Chapter 15- Heat Wave Part 3

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(No One's Pov)
Lev walked into the command room with his arms filled with files "All the files we've got on the target" Lev said as he walked over to the other end of the table "Good job Levan" John smirked as Lev rolled his eyes, placing the files on the table and went to walk away "Hold on" Lev paused "Come here" Lev hesitantly turned back around and walked back over to John. "Yes... sir?" Lev questioned, biting his tongue to keep any insults flying out "Show me your neck" Lev undone the top two buttons of his shirt and pulled part of it out of the way to show the bite mark John gave him weeks ago "Nearly healed, just don't understand way its healing so slowly". John motioned Lev to do up the two buttons "Don't understand why you care if its healing properly or not" Lev mumbled, but John heard his words "If it gets infected and you get sick, I'll be down my best medic and I would have to explain to the Grey Leader why one of the killens is sick" John narrowed his eyes "It affects me too". John opened one of the files "I also need to have a talk with you, Levan" Lev raised an eyebrow "About what?" "About our small deal- how I don't tell the Grey Leader that you betrayed him, the Grey Army and the Killens while you behave like a good little soldier and do what you're told". "...there's no need to go over that-" "It's me reminding you of your end of the deal" John looked at Lev "There's a team returning back today, two fatality injured and three that might need stitches, they'll be sent straight to you and Inessa when they arrive" Lev signed "Yes sir" "Good boy". John motioned him to leave and that's what Lev did, holding in all his anger while doing so and slamming the door to the command room on his way out...

(Akire's Pov)
"You seriously need to calm down with the whole glitching-teleporting thing" Dark said as Death continued playing around with his powers "Why? The more practice, the better I get-" "The more energy wasted and you'll be too tired if something happens and you can't use your powers" Isra interrupted, appearing by the demon's side. "Holy shit- warn someone next time" Death said after flinching from Isra's surprise appearance "Sorry" Isra apologized "Isra's right though, Death. Last year, the killens surprised us a lot with their attacks, kidnapping Gamer, blowing up the warehouse- and with Annadite back in prison, the killens will probably try anything to get her or Gamer" "Yeah yeah, I know" Death rolled his eyes as Dark signed. "Best safe than sorry" Isra piped up "Akire?" I looked at Death "Your opinion?" "Since when does it matter?" "It matters when you can see into the future" "Well I haven't seen anything at all, so there's no point asking for the opinion of the person who least matters to you" I narrowed my eyes, continuing to walk towards the dorm house. Death sped up "What's with you, you're snappier than usual-" "What's with you? More idiotic than usual" I spat back "What-" "You've got too much anger bottled up inside-" "Seriously? My sin's wrath, makes sense for me to be angry-" "Not when your 'best friend' who's sin is envy is actually affecting you". Death's face hardened "The fuck are you saying?" "I'm saying a certain torture demon is jealous and needs to learn that not everything belongs to him-" "You bitc-" "You're fucking clingy and overprotective, and it's too obvious. Either you turn it down or actually talk to Gamer about what the hell you guys are because I clearly remember all those 'mistakes' that happened last year and I know that both of you remember that too". We got to the steps of the dorm house "He's avoiding you, so right now... make up your mind and talk to him before I do, and we both know I don't sugar-coat my words" Death signed in defeat "Fine... give me till the end of term-" "Two weeks Death, all I'm offering" I interrupted as everyone else from 1A walked over.

We walked through the front door, down the hall into the boy's living room to see a guy with blood-red eyes, black hair with dark-blue streaks and pale skin. "Who are you-" "How'd you get in here?!" Death interrupted Dark as the guy smirked. "So this is 1A" "So you're the guy who burned down part of the school" Leo snapped back, the guy just smiled "Maybe I should've introduced myself-" "Colby Blackwood, demon and student from 1B" Angel interrupted as she walked into the room. "You're a demon? What type?" Bonnie asked as Colby smirked "One that could steal you heart" Colby held out his hand, blue flames danced on his hand as it formed a heart, making Bonnie giggle a bit. I looked over at Gamer who looked like he was that pissed off that he would most likely beat Colby's ass "So why are you in our dorm house?" Gamer asked a bit harshly "Just wanted to finally meet all of you" Colby then winked at Isra as she stepped back a bit while Leo shot Colby a death glare. "Either that or you're looking for your ass kicked to the ground" I spat, catching Colby's attention "Feisty one aren't ya?" "More like the last demon you want to aggravate" I hissed "Really? By the looks of you, you're from Isledale-" "You fucking speak shit about my city-" "Woah there" Death grabbed my arms and held me back from killing Colby. "Isn't that cute-" "I'll cut your tongue off then set that stupid piece of shit you call a face alight!" "Akire, stop it" Death whispered harshly as Colby laughed a bit "You've got some nerve" Death growled "Says the guy who's got a crush on-" Gamer shadow walked, appearing behind Colby, hand over his mouth and a dagger close to his throat. Gamer whispered something to Colby before shadow walking before of them to the front door and kicking Colby out of the house, locking the door behind him. "Thank fuck someone got him out of here" Leo signed "Fucking asshole needs to learn to back off" "The hell did he even get in? The door was locked-" "Climbed in through an open window in Wilford and Broody's room" Gamer interrupted Death as he walked back into the room "Shit, forgot we left that open" Broody groaned. "I just don't get why the smug prick would've been interested in the house" Wilford slurred, Angel's eyes widened before rushing up stairs. Me, Gamer and Death ran after her, stopping at the doorway of her and Mangle's room "Fuck!" Angel punched the wall in frustration and anger "He took the fucking journal"....

(No One's Pov)
Lev was on the floor, scrubbing away at the dried blood that had earlier been spilt while working today "Levan? May I come in?" Lev didn't even look to acknowledge John "Do whatever you want, you're the leader" Lev said through clenched teeth as he scrubbed harder at the blood. "Where's Inessa?" "Told her she could finish early, she's with Cyprise right now... I wanted to be alone" "Why?" Lev looked up at John "Why be alone?" "I'm not using my fucking powers-" "Not what I was thinking" John sat down on the ground beside Lev. "I've seen that no one's been using any of the medicine or first aid for weeks until today" "And?" "It just proves that someone doesn't care enough about himself... that's way that bite is healing slowly, you've used nothing to help it" Lev stopped scrubbing, keeping his eyes to the ground "Levan" Lev didn't answer. John placed a hand under Lev's chin and made the demon look at him "You're trying to kill yourself and make it my fault" Lev just had hate in his eyes, no more care for himself. If John was gonna kill him, he didn't care, he'll just welcome it with open arms. "I don't want you hurting or killing yourself, I want you by my side when we kill all the Royals and take Hell's palace and throne... I see a great future and you'll be standing by my side the whole time, incapable of death" Lev stood up "You know how fucking stupid that is? Or sounds?" John stood up as well "Nothing is stupid if there is a possibility of it happening". Lev rolled his eyes "If you want to believe that shit then fine, but I'm not putting fucking hope in one of the world's stupidest ideas" Lev looked at John "If you believe in stupid things, it'll get you killed" "Would you miss me then-" "No, I'd laugh at you because your death will prove that I was right". John laughed a bit at Lev's words "When I die? How can I die when I believe I won't? People who've experienced death too many times are incapable of dying, reason why a couple of demons we know don't stay down easy... also is the reason why the idiot that stands before you is still believing in stupid things that gets people killed" Lev held his cold stare, no matter how much John's words bugged him. "Believe in stupid things Levan, thanks to your past human life, you'll live as long as me" John's psychotic smile sent a cold chill down Lev's spine before John himself walked out of the room...

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