if I lose control then I'll be fine, I'm gonna be surrounded by people-" "They don't know what's happening to you!" I snapped, catching Gamer off-guard... I might've overreacted a bit. "Death..." the fallen placed a hand on my shoulder "Listen, you need to relax, okay?" his voice was gentle and understanding "I'm gonna be fine" "No, the ripper blood-" "Death. I'll be fine... I'm spending a week in Hell's palace with a strong group of friends and the Royal family" Gamer tried to assure me of his safety, but I found it difficult to believe him. "But-" "No Death" Gamer turned and grabbed his bag, throwing it onto his shoulders before turning back to me as I got an idea "...can I get a goodbye kiss?" I smirked as Gamer rolled his eyes- he kissed the inside of his hand then placed his hand on my mouth for a second before taking his hand back, smirking at me as I frowned in disappointment. "What? expecting an actual kiss?" Gamer teased as I folded my arms "Maybe-" "You'll get one when you actually deserve it" he laughed a bit, moving pass me to get to the door "Gamer-" "See you in a week" he smiled before walking out. I rushed out of the room into the hallway to see him gone... he shadow-walked out to the bus... I signed.

(No One's Pov)
Erik stood by one of the buses heading back to Hell, counting heads as he marked the roll "Gamer Shadow- has anyone seen Gamer?" Erik yelled out before jumping a bit as the mentioned fallen appeared by his side "Here" "Fucking lord- don't do that again" Erik signed "Just... dump your bag in the pile and get on the bus" "Sure" Gamer threw his bag onto the pile being placed into the bus compartment before heading onto the bus and taking a seat next to Leo. "You sure you want to see Hell-" "Like I answered a thousand times already, yes Gamer" Leo signed "I want to see the difference myself" Leo looked out the window as Gamer smiled a bit "Well you're gonna like it then, total opposite of boring white and blue" Leo laughed a bit "Can't wait". Angel walked over to the bus, adding her bag to the pile "Angel" she turned to Erik "Yeah?" "Aristomache and Jackal will be busy this week, rare chance of seeing them" Erik warned her as she angrily signed "Of course they are..." Angel headed onto the bus, taking an empty seat at the front. She grabbed out her phone and earphones, putting them in and listening to music.

Death walked out onto the veranda, joining Anti, Alex and Mangle, watching the last of the students pile onto the last bus heading to Hell "Well this is depressing, should've stayed inside-" "Death, stop making a fuss over this, you've still got us three here" Anti somewhat glared at him as the bus closed it's door. The four turned their heads back to the bus as the driver started the engine and drove off "And there goes any chance of getting away from this school" Death signed "Way to bring the mood down" Mangle folded her arms "Why don't we play a game inside?" Alex suggested "Death, you can teach us how to play one of 'Hell's famous card games'... since you do own a casino at all". "...guess I could teach you guys Reaper's Poker" I signed as the other three cheered "I'll go get some playing cards!" Mangle said before bolting back inside, followed by Alex, while Anti placed a hand on my shoulder "You alright mate?" he asked as I looked back at where the bus drove off "Yeah... I'm fine".
13 Hours Later, That Night- 8:10PM
The bus was parked outside the Court House as the students got off and grabbed their bags before walking off into different directions. Gamer and Leo were waiting by the Court House steps for the girls, Leo was looking around at the scene in front of him in awe as Gamer laughed a bit "You look like Mangle during her first week here" "It's so cool though" Leo said, smiling a bit. Angel walked over to them; Nilima, Lali, Isra and Skyler following close behind "Okay, ready to go?" Angel asked the two guys "Yeah- Leo, you have the whole week to sight see" Gamer folded his arms as Leo turned his head to them "But-" "Come on" Gamer grabbed Leo's arm and started dragging him as Angel lead the way to Hell's palace. Six minutes later, the teens were standing at the gate of the palace. Angel knocked on the door "Who is it?!" a harsh voice snapped "Who do you think?" Angel rolled her eyes as the guard opened the door, shaking a bit in fear "M-miss Widow-" "Save it" Angel motioned her friends to follow her, all except Gamer and Angel looked at the palace in awe as they walked through the courtyard and up the stairs into the palace. "This main room is the heart of Hell" Angel smiled "And also where each wing of the palace joins" the reaper turned to her friends "We'll be staying in guest rooms in the Reaper Wing" she lead her friends to the Reaper Wing of the castle, her and Gamer pointing out a few things and facts to somewhat entertain their friends until they ran into Jackal. "Angel, Gamer, Skyler" Jackal smiled at the three then looked at their friends "And I assume Nilima, Isra, Lali and Leo, welcome to Hell's Palace, hope you enjoy your stay in the Reaper Wing" Jackal smiled before gesturing to the two rooms near the end of the corridor "Girls one room, guys in the other" he told the teens in a stern parent-like voice before waving them goodbye and somewhat rushing down the corridor. "Why'd he rush off?" Lali questioned "Erik said him and Arisomache were gonna be busy this week and seeing or talking to them would be a 'rare sight'" Angel joked about the last bit "Anyway, the rooms..." they walked into the rooms, calling dibs on what bed and discussing each other's plans for the week.
Meanwhile at Rieannie, Mid Realm
"So... basically it's electricity" "Well yes, but according to Erik and Lucifer, the possibilities of it are endless" Alex smiled, kind of answering Anti's question "One example-" "If his human has a heart attack, he can just zap them-" "Death" Mangle kicked Death's foot "That was rude" "Yeah... sorry Alex..." Death folded his arms, leaning back in the chair. The four of them had decided to take a break from card games and talk about something, powers soon became to topic so the four were sitting in the living room... Death got an idea "Hey Mangle, give us a look at that sword you can summon" Mangle looked at him confused and worried. "Wha-" "Last year, during our first pe class, you summoned a sword made of demonglass" he reminded the creation angel of the day "Can you show us that again?" Death asked "I-I'm not sure-" "Come on, Mangle" Alex smiled "I guess... it wouldn't hurt?" Mangle said nervously yet the three guys cheered her on. Mangle closed her eyes, right hand reaching over her shoulder, summoning a sword as if she was pulling it straight out of her back... it's blade seemed as though a rusty gold, yet that was the correct coloring for pure demonglass. Anti and Death made sure to keep their distance from the burning blade "That's so cool" Alex said in awe as he stared at the blade while Mangle opened her eyes "How are you able to summon something made of demonglass?" Death asked, curiosity taking over "It's kind of something I inherited from a Light Temple priestess back in Heaven". Alex looked up at Mangle in disbelief "To be honest, even I don't know how I can do it either, I was just one day randomly given a sword turned to dust then I could just summoned it whenever" Mangle kind of explained "You inherited a priestess sword?!" Alex asked in disbelief as Death and Anti laughed a bit.
9:15PM- Hell
Leo walked into the girls' room to see Lali arguing with Erik and Jadarius "No-" "You let Angel go off to the ancient library, but you won't let us go out and have fun?" the girl was getting pissed as Isra, Nilima, Skyler and Gamer sat on the beds, watching the argument unfold. Leo walked over to them "What happened?" Leo quietly asked the four "Gamer was just in here hanging out with us while Angel was off at the library, Lali suggested us girls have a night out and the two princes overheard, came in and now are trying to convince Lali to drop the idea" Isra quickly filled Leo in on the situation. "They've been going on about safety the past seven minutes" Gamer whispered "It's Welcome Home Week, can't us demons- and angel- have a little fun?" Lali questioned, trying to reason with the two princes "We can't just let you four go walk about alone, even if with Lali- I'd like at least one of the guys to go with you" Erik said. "But Leo's an angel who'd freak people out and killens are after Gamer" Lali pointed out as Leo got an idea "What if another 'girl' just went with you guys?" they looked at Leo confused yet Lali seemed to have quickly caught on "Does Rohit have a plan?" Lali questioned "Yep, and she's right here" they all paused and looked at Gamer. Gamer looked back at all of them, confused "What- HEY!!!".

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