Chapter 49- Troubles

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(Gamer's Pov)
I woke up to an empty room, no sign of my roommate in sight as I sat up, rubbing my eyes while turning off my alarm. I got up and got dressed in the usual white tee, blue ripped jeans, black-and-white sneakers and black hoodie. I grabbed a few books, shoving them into my bag before walking out of the room to a dead silent house "The hell?" it's never this quiet in here- my phone went off, I looked at it to see the depressing reminder of what today is, I shoved the phone into my bag as I walked down the hallway and out the front door. A few minutes later, I was walking through the school's corridors, hood pulled over my head, ignoring people left to right before walking into the 1A classroom "Happy Birthday!" I flinched a bit as everyone cheered and yelled. "U-uh..." I was too shocked "W-what is this-" "A small birthday party, for you" Mangle answered, smiling at me "I-I... thanks, but you all really shouldn't have-" "Come on emo, lighten up" Death nudged my arm, I looked at everyone before signing "Alright-" they all cheered. Spent about half the lesson listening to people wish me 'happy birthday' and asking me questions such as how old I'd be now... I avoided most of the questions, including the age one. Soon Ianthe came in, starting the lesson late, an english lesson which I was fine with until break came, followed by the free period... in which Death insisted I follow him, yet going the other direction, away from the library.

Death walked me over to 1C's student lounge to hang out with a few students and as soon as we walked through the door- "Happy Birthday!" Lali and Kitten yelled ...I'm never gonna get use to that. "Thanks guys" I smiled a bit as Prince gestured me and Death to sit down "So how old are ya today? Demon years that is" Prince asked "U-uh demon years? fourteen I think? but uh...." "What?" I looked at my covered right wrist "I fell into Hell when I was seventeen..." "Meaning you wish to go off by that age instead" Lali said as I nodded my head. "While, pretty sure most of the demons and angels here go off by 'dead age', I died sixteen" Lali explained a bit "Plus most people barely age when they're demons, devils or angels" Kitten continued. "Don't beat yourself Gamer, besides... me, Angel and Akire are heaps older than you" Death smiled a bit "Plus when we get our humans, we'll all be going off our 'ego age' " I looked at Death, a bit confused "Ego age?" "It's the number of years spent looking over a human... so it's basically the age of the human you're looking over" Death answered... it kind of made sense though.
Six Hours Later, 5:49PM
I sat on a chair outside on the veranda of the dorm house with Virus on my lap, watching the last of the setting sun burn out... early sunset today and of course it was immediately replaced by a full moon. My phone had been abandoned back in mine and Anti's room, it had been going off with several messages from a certain archangel... god, I really need to delete Michael's fucking number or at least block it... or maybe change my number, although I can't be bothered to do any of that. The front door opened and closed, I turned my head to see Death, Angel and Akire walking over to me "Hey guys" I smiled a bit as Virus crawled up my arm and into the hood of my hoodie... Angel held out a cupcake with black icing, it had a green candle already lit... I signed "Seriously, you guys know how much I hate-" "Your birthday, yeah, we know" Akire rolled her eyes. "Gamer, listen..." Death smiled a bit as Angel gave me the cupcake "A tiny tradition we're gonna start doing, just between the four of us" Angel gently smiled, I held the cupcake, looking at the flame "Come on, hurry up and make a wish" Akire folded her arms as I laughed a bit, soon blowing out the candle. "What you wish for?" "Akire, you know I can't say or it won't come true" I laughed a bit more "Every birthday, someone always says that- what's wrong with a little curiosity?" "What about curiosity lead by greed?" Death smirked "You're so lucky I'm not allowed to kick your ass-" "Akire" Angel laughed, causing us other three to laugh as well. Eventually the four of us went inside, I walked to my room, closing the door before collapsing face-first onto my bed, Virus bouncing out of my hood and onto one of my pillows. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and scrolling through messages, reading each one that Michael had sent me until I reached one of the latest messages saying 'Not texting for forgiveness, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday'.... I turned off my phone as someone knocked on the door.

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