Chapter 33- Threatening Questions

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(Death's Pov)
I was sitting in the den alone as demons and devils talked and hanged out. I was sitting in a booth off to the side of the main room of the den, just thinking about some things as someone walked over to me "Hey Death" I looked up to see Naomi smiling "Hey" "Why are you sitting by yourself?" Naomi asked "Well I'm not alone anymore" "Avoiding the question" "If you were me, you would too" Naomi laughed a bit. "How'd you find the den anyway?" I asked "Your tiny demon friend, Skyler, was nice enough to show me... you guys got a really cool hangout down here" "Can thank Lucifer next time you see him" Naomi laughed a bit at my response. "Mind me asking a few questions?" Naomi asked, sitting down next to me "I'm pretty sure you asked plenty already-" "No, about Gamer" I raised a brow as I looked at Naomi "What about Gamer?" "I mean did I do something to offend him or-" "Naomi, relax" I laughed a bit "Gamer's been in a mood lately, you probably just caught the tail-end of it". I barely checked on him this term... I thought Gamer was busy with the committee and the visiting schools, I really forgotten all about him "I mean the way he talked to me a couple of nights ago was completely not him... but then I thought about he could just be worried about his best friend 'liking' someone else" my eyes widened. "Sorry, what?" "It's so obvious, you like Gamer... a little too much" I tried to stop the blush appearing on my face "W-what? Me? Like Gamer more than a friend? Pfft... that's the most stupid thing I've ever heard someone accuse me of" I laughed a bit, nervousness creeping up my throat "Come on, I see the way you look at him.... and the way he looks at you" Naomi smirked at me as my cheeks turned pink. "What are you on about? Gamer's straight-" "That's not how I see it" Naomi leaned her elbow on the table "You two seem awfully close to be friends and nothing else-" "Hey Gamer!".

I had spotted Gamer walking into the den and decided to call him over because one, haven't talked to him that much and two... to get Naomi to change the subject. Gamer walked over, glaring at Naomi as if she'd just said something to piss him off "Hey, me and Naomi were just talking about you" "Oh really?" Gamer kept glaring at Naomi "Something wrong?" Naomi asked, voice a bit cold as she smiled at Gamer "Mrs Breeks asked me to pass on a message, you're late for training" "Oh shit!". Naomi quickly got up out of the seat "Thanks for telling me Gamer" she gave him a small hug and peak on the cheek before running out of the den. Gamer sat down on the opposite side of the booth, arms cross and pissed off "You alright emo? You're looking a bit... angry-" "It's nothing to worry about" I raised an eyebrow "So what's this I hear about you bad-mouthing Naomi to her face the other night?" the look on his face, guilt as if he'd been caught red-handed "Fucking slut snitched-" "Gamer!". I never thought I'd ever hear Gamer say 'slut' or at least call someone that "What?" "You don't go around calling people slut-" "Why not? You did that back in Hell-" "This is the mid realm! EU! You don't say shit like that about people" "Fucking true though" I was absolutely shocked that this was even the fallen angel I know. "What the hell is wrong with you-" "What's wrong with me? I'm not the one with a fucking lust-sinned demon drooling all over him" "She's just a friend-" "Like no one's ever heard you say that before about another person" "Well maybe if you-.... wait a minute". I smirked at Gamer "You're jealous-" "Why does everyone keep saying that?" Gamer groaned "So you are jealous-" "No, I'm not" Gamer snapped "You sure?" "Yes I'm sure, why are you asking me if I'm sure or not?" "Because the star tattoo is glowing as red as your face right now" I pointed at Gamer's wrist as he looked down at it then immediately pulling the sleeve of his hoodie over it.

"Just admit it Gamer-" "I'm not admitting shit" I really tried to stop myself from smiling, but this is just priceless "Gamer, your sin is envy, there's no use trying to cover up the fact that you may be a little jealous that I've been spending time with another demon-" "Naomi isn't just another demon". I signed in annoyance "Gamer-" "She knows I'm a fallen" Gamer harshly whispered as I raised an eyebrow "Oh really? A lust demon somehow knew that little fact about you and that makes you think something's off about her" "Death-" "You're being paranoid, she's just a normal teenager like everyone else from Coral Coast". Gamer stayed dead silent for about a minute before getting out of his seat "Gamer-" "No, if you don't believe me, I'm going to someone who does" Gamer walked off, towards the exit of the den while I sat in the booth, not sure if to be worried about him or not.

(Lucifer's Pov)
I decided to leave group one's training to Erik alone so I could finish some paperwork and write up some lessons for a few of my classes a substitute is teaching for me. I sat in the music classroom, alone with the beautiful silence as I wrote until I heard a small knock on my door, I looked at the time... 9:18pm, guess time flies by when addressed in silence. "Come in" the door opened and closed, I turned my head to see Mangle standing in her pajamas, obviously had snuck out past curfew "What are you doing up at this hour?" "I wanted to talk to you about something... something I'm afraid Ianthe might classify as bad, worse than a killen attack" I raised an eyebrow, interest creeping up my spine just to know more. "Of course, you can tell me but keep in mind that I may address any issue with Erik and him alone" "I trust him enough with that... it's about Gamer" okay, she has my complete attention now "What about the fallen angel?" "He... I think I'd better tell you what happened last week".

(Gamer's Pov)
I walked into the library, seeing Isra alone, head buried in newspapers "Hey Isra" "Hey" she answered back as I walked over to her "You're angry" "That easy to sense it?" "Only emotion you feel right now... I'm guessing you ran into Naomi?" I leaned on the desk, arms crossed "Yeah, snitched on me to Death and now he thinks I'm just paranoid and jealous of her" Isra laughed a bit. "So I'm the only one who believes you" "Yeah... what are you doing anyway?" "Looking at old newspapers from Hell, little hobby of mine... collecting tiny bits of history" I smiled a bit "That's actually pretty cool... and all these are from Hell?" "Yeah, most of them were made before I was born, dad and grandma loved collecting newspapers". "Guess that's you inherited from them" we both laughed a bit as I looked at the time. 9:20pm... "Group one should be done training now, gonna end up running in the bitch walking back-" "Naomi left the training early, Senka said she was vomiting-" Isra paused, looking at this one piece of newspaper.... I started to feel Isra's fear "What is it?" I asked as Isra's face filled with worry. "A newsletter from about thirty years ago... a prisoner from a Wing Prison, the day of their trail and sentence" "Okay and?" "Who does this look like to you?" I looked at the newspaper and my heart completely stopped. There was no way, but... if this was- that would mean... "Where was group one going?" "Back to their dorms, through the east building- Gamer!". I ran out of the room, down the corridors. I could have shadow-walked, but I have to save energy in case I have to fight the intruder.... fight a killen... all by myself.

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