Chapter 85- Royal's Truth

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(Angel's Pov)
We all stood there, waiting for Aristomache to finally tell us all the truth "Okay firstly, the Widow journal...." the queen of Hell took a shaky breath "This journal is actually the spiritual copy of the real thing which remains buried somewhere in the Human Realm" Aristomache started "During the rule of Lytrse Thorn, the book was brought into Hell's palace with it's owner at the time" the queen glanced at me.... did this happen when I arrived in Hell in 'dead sleep'? "Yet a bleddon angel broke in and took this journal from the Reaper Volt, taking it to Heaven... this was one of Leo Rohit's ancestors" Aristomache looked down at the book in her hands. "None of you were suppose to read it's pages, it contains something relating to the royal family-" "It's my family history" I interrupted Aristomache, anger building up "I deserve to know everything about it" I spat, Aristomache flinching at my words. The serious expression on her face returned as she looked at each one of us before signing "I guess now I have no exact choice..." Death raised a brow as the rest of us looked at Aristomache with confused faces "Angel, Death, Gamer, Dark, Anti, Akire and Skyler... ever since you seven arrived in Hell, each one of us current royals had to keep a close eye on all of you". Aristomache handed me the journal back "After the completion of the newest Black Councilor murals and especially everything that's happened in the last two years, we're now discussing the future for each one of you-" "We're all going to be egos of humans, what future are you talking about?" Anti questioned as he folded his arms "The kind that changes your lives forever" she answered. Aristomache turned her head to Dark "...Dark, what happens when the black council members are years from death?" "U-uh... the Royals pick the new seven members to take their place on the council?" Dark shrugged his shoulders, unsure of his answer "Not exactly... Death?" we turned our heads to Death as he rolled his eyes.

"Something 'spiritual' picks the new seven councilors, creating the new murals about a year before each chosen arrives in Hell" Death answered "The King or Queen of Hell then immediately know who the next set of councilors are by looking at the mural directly" the ripper added as he folded his arms. We all looked back at Aristomache "What does that have to do with us?" Death asked "Everything" Aristomache answered as we all looked at each other, confused "The last chosen arrived in Hell exactly a year before you seven came to Rieannie, a demon of the Threat Wing with no 'powers' or magic of her own" Aristomache started. "13th of August, 1813... the first chosen arrived, seven years later was the second chosen, on November 26" Aristomache continued... those dates... they're familiar "The 1940s, three male chosens arrived and thanks to one of them... we got the sixth chosen... in 1986". Death and Gamer's eyes widened a bit, Dark and Anti still confused, Skyler looking at the ground with wide eyes as me and Akire looked at Aristomache in disbelief "There... there has to be a mistake- we can't..." Anti was in a world of confusion "We've done so much cray psychopathic shit- most of us have broken countless rules" Akire stated. "You seven are the next Black Councilors of Hell" Aristomache announced to the whole room "No" Aristomache looked at Death as hate and anger burned in his eyes "You don't exactly have a choice here-" "I don't care, everything that just came out of your mouth made fuck all sense-" "You all can still be egos if you want, but you're the next Black Councilors of Hell..." Aristomache told us. "Like it or not, this is the destiny you've all been given the first day you each stepped foot in Hell" we all looked at each other, still a little confused yet also hating the 'truth' the royal had told us. "You wanted the truth, Angel" I looked up at Aristomache, warning in her eyes "Now you have it...".

(Gamer's Pov)
It was now night, about nine thirty. Each one of us had went back to our room after Aristomache told us a little more about this 'Black Councilor' crap we've just been told about. "How long are we going for again?" Anti asked as I pulled out my old gym bag from the closet "A few weeks" I answered, dumping the bag onto my bed. The royal had also told us that the 'un-named event' us seven had been 'invited' to was actually the 'Black Councilor ceremony' where we will be given the title of 'Young Black Councilors'. Anti signed "I can't- I'm gonna get some fresh air" Anti walked out of the room, a few seconds later, someone else standing by the door "Hey" I froze by my bed "You got a second?" I turned my head to the door where Death stood "Sure, like I was gonna sleep tonight anyway..." I turned back to my bag as Death walked in, sitting down on my bed. I reached into the closet, pulling out a few shirts "...I don't want to go" Death mumbled "Trust me, no one does..." I poorly folded the shirts and shoved them into the bag "But we can't fight against this stupid 'destiny' Satan and Aristomache put on us" I looked over at Death. His face was filled with worry as if going back to Hell was the worst thing to happen "Hey... are you alright?" I asked, leaning against the closet door "Not really, to be honest... of all reasons to go back to Hell so soon... I never expected this to be one of those 'excuses'..." the demon looked at the floor. "At least... you can now be the 'overprotective bodyguard' again, like you tried to be last term before 'Welcome Home' week" I laughed a bit, watching Death hold back a small smile "Guess you're right, but..." "But what?" I asked as Death took a shaky breath "I've never been to Enrith Castle, let alone know what this whole 'Black Councilor' thing is gonna be like". "'re scared..." he didn't move or speak "or are you more worried about how this affects everyone else?" I asked, moving my bag off the bed and sitting in its place by Death "More about how it affects... us" Death answered quietly "Us? Wh- you mean... this?" I pointed back and forth between me and him, he slowly nodded his head.

He looked as if he was ashamed of himself "Death... why are you worrying about the deal now-" "Most demons and devils can practically smell my scent on you" Death started "The older and more powerful they are, the quicker they pick up the scent and then..." he held his head in his hands. "Okay... usually I'm the one worrying about stupid crap like this" I said, placing a hand on Death's shoulder "You seriously worried what some demons and devils are gonna think just because we're close?" I questioned as he refused to look at me "I have reasons why I called off the deal, but I can assure you that this- the reason you're thinking, it isn't a reason". Death let out a shaky breath "Sorry, I've just been trying to think about other stuff, but I keep being pulled back to this crap" he explained "Then maybe use this Black Councilor stuff as a distraction" I suggested, Death looked up from the ground to me "You think I need a distraction?" "Better a distraction than a demon not in the right headspace" I joked as Death held back a small laugh. "Maybe you're right..." Death stood up and walked over to the door "Where are you going?" I asked, he turned around, small smile on his face "To distract myself" he smiled before walking out of the room as my phone buzzed. I opened the text, signing as I turned off the phone. I got up and walked back over to the closet, grabbing my bag and placing it back on my bed, continuing to pack for the trip back to Hell.

                                                                    I want to know the truth about
                                                                   me and Heaven
I'll tell you the next time we
meet, in person

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