Chapter 37- A Warning?

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(Gamer's Pov)
"Okay guys, time is nine o'clock, the meeting has officially started" I announced from my seat, opening the committee notebook up to a new page as Angel stood up "So to start off, the board has decided to go ahead with this year's school dance as long as some changes are made" I was writing as she spoke. "We're not able to reuse last year's theme due risk of another killen attack, masks are out of the question so we'll have to think of a different theme" for nearly ten minutes, the whole room was throwing out suggestions of different themes... which soon turned into half an hour of me writing down and crossing out themes. It got to the point that even Angel looked like she was gonna stab herself with her pen just to change the subject "Let's just go with the 'Sun and Moon Royalty' theme" I suggested, everyone finally agreeing on the fucking theme. "So now safety, how we can guarantee no killen attacks, Angel" I gestured Angel to tell everyone a rough idea she came up with yesterday "This time we'll be selling tickets, students will bring them on the night as proof of them being students and names will be taken down on which students buy a ticket and not".
An hour later...
I walked out of the committee room, locking the door behind me before being pinned to the door by someone... I flinched so bad that I hit my arm and head on the door "Jesus christ emo, do I really make you that nervous?~" my body tensed up as I looked up at Death, devilish smirk on his face "Well maybe give me warning next time" I flicked Death in the head. "Hey-" "What? At least you didn't hit your arm and head on a fucking door" I glared at him while he grinned back at me "What about I pound you into the door instead?~" my face went completely red "U-uh... hey- look! Leo!".

(Death's Pov)
I turned my head to see Leo glued to his phone as he walked down the corridor towards us... Gamer shadow-walked to get away from me, yet I didn't stop smiling... I couldn't exactly stop smiling. Last night actually happened! "Hey Leo" "Hey-" Leo paused midsentence as he looked at me with a smirk "Well someone looks like they're on cloud nine" "Guess I feel like it" I rubbed the back of my neck as Leo crossed his arms "What-" "Spill, why are you so happy?". I bit my lip, unsure if I should tell Leo or not... yet my stupid bubbly-happy mood made it slip "I kissed Gamer on the ferris wheel yesterday". Now I regret a lot of things... including being a teenage-demon guy "You guys kissed, doesn't that mean that-" "Yeah, it does...." I felt so fucking nervous, I felt like Leo was gonna judge me but- "Well, guess I'm happy for you" Leo smiled... first completely honest smile I've ever seen him show. I smiled a bit "Thanks" we both heard mumbling near the end of the corridor, turning our heads to see Ianthe angrily hang up her phone as she walked towards us, locking eyes with me... I immediately knew she was gonna go off at me about that small fight I had with Loki.

"Death, just the demon I'm looking for, I need to have a talk with you... in my office, now" "Okay?" I waved Leo a small goodbye before Ianthe walked me to her office, she was dead silent the whole time. We got to the office, she closed the door behind us "Look, if this is about me threatening Loki from Coral Coast then-" "This isn't about that... but thank you for bring that up, I'll make sure Lucifer has a word with you when you start going back to his little 'counselling' sessions again" okay, a bit pissed off now "I just got off that-" "And now you're going back, you can thank yourself for it". Ianthe walked over to her desk "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked as Ianthe picked up a piece of black fabric, her hands glowed white. The glow soon turned green, a very familiar scent filling the air "That's-" "Yeah, it is... so now you know who is our topic, I guess you're wondering why-" "Just get to the point Ianthe" I folded my arms, waiting for the woman to finally tell me her shit. "Last year, when you gave Gamer your blood... what was going through your mind-" "I told you guys many times before, I wanted to save him even if it meant risking my own life- he was gonna die from poison or my blood so yeah, I went with option two" I snapped, I told her multiple times over and over again, so why the hell is she bringing this up again? "When you gave Gamer your blood, did you not think about what would possibly happen if he survived blood loss?" "What are you on about?" "Death, I heard about what happened with Sabina Mortea, Lucifer told me along with Gamer himself, that's when I noticed something a little... off about Gamer". The glow sparked red for a clear second, making me jump "What the hell was that?" I asked, panic slipping through my voice "That? That would be what's happening with Gamer right now" "What do you mean-" "I mean that your demon blood... your ripper blood had mixed with Gamer's, meaning-" "He's now mix-blood?" Ianthe nodded her head.

She placed the fabric down onto her desk "H-how? That can't be-" "Possible? No, it isn't... except for the fallen angel who's spent nearly fourteen years as a shadow walker" I was confused, I... I didn't want to believe any of it. "There is a possibility that the ripper blood could either poison and kill Gamer or turn him into something corrupted or far worse" that little 'happy-high' I had earlier.... yeah, it's completely gone now "Originally, your blood was injected into Gamer to replace the poisoned blood, but..." I could tell that Ianthe was trying to hold something back, as if debating in her head whether or not she should keep talking. "The blood is too unstable, even for Gamer who already has a weak immune system- I need you to keep a really close eye on Gamer, no matter what, stick by his side".

(No One's Pov)
"John, I'm not sure if this plan will work-" "It will, just trust me" "You know, it's hard to trust you when you say 'just trust me' " Cyprise folded her arms as she leaned against the wall. The two were in the command room, accompanied by Lev and Haruka "I just don't understand why you planned to do this in nine weeks" Haruka groaned "Because if we ago ahead with it right now, we're just gonna end up a repeat of what happened to Sabina" Lev snapped at Haruka, who just rolled her eyes. "How can you guarantee that your plan will work?" Haruka asked John... a little too rudely "Like I said, you have to trust me, with this plan we can guarantee that ripper demon stays out of the way and hopefully make retrieving the fallen a lot easier-" "You say that now, but those EU students get fucking overprotective of each other" Cyprise signed. John walked over to Lev and Haruka "As long as we have our little seer, everything will be fine" John placed his hand on Lev's shoulder- Lev immediately pulled his dagger out, threatening to stab John with it. The devil held his hands up, trying not to smile or laugh "Don't fucking touch me-" "LEVAN!" Cyprise grabbed Lev's arm, ripping the dagger out of his hand as she dragged him out of the room as John smirked. Cyprise closed the door a pushed Lev into a wall adjacent to the room he was just dragged out of "The hell is wrong with you? John did absolutely nothing yet you randomly started spitting venom at him like he's the one in the wrong". Lev let out a shaky breath, an attempt to control his temper as he looked at Cyprise "Unless... did John do something?" "No Cyprise, he didn't, I'm... just a bit pissed off today" "No shit sherlock, now do you think you can apologize to John-" Lev looked Cyprise dead in the eye, causing her to stop mid-sentence "Apologize to John Chevalier- I'd rather drop dead" Lev spat before storming off, down the corridor towards the medic wing.

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