Chapter 18- Vonnora Woods

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My heart beated louder as I ran as fast as I could, a haunting lullaby being sung behind me "Little angel lost in Hell, heart for a demon made the angel fell" there's nowhere to hide, not a thing in sight "Fear inside and darkness within... warned love of a demon~" a clock chimed as shadows of the dead started to appear. "Run through the streets in the dead of night, darkness itself becomes your light" a few of the shadows attempted to grab or trip me to make it easier for the thing to catch me, but I just pushed through and kept running until I ended up at the edge of a cliff. Nothing but sharp rocks and water laid below. I turned around, being met with a pitch black shadow figure "While their love is dismembered alive..." their voice sounded exactly like mine, crazed glowing green eyes stared into my sky blue ones "Little angel is frozen in ice~". They pushed me off the cliff, falling towards the watery depths-

(No One's Pov)
Gamer jolted awake as the bus stopped. Erik and Lucifer had decided to take today's lesson off campus. Vonnora Woods, a forest which is also counted as EU property and those who are not student or teacher at the school are trespassers. Vonnora Woods is used as a somewhat controlled/uncontrolled training environment, mostly used to teach the students with element-based powers, but today it'll be use somewhat differently. The students got off the bus, followed by Lucifer and Erik "Today is 'Hide and Seek' training, just like the one you did on the camping trip" Erik announced, which was successfully followed by all the teenage signs and groans "Instead of me and Erik hunting you down, Gamer and Isra will be the seekers" everyone looked at Lucifer, confusion on all their faces "They'll be using their shadow walker powers to find you". A few minutes of Lucifer talking to the two shadow walkers and Erik explaining the rules to the others, it was time to start to training exercise. All the students lined up in a huge line at the entrance of the forest, Isra and Gamer stood several feet behind them. Three. Two.... one. "Run!" the students ran into the forest as fast as they could, Erik turned to the two shadow walkers, hand in the air as he looked at his watch. They were allowed one minute to run or hide, and soon that minute was nearly up. "Ready...." Isra and Gamer got ready to run, Isra's eyes glowed their unique pink while Gamer's burned bright green "Go-" the two of them bolted into the forest, leaving both teachers amazed "I forgot how fucking fast Shadow was" Erik laughed a bit. It was true, Gamer was fast due to his first year of Hell, thanks to Jackal making him have small races against another royal. The two shadow walkers still side by side until Isra used her shadow powers to snake up a tree and kick Wilford off one of the highest branches. Gamer kept running until he grabbed hold of a tree branch, swung off it onto Noah's shoulders and making the poor surprised angel fall to the ground "You're out" Gamer smirked before getting up and signalling to Isra to split up.

One by one, finding each one of their peers until only Skyler, Leo and Death were left. At this point, the two were getting tired, yet stayed somewhat split up. Skyler was bound to be further into the woods than Leo and Death since Skyler was the last one found on the camping trip. Gamer and Isra decided to have a small break from running, now walking together "Think we'll find Leo, Death and Sky?" "Not really, Sky's too quick and the other two, we'd have to bait them out" Gamer answered "You talk to Death yet about-" "Yeah, and I don't feel like talking about it now". Yeah... when Gamer got back and was avoiding Death, Isra caught on and talked to Gamer.... she knows the whole story now since Gamer trusts her enough. "Sorry, just thought... you know, conversation starter, but... its more of a conversation ender" "Yeah-" Gamer spotted something out of the corner of his eye- "Skyler!" he ran over to Skyler who laid on the ground unconscious. Isra ran over to them "What happened?" she asked as Gamer looked at Skyler, eyes growing wide as he looked at the grey hand print on her neck "Killens... DEATH! LEO!" Gamer yelled, no response. He stood up "DEATH! LEO!" still nothing "Her powers are drained, she'll be out for a while" Isra whispered looking up at Gamer "Gamer... what if there is actually a killen on the loose in Vonnora Woods?" Gamer looked at Isra then back at the rest of the woods "We're about to find out".

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