Chapter 24- Worries and Improvement [Part 1]

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..."Striking again, three teenagers had been abducted from Vermilion Avenue in Rieannie last night at about 11pm to 12am, so far only one of the three teenagers had been found, unfortunately dead at 5am this morning on Bridgeway Avenue outside Bridge's Motel by the motel's manager. The teenager found was Dane Kylo, a seventeen-year-old male healer angel. The teenagers still missing are sixteen-year-old Mavis Lam, a female fallen angel and sixteen-year-old Korbin Gale, a male Hulra torture demon" "Ṡ̷̯ō̵̥ ̷̜͛A̴͓̓dam, is there any information on how Dane Kylo died or are you not to reveal that information to the public yet?" "Uh yes, Dane has several cuts on his arms, legs and chest that are believed to have been made by angelsilver, but also a deep bite mark in the neck which we believe was the cause of death" "So any suspects so far?" "It seems like we're dealing with a rogue Ripper torture demon who's possibly turned cannibal" "Do you think this is the work of the hellish cult known as the Killens?" "At the moment, that possibility has been ruled out, but we are currently going through several lists of registered Ripper torture demons with a criminal record, but also Ripper demons known to be living currently in̸̹̏ ̶͓̾t̶̳́h̸̬̕e̸͍̿ ̶̄͜a̵̠͛r̸̤̽e̷͇͊å̵̲"....

(No One's Pov)
'This is bad' Jadarius thought, still faintly listening to the radio 'Eighteen victims in just two weeks and now they're pinning the blame on a rogue Ripper demon from my Wing'. The past two weeks people of different species, from angels and demons to monsters and humans, have been randomly going missing and only four have been found dead, killed the exact same why, today made five dead. Jadarius was forced by his cousin, Aristomache, to give mid realm police a complete registry of all Ripper demons and their current locations. What kind of confused the police however was the fact that Jadarius gave them another list in which contained Ripper demon names... yet had a note attached saying '100% non-cannibals', but their confusion faded after reading notes Jadarius provided them of why such list was given to them.

A tiny grey-skinned demon walked into the room with a clipboard in their hands "Any word from Kega-ketsueki clan?" "No sir, they're in the middle of a festival" Jadarius signed as the tiny demon bowed to Aristomache before leaving the room "What do you want Ari?" "Nothing, I came to check on you" Jadarius turned to his cousin with an annoyed look on his face. "Dealing with a stupid rogue demon case with mid realm police while also attempting to convince the chief of the Kega-ketsueki clan to attend the celebration- or should I say the day you finally tell those seven kids that-" "Alright I get it... you're pissed and in one of your moods right now, you don't need to aim your daggers at me" Jadarius huffed at Aristomache. "You're telling them because Erik and Lucifer pinned you into a corner you couldn't escape-" "I'm doing this because its nearly time for them to be told the secret-" "You mean the fucked up bullshit grandfather decided should happen" Jadarius snapped "We all had to silence the truth because he told you that you had to be the one to tell them once they all met, standing under one roof and seconds away from finding out the truth themselves!". "Jadarius-" "No Ari! One of the strongest torture demons in the Threat Wing was being taught to control his powers by me and then Satan decided to add onto his side of the secret- it's too fucked up!" Aristomache was shocked... Jadarius had always avoided using their grandfather's name unless it was necessary. "You better fucking tell those kids what they are before that night is over or I'm gonna fucking do it myself!".

(Death's Pov)
"Stupid classroom changes 'All of class 1A has to move to the school hall' my lord 'the teachers organised a special surprise'... special surprise my fucking ass" I mumbled as I walked down the crowded school corridor- "The hell?" I looked down at the girl that walked into me. Pale ivory skin, long golden brown hair that was somewhat pulled back into two low piggy tails and aqua-green eyes. She wore mostly white and pink... she looked like a tiny doll, either that or her height was throwing me off. "My god- that's Rosalind Sharman!" "She just switched schools-" "I heard she's been placed into class 1C" I looked around at everyone, fear on their faces "It's a fight for top dog-" "Between Death and Rosalind?! They'd kill each other or destroy the whole school" what the fuck? Why are they so scared of her, she's tiny and an angel for that matter. I smiled a bit at Rosalind "Sorry Rosalind, I didn't see you-" Rosalind punched me in the face than kicked me in the stomach "OW- What the fuck was that for?!" "You were in my way stupid mutt!" she growled, sticking her tongue out at me-wait... did she just call me- "I'm not a fucking dog, I'm-" "A shit excuse of a demon". Rosalind walked off "You fucking bitch!" Leo appeared by my side, grabbing my arm and dragging me down the corridor "Fucking asshole! Let go of me!" Leo rolled his eyes "Come back here you little shit!" "My god, you can't even walk through school without getting into a fucking fight". I kept struggling against Leo's grip on my arm "Let go- I can fucking walk myself" "Clearly you need a bloody leash-" "I'm not a fucking dog!" I ripped my arm out of Leo's grasp "You need to control your anger better" "You need to stop being an ass-" "If you're going to keep that promise to protect your 'best friend' from others and himself, you have to drop your fucking attitude and pay attention to more important things than a tiny girl angel".

We came to a dead stop "The people that are going missing" "Three new people Death, one killed just ten minutes from here-" "So what-" "They think it was a torture demon" I froze "More specifically, a Ripper" I looked at the ground, thoughts running through my head "All schools in this area have earlier curfews now, no one's allowed in or out of the school without a teacher escort-" "Let's just get to the hall". I started walking with him by my side, until we got to the hall. I saw Akire, Dark and Skyler sitting in a corner, Akire's eyes glowing as if having a vision or something, yet she closed her eyes and angrily punched the wall. We walked over to the small group in the corner "Hey Akire, you managed to talk to Lev?" I asked, but ended up getting a grim look from Akire "No... I can see him, but he can't see or hear me, I'm being blocked somehow" "Could be that killen leader" Leo suggested "That's the thing, we're hoping it's not John since if it was, he'd know that Lev betrayed the killens". In the corner of my eye, I noticed Erik and Lucifer constantly walking in and out of the school hall, coming in with these boxes and setting them down on the floor "What are they doing?" I asked Dark "The school got a huge delivery today, could be new pe or training equipment, or something else" the two teachers walked back out of the hall. "That's getting annoying- why didn't they just bring all the boxes in there on a trolley or carry more than one fucking box at a time?" "Maybe they're fragile? or they're trying to count how many there are to make sure none are missing?" Skyler suggested "Alright guys, gather around!"....

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