Chapter 69- Human Experience [Part 2]

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(Gamer's Pov)
"So... that's where your soul stone is?" I questioned Death "Yeah-" "How the fuck did it get welded onto a homecoming crown?" I asked in disbelief as we looked at the school's trophy case from a far "Like I'd fucking know" Death folded his arms as I glanced at him, then turning back to the trophy case. No doubt about it, it's a hundred percent Death's soul stone... I can feel it. "There's only one way that crown's getting out of that case without waiting for fucking homecoming-" "Break the glass and run for it" Death interrupted with a stupid suggestion, I punched him in the arm "No, stupid idea- that's how we draw attention to ourselves and get fucking caught". I signed as I tugged on the sleeve of my hoodie "And if you do that here and now, everyone in this corridor is just gonna think we're from a rival school or something trying to steal something meaningful-" "I can guarantee you that a plastic crown isn't anything meaningful" Death looked at me. "People only try getting stuff like that in order to make themselves feel 'special' or 'popular' for a bit and trust me, that feeling doesn't last long" I rolled my eyes at Death's words... there's seriously no point in arguing a simple point with him if it's about humans because in the end, he's the one who's actually lived a human life, not me. My phone buzzed, I pulled it out of my pocket... a message from Akire 'I need your help with something. NOW' I signed "One of the others needs my help- don't break into the trophy case until a come back" I turned to walk yet Death grabbed my shoulder "Wait-" I moved his hand off. "No, this is your problem" I started walking off "Game-" "Figure it out yourself". As I walked down the corridor, I felt this certain set of eyes watching me yet when I tried finding the person they belonged to... these corridors are just too crowded. I felt the unknown pair of eyes wonder, causing me to speed up, soon resulting in me running out of the building.

(No One's Pov)
Angel and Anti ran out of the fire exit, over to the fence and jumped it, running into the woods behind the school. The two ran for about ten minutes before coming to a complete stop, catching their breath "Why did we run-" Angel punched Anti's arm hard "Ow- the fuck was that fo-" Angel punched him in the face, giving him a bleeding lip. "Don't ever fucking lie like that again" she hissed, still out of breath from the running "Dude, it was to keep him from kicking us out-" "Come up with something else next time-" Angel froze, she could feel her blood getting hotter, finger tips becoming numb. "You feel that?" Anti asked as Angel slowly nodded her head "Is it the-" "Maybe..." Angel looked deeper into the woods "Come on" she lead the way, Anti following close behind.

Akire was still standing outside the old, and now closed, antique shop with Isra "He's not coming-" "He'll be here" Isra assured her "He'd be too busy helping someone else-" "I'm here!" Gamer yelled out, running over to the girls as Isra smirked a bit "Well what about that-" "Shut up" Akire hissed as Gamer made it over to them. "What did you need help with?" he asked, a little puffed... he had ran from the school to the other side of town "Okay, see that girl over there? Brunette, fair skin, kinda pretty?" "Yeah?" Gamer looked over at the girl Akire mentioned "She's wearing my soul stone around her neck, I need you to steal it". Gamer looked at Akire wide-eyed "Wait- you expect me to-" "I'm having a little problem with old habits..." by the sound of Akire's voice, Gamer could tell she was serious. He signed "Fine, shouldn't take long...." Gamer picked up a small flat stone before walking over to the girl. As soon as he was a step away from the girl, he tripped and bumped her as something fell and dropped into the drain of the footpath, immediately disappearing "My necklace!" she said, a bit shocked as the stoned necklace had been removed from her neck. "I'm so sorry" Gamer apologized yet the human girl just... brushed it off "It's fine, people can be clumsy... plus, that thing was old as fuck" she smiled, patting Gamer's shoulder "Be more careful next time" she then walked off while Gamer walked back over to his two friends. Akire looked absolutely pissed "Old as fuck?! I give her-" "Akire, calm down" Isra nudged her "I just lost my stone for good-" "Actually... you didn't" Gamer smirked a bit as he took the stoned necklace out of his pocket, both of the girls looking at him is disbelief. "W-what fell down the drain then?" Akire questioned "The rock I picked up" Gamer answered as Akire smirked "You did learn somethings from Isledale" "I'd be a shit shadow walker if I didn't- shit!" Gamer broke out in a run, back towards the school... he had completely forgotten about Death.

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