Chapter 46- Racing Forgiveness?

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(Gamer's Pov)
I was walking back towards the dorm houses while Akire bugged me with stupid questions after hearing that the ripper blood I was given had mixed with my own "So would that mean that you're also part ripper-" "Akire, seriously, bug-off and leave me alone-" "Yeah right, like hell" me and Akire looked over at the huge jumbled group of vs students near the fence. One guy got my attention; forest green eyes, sun-kissed skin and dark brown somewhat-spiked hair. "Crowford-" "Ego University students are just a group of unimpressive nerdy weak lazy shits-" "HEY!" Akire yelled, making most of the group jump a bit "Try fucking saying shit like that to an EU student's face you shit fucking excuse for an angel" she growled as Crowford glared yet smirked at her. "Is that so?" "Oh bring it shithead-" "Akire, stop" I grabbed her arm, she looked back at me "He's not worth a single second-" "That's right, listen to the poor excuse of an 'actual demon' you call a friend, he's probably the weakest student at this miserable school- don't you and a few others have to constantly 'protect' him from a stupid cult?" Akire ripped her arm out of my grasp. "Say that one more fucking time! I dare you!" "Akire! Calm down!" I stood in-between her and Crowford... yet as she looked at me, a smirk appeared on her face, indicating that she had an idea... a horrible idea. "I bet that Gamer can outrun all of you in a single race" "Akire-" "You're on!"... you've got to be fucking kidding me. We all walked to the end of the dorm houses, I was dragged, then one of the vs students talked about the 'race course' we'd have to run "This will be the start and finish line; runners will go past all the dorms and across the road through the front doors of the school, through the corridors on the right towards the school hall, run out the exit doors backstage, past the old willow tree and straight back here" the vs student looked up at all of us "Which ever school's student finishes first wins the bet".

"Sounds fair enough-" I pulled Akire to the side "There is no fucking way I'm running against them nor winning-" "You're the fastest demon I know who's managed to outrun the fastest royal of Hell, trust me... you're winning this thing". A minute later, a student drew a rough line... all the vs students racing lined up along the line, including me, the only EU student running "Ready" their faces were filled with anger and hate "Get set" I took a deep breath, getting into a running stance "Go!" everyone ran as fast as they could past all the dorms while I was pushed to the ground. "Gamer!" Akire yelled as I quickly got up and started running, officially the last person in this stupid race, yet it didn't take me long to pass multiple people before getting to the school. Running through the corridors is one thing, running through the corridors filled with students is another and to put the cherry on top, people were blocking my way. Kept running until we ran into the school hall where I was finally able to overtake at least ten people, only five people left and now outside near the old willow tree. One of those five saw I was catching up and used their powers to stop me... an earth-elemental angel. Throwing rocks more less, yet none hit me as my body turned into black smoke, the rocks flying through me as I pushed myself to run faster and overtake the angel, four people left. My body turned solid again as we made it to the edge of the school... ...Death held my shoulder "Promise me that no matter what, you run to safety as fast as you can" he winced at the pain seeping through his arm "Use whatever you have to, no matter its risk, don't even look at who's behind you, just run"... that memory played through my head. It was what Death told me a day after my first cleansing day, the day marking a year of me being in Hell. I thought for a second.... no matter the risk... use whatever you have to... my eyes started burning as I ran faster, past three more people as we now ran past all the dorms.

I overtook the last person a few seconds before hitting the finishing line... almost running into the fence as Akire rushed over to me "Did... did I win?" I asked "Hell yeah you did, but uh..." she pointed at my eyes as I got a glimpse of them in one of the dorm windows.... it was flickering red until they faded back to sky blue. "How... the hell... did you run that fast?" Crawford asked, completely out of breath as he limped over to us "I-" "Cuz he trained with the best and he's a shadow walker" Akire interrupted me "You should never under-estimate a shadow walker" her words made me smile a bit as the rest of the vs students walked over to us.

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