Chapter 88- The New Truth

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(Death's Pov)
The Black Councilor ceremonial ball, also known as the Blacknight Ball. The Blacknight Ball is held within Hell's Palace ballroom. Throughout the night, overlords and their families, clan chiefs and any still living royal family members and old past Black Councilors personally meet the new Young Black Councilors. At the moment, me, my friends and the current Black Councilors waiting behind curtains at the top of the staircase leading down into the ballroom... I've already peaked behind the curtains and the whole fucking room is packed, I've never seen so many important demons and devils in one place. "Young Councilors, may I quickly have your attention" we looked down at a small grey skinned demon, one I knew the name of, Cyan. Cyan was holding a small clipboard in her hands "You'll be lined up in a specific order which you must not break, one by one, you'd be called then the older councilor of your wing" Cyan rushly explained "Once called, step out and walk down the stairs and off to the side, it's preferred that you stay by the stairs but stand off to the right by the your-right reeling". Cyan then started telling everyone the order they'd be going in, I'm apparently second last.

I looked over at Gamer, seeing him nervously fiddled with the ring on his finger "Shadow, over here" one of the guards said, pointing to his place in the line "No I-I can't, I can't-" "Hurry up" the guard grabbed Gamer and guided him over to the line as the first person was called "Young Black Councilor of the Flare Wing, sin of Sloth, Darkiplier". Dark out, pass the curtains and out of view, followed by Khorshid. A minute passed "Young Black Councilor of the Beast Wing, sin of Gluttony, Antisepticeye" Anti walked out of the curtains, followed by Renard Griffin, another minute passed "Young Black Councilor of the Phantom Wing, sin of Lust, Skyler Kummurro" Skyler hesitantly walked out followed by Flannery before another silent minute passed. "Young Black Councilor of the Thorn Wing, sin of Greed, Akire Shards" Akire walked out past the curtains, followed by Endzela... Gamer's next and he looked almost like a nervous reck. Out of the corner of my eye, Julieta whispered something to Rochelle, who then nodded her head in agreement of what the princess told her before Julieta walked over to the demon with the microphone. Rochelle then walked over to me "Change of plans, you'll be announced a second after the fallen, then join him and walk him down the stairs" Rochelle whispered, fixing the wrath pin on my vest. "You look at everyone with a stone cold face, but when you look at the fallen, you look at him as if he holds your heart" Rochelle looked at me in the eyes as her's glowed red "Understand that you are the one and only person I'd allow this for" I nodded my head once before she guided me to the line, the second before Gamer's name was called.

(Gamer's Pov)
"Young Black Councilor of the Eclipse Wing, sin of Envy, Gamer Shadow" I stepped out into the light at the top of the staircase, everyone staring at me and me alone... I can't- the fear and nervousness crept up my spine... I couldn't move. "Young Black Councilor of the Threat Wing, sin of Wrath, Death" wait, what? I'm not even down the stairs- out of the corner of my eye, Death was standing by my side, to the right. His face was cold and serious as he held my hand, he then looked at me... his expression softening as I turned my head towards him. He rested his forehead against mine, smiling softly while a small smile tugged at my lips "I'm right here" he softly whispered, standing straight once again and turning his head back to the crowd, his face turning cold just for them yet I still saw the kind side as I turned my head back to everyone below. I held his hand tightly as we walked down the stairs, he held my hand just as tightly, reassuring me that he's not leaving my side. Once at the bottom of the stairs we turned around to watch Councilor Rochelle and Councilor Shyama walk side by side down the staircase. The two of them walked over to us, both smiling as we turned our heads back up the stairs "Young Black Councilor of the Reaper Wing, sin of Pride and blood of Royal, Elizabeth Widow" Angel walked out and down the stairs as Issac got called "Blood of Royal?" Death silently questioned as I quickly let go of his hand "Maybe it's a mistake?" I suggested as Death shrugged his shoulders.

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