Chapter 51- Twisted Detention

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(No One's Pov)
"Have you been able to talk to Aristomache recently?" Gamer asked Angel as she closed the book she was reading "Again, no but if you at least told me why you want to talk to her-" "Nevermind, just forget about it" Gamer folded his arms as he leaned back in his chair, Death raised a brow as he gently kicked his friend's foot. "What?" "Spill, you've been all gloom all week" Gamer looked away "It's nothing, just been in a mood" Death signed at the fallen's stubbornness "Gamer-" "Death, drop it" Gamer warned, Death backed off, joining a different conversation until Death's phone went off. Death looked at his phone, brows frowning before shoving his phone into his pocket as he stood up "Death?" Akire's voice went unanswered as the demon walked out of the room. "What's with him?" Akire asked Gamer "I don't know" he shrugged his shoulders as Leo looked at the door "Have a feeling I might know..." Leo muttered as he stood up, walking towards the door "Probably just left something back at the dorms, I'll go check on him though" Leo smiled before walking out into the corridor.

"You guys finding it weird that those two are getting closer?" Alex asked "Yeah, the very first day they wanted to kill each other-" "All last year they wanted to kill each other" Bonnie corrected Amethyst as Gamer rolled his eyes "Can't you guys just accept the fact that they're finally getting along?" "They're only attempting to get along because you became friends with Leo" Akire corrected him. "Funny isn't it? How much this looks like a different version of the peace treaty between Heaven and Hell-" "Akire. Enough." Angel warned her friend, voice cold and stern, Akire shook her head as she leaned back in her chair. After a few minutes of silence, the school bell indicating the start of the next class went "Well there's the bell" Angel signed, throwing her bag over her shoulder "Better get to class before Ianthe gives us detention or extra homework again-" "Like last time Chase, Wilford and Asherah were late to class" Dark interrupted. "Hey-" "That was during the first week of being on school grounds, we got lost" Chase talked over Wilford "Correction, Wilford got us lost since he 'memorized' the bloody school map" Asherah quietly snapped, glaring at Wilford who just stuck his tongue out at her "Argue later, class now" Angel rolled her eyes as she lead the group out the door of 1A's student lounge.

Leo walked out the front doors of the school, soon bolting across the road over to the dorm block, running until he caught up to the ripped demon. "Death" Leo called yet the demon ignored him "Death!" he continued to ignore the angel, still walking towards the dorms "Death- come on!" "Just leave me alone, Rohit!" Death snapped, turning his head to Leo as his phone went off "The hell's up with you today?" Leo asked as Death's phone went off again "I'm just-" his phone went off again. Death grabbed out his phone "Can you just fucking stop!" Death threw his phone at the dorm house... likely mid-realm phones aren't exactly breakable "Death.... you alright?" Leo asked as Death stood frozen, looking at the phone he had just thrown. "Death, let's head back to the school-" the school's lockdown alarm started going off as Death and Leo turned their heads towards the school "Lockdown?" "Leo, inside, now" Death harshly whispered, both of them rushing towards the dorm house until an invisible force knocked both of them out cold. The two boys could only hear the alarm fading out.

(Gamer's Pov)
We walked into the classroom, taking our seats, soon a few minutes passed with us waiting for Ianthe or any teacher to come in and start the lesson... until Erik rushed into the room, attempting to do some sort of quick head count, obviously failing multiple times. "Sir? Everything alright-" Chase was interrupted by a loud continuous bell... the school 'lockdown' alarm started going off, Erik immediately closed and locked the classroom door while we all got underneath the desks. Erik then rushed over to the windows, closing all the blinds before heading back over to the door, crouching down as his eyes glowing their pinkish-purple as if just in case this was the real deal. Erik had also turned off the lights to make it seem no one was in the room... I looked around the room at everyone before noticing two people absent "Gamer? You alright?" Bonnie whispered "Leo and Death aren't here" I whispered back, Erik over hearing as he swore under his breath. "Does anyone know where those two went?" Erik quietly asked "To the dorms I think" Skyler answered, hugging the leg of her desk "Well hopefully they heard the alarm and went into the closest dorm" Erik said, while I sat there thinking to myself... my phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and read the text... now fully worried about the missing two.

(Death's Pov)
Silence. Complete silence as I felt rope wrapped around both my waist and wrists, tied behind my back to something that felt like a wooden bed post, like one of those bunks in the guest dorms... I opened my eyes, head pounding as a reminder of being hit in the head, looking around some of the room I was in... it's diffidently one of the guest dorms. "Death?" I looked up to see Gamer- he rushed over to me "My lord- the hell happened?" "I... I don't know, how did you-" "There's killens on the loose idiot..." he looked up at me, deep into my eyes as he leaned in close, as if to kiss me. I went to lean in until I noticed something... off about him, more or so, his eyes flickering yellow- I headbutted the intruder. Their appearance shifted, revealing the killen known as Cyprise Moon. She held her head while Haruka walked into the light, laughing at Cyprise "How the fuck did you know?!" Cyprise yelled "You really think I don't know my friend?" I glanced over my shoulder to see Leo next to me- I kicked his leg, waking him up. "The hell-" "About time, Leo meet Cyprise and Haruka" I nodded to the two girls "Killens-" "No shit snow white, what gave that away?" Haruka spat, the school bell still going off outside "When are they gonna turn that fucking thing off? It's giving me a bloody headache-" "You weren't the one who was fucking headbutted by a ripper demon" Cyprise snapped "That's you fault, bitch". I rolled my eyes "How fucking long have we been out?" I asked "A few minutes-" "Shut up, Moon" Haruka snapped at Cyprise "Why the hell are we tied up in one of the guest dorms?" Leo asked, blunt and cold "What do ya think? This piece of shit needs to die" Haruka smirked as she pointed at me "And you're just the unimportant soul getting dragged down with him" "The fuck?" Leo looked at her confused. "Wrong time, wrong place" Cyprise shrugged her shoulders "We can't leave witnesses this time-" "Then why are we still alive?" I snapped, earning both killens' attention "Because 'genius', we're still waiting for one more person to join this little class... willingly" Haruka smirked "So for now, welcome to our version of detention!".

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