Chapter 19- Unneeded Interruption

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(Death's Pov)
We were sitting in the classroom with Lucifer sitting on the teacher's desk while Erik was outside in the corridor... yelling at his phone. "What the hell do you mean 'held back at customs-' we ordered this crap June last year!" Erik's yelling could easily be heard even with the door shut... most of the walls in this school are fucking too thin. "So teach" Noah caught Lucifer's attention "Why so much pe and training classes? I mean we're all lucky enough to at least get three periods of actual classwork and a study, then the rest of the week is pe or training based on combat or defense" "Noah's right sir, its a bit much" Asherah chimed in. "Why do we need all this training anyway? Humans in the human realm wont see us nor hurt us while we're egos-" "Exactly" Lucifer interrupted Noah... by backing him up? "Guessing there is a lesson I can teach while Erik's distracted" Lucifer stood up, warm smile haunting his face as toxic kindness shone through his eyes. "Straight after graduation you'll all be given to a human, most likely having to share them with one or more fellow classmates, you'll help your human learn the world, emotions, their talents... but there is a catch no teacher tells their students until right before they go to a human" his words, as true as they were and attempting to be gentle. Lucifer looked at the ground, grim look on his face "What happens when a human dies?" his question shocked most of us "Easily you'd all say that the human's family holds a funeral all while the human waits in line to be judged about going to Heaven or Hell or sent back to the shit hole they just died in" Lucifer laughed a bit "I'll reword the question to make it easier to understand.... what happens to the egos when their human dies?".... humans have shorter lifespans than people in the mid realm, Heaven and Hell. Sure we learn about everything in the human realm, even how they think or act, what emotions or attitudes they could have, including how to influence and guide our own human onto a successful path but we never learned anything about a human's death. Its only just hit us.... what will happen to us? Will we die along with the human? Be sent back to Heaven or Hell?

"Funny how a question causes so how many possibilities to run through one's mind, so fast that it soon breaks the person's mind... and how funny it is to watch that type of chaos" Lucifer finally looked up at us "When your human dies, you'll be expected to return back to Heaven and or Hell, what happens after that is what you and the queens decide as your future is in the hands of those three". Lucifer walked over to Gamer's desk, and at this moment I'm just realizing Gamer's eyes have been uncontrollably glowing green the whole time, yet when he looked up at Lucifer, the green faded and was replaced with his original sky blue. "Shadow, I'd like you to answer your classmates' questions.... why do you need all the training me and Erik have been providing you?" Lucifer asked as Gamer's face grew grim. "My first year in Hell, I had to learn to be something I didn't want to be, I had to learn how to play by their rules and survive living in Hell.... I also had to twist what I learnt into my own version of surviving, I had to also use my past to shape it as well" Gamer looked around at all of us "We need to keep learning how to survive and protect, it'll help our humans but also ourselves when we return back to our homes.... because what we call home now can change for the better or the worse". Yet again, Gamer is completely right...... and his words did successfully answer the question about all the training. We have to be ready for anything, the killens are still after Gamer and I'm sure that I've become one of the top people on their kill list to get to him- spotting something out of the corner of my eye, leaving me incredibly pissed off. Seriously, why now of all times? "Sir, permission to use the rest room?" "Go ahead" I stood up and walked out of the classroom "Erik?" "They fucking hung up on me again" he growled through clenched teeth before walking down one end of the corridor while I continued following the ghostly silhouette, until I stood in an empty classroom. "Alright Lev, what is it now?" I asked, closing the classroom door as I glared at Lev.

"Checking in on you, how was Haruka?" Lev asked "Who are you- wait... that's the killen from-" "The attack in the woods? Yeah, a new soldier the Grey Army unexpectedly gave us" Lev crossed his arms "But really... Gamer, is he finding it hard to control his powers?" "A bit, how could you tell?" Lev paused for a bit, looking at the ground "I just know". I can easily tell that there's more to it, but then again... I'm not really the one risking my life talking to the enemy with full knowledge that a crazed killen leader.... Lev's going through too much trouble just to make sure we're warned about the crazy shit John's up to. Lev is risking his own life to make sure we survive. "Lev" he looked up at me "I promise you- LEV!" a pitch black hand covered Lev's mouth as another held him by the throat..... seconds later, Lev was gone. And I have a horrible feeling who had just caught him....

(No One's Pov)
"John, please hear me out-" "I'm done listening to you" John dragged Lev from the east wing to the west wing of the base. No one in sight. No one to help him. Soon John dragged Lev into his room, closing and locking the door behind them, then slammed Lev into the wall "What did you tell them?" "What are you talking about-" "Don't play dumb Romainov, tell me the truth now" John hissed "N-nothing, I was just checking up on them" Lev admitted. "...why would you want to know of they're alright or not?" John asked, still pissed off "I-I don't know, see how much damage Haruka left on them-" John slapped Lev across the face then punched him in the stomach, leading to Lev falling to the ground in pain and fear. John however... filled with absolute rage, anger, betrayal..... he so badly wanted to rip Lev's head off with his own claws, tear him to shreds, make him an example to everyone else to never betray him. "All my hopes for you, for your success...." John's voice was quiet as he held back the rage and anger that so badly wanted to been known. Tears welled up in the corners of Lev's eyes from the pain as John bent down, and made Lev look at him in the eyes "You disappointed me.... yet I remain impressed" John lifted Lev's chin up, smiling a bit "Such a beautiful shade of jade green eyes..." John's voice was soft and quiet, but it never hinted what he was about to do. Immediately, Lev froze up, eyes widen and confused as John kissed him.... then soon resulted in him attempting to push the devil off of him. But after only a minute, Lev gave up as firstly John was stronger than him and secondly, his mind was now too clouded, leaving him unable to think or fight back....

(Special thanks to Alice and Tamara for helping me write this)

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