Chapter 73- Heart and Stone

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(Angel's Pov)
"You sure we can't just tell Ianthe or Mid realm authorities about this-" "Again Mangle, no. Do you have any idea what they'd do if either of them know about this?" Dark said, folding his arms as Mangle looked down. We were all sitting in mine and Mangle's room- by 'we', I mean; me, Mangle, Dark, Gamer, Akire, Seraphina, Death, Skyler and Anti. Today's Friday, we've spent three days trying to come up with some sort of plan on how to get the starlings out of a killen base which according to Lev, Akire's 'killen-on-the-inside', is now heavily guarded by killens and a couple Grey Army soldiers... the newest and worst bit of news we've gotten so far. Anti and Death were sitting on the desk chairs. Mangle, Seraphina and Dark were sitting on Mangle's bed. Me, Skyler and Gamer sitting on my bed while Akire sat on the ground in the middle of the room, trying to 'reach' Lev again, but failing. "Dark's right, one little word to Mid police or Ianthe and they'll be keeping us 'locked-down' in our dorms while they go 'handle' it themselves" Seraphina stated "Asking for help from the 'protective' people never works, we need someone who we can trust and won't immediately try to keep us safe-" "In other words, we need Lucifer" Death said. Seriously, this teacher is starting to get a bad rep for himself with sneaking students in and out of campus "Anything yet, Akire?" I asked, looking down at her "Nothing" "You need a break or-" "I need to keep trying" Akire interrupted, closing her eyes once again as they glowed a light red. I signed, looking back at the others "So we get Lucifer involved then what? We don't even have a location-" "Darkbrooke near Dark Nation, old hospital" Akire said, opening her fully glowing eyes "Did you get to Lev-" "No, I saw signs, that's all" Akire answered, closing her eyes again. "Okay, well... now we need a plan" Gamer stated as I thought a bit, everyone looking at me. The room was dead silent for a minute until "So Angel, what's the plan?" Death asked "...we leave Sunday at 12:01am, for Darkbrooke".

(Lev's Pov)
I was in Naila's office again, this time alone with a killen guard standing on the otherside of the closed door. I sat on the floor in the middle of the room, small salt pentagram in front of me as I tried to concentrate. 'Reach for the stone, try to connect with it' that's what the book said, yet nothing was working whatsoever... I've been trying for three days, today being the forth... only tiny breaks before coming back in here to keep failing at what I'm expected to easily do by myself... I haven't been using my original powers for that long, I'm only experienced in being a seer, nothing else and hundred percent nothing to do with summoning crap. Why? Why did Grey Leader expect me to be able to do this so easily when it's actually so fucking hard just to even get the slightest clue what this stone looks or feels like.... I buried my head in my hands... why did I have to be such a failure? At this point, I'll never summon a soul stone- wait. I quickly looked back at the book, flicking through the pages... what if- I mean there's a very small possibility but still... it couldn't hurt to try. I turned to one specific page... this is it. I pulled out my dagger and pricked my finger with it, I winced a bit as it stung. I closed my eyes just as they started to glow a dark blue 'Please, I need you more then ever. I need you now so I can protect and help those I'm fighting for. I'm not a killen...' the book slammed shut as I fainted, hitting the ground as I heard the door open. "Someone get Chevalier! Romainov is down!" the killen guard yelled as everything blackened.

(Death's Pov)
I carefully walked down the school corridors, trying to be as quiet as I could... it's after school hours, at this time, students aren't supposed to be in the school unless they're with a teacher. I walked over to the music room, hearing a piano play... it sounded so beautiful. "I opened the door a bit to see Lucifer at the piano, back turned to me as he played, I smiled a bit... I hope one day I can play just as good as him- "Is there something you need, Death? or are we just enjoying the performance?" Lucifer smirked, turning his head to me as he stopped playing. "Can I say both?" Lucifer laughed a bit at my answer "Of course, nothing is stopping you" he motioned me to walk over, which I did. "So what can I do for you and your friends?" he asked "How did-" "Last time, Gamer was in here asking me to sneak you kids into Hell to talk to Aristomache, I assume this is going to be some sort of replay of that" Lucifer answered, leaning a bit against the old piano. "So what is it this time?" he asked, I signed "Akire 'talked' to that 'inside-killen' again and found out that the missing people that everyone assumed a ripper demon was behind were starlings who were kidnapped by Sabina Mortea before she posed as a Coral Coast student during the Boronia Shield Visit" I started, immediately gaining Lucifer's interest. "And now we know where the killen base is that's holding the starlings in the basement... so we need you to sneak us out of Rieannie to the base" I finished as Lucifer raised a brow "Where?" "Darkbrooke" Lucifer smirked "Five of you, and only five".
Ten Minutes Later...
"Only five of us can go?" Dark questioned "Lucifer said less is better, it'll be rather suspicious if suddenly one teacher, nine students and a school mini bus was missing and no one knew where they all went" I explained "Meanwhile five students and a teacher can fit into a car and be able to sort of stay 'invisible' for a longer amount of time" "Plus the school has cameras" Gamer pointed out. "So better to have Gamer to shadow-walk us to Lucifer's car" Angel pointed out "I'm going too" Seraphina said "Woah- no. This is a killen base next to the walls of Dark Nation-" "And it's my sister who's in that killen base" Seraphina snapped at Dark "I'm going". "Alright, so Gamer, Seraphina and I are going-" "Why are you going?" Akire interrupted me "Who asked Lucifer to give us a lift there and back?" I glared at her as she glared back "I'm coming too then-" "No you're not" Angel told Akire. "Why not?" "Because if you show up to the same killen base that Lev is also at, the killen leader and Grey Leader are gonna immediately know who the traitor was" Angel explained "Plus too many demons under 'target' of the cult going missing would raise suspicions more". Akire rolled her eyes "You're going though, aren't you?" "Of course I am, I made the plan" I leaned against the wall, letting out an annoyed sign "Me, Gamer, Seraphina and Angel are going-" "I'm going too" I looked over at Anti "What-" "No Anti, you can't" Angel interrupted me "And why not?" "Because they know you-" "Actually no" Anti snapped at Angel. "I'm nothing, they only know I'm a classmate, nothing else" Anti pointed out "Plus I'm a demon from the Beast Wing of Hell, without Akire's 'seer powers', you'd need a tracker who can find exactly where in the building the starlings are in" Anti explained his reason to come. I turned to Angel "Sorry Angel, he has a point, we need him" Angel angrily signed "Fine. Your fault if you end up dead though" "Fine by me".

(No One's Pov)
Lev woke up in the infirmary, laying on an old hospital bed. Lev sat up as someone in a chair next to the bed immediately stood up "Levan, stop" it was John "You need to rest" "I'll rest when I'm done the assignment" Lev went to get off the bed yet John stopped him "You did it" Lev looked at the devil, confused by what he said. "What?" "You did it" John took a beautiful jade stone out of his pocket and showed Lev "I... I did it?... I summoned a soul stone-" Lev stopped himself "No that's not..." "Levan? Something wrong?" Lev stared at the stone in John's hand... it's not a soul stone "Heart stone" John smiled a bit "What's wrong with a heart stone?" "It's like a more powerful version of a soul stone-" "And?". Lev looked up at John's eyes, seeing gentleness yet excitement within them "This just proves you're more powerful than anyone in this base, more powerful than me or the Grey Leader" John's gentle excitement was confusing Lev "Levan, please..." John held out the stone to Lev... Lev hesitantly took the stone out of the devil's hands. It glowed brightly, it's magical scent... the same as Lev's but much stronger. It felt warm in Lev's hand as he held it close to his heart, feeling like he had to protect it, but he also felt the stone's trust in him and... Lev moved away from John a bit, holding the stone tightly in his hand. "Grey Leader's already been informed about this" Lev looked at John "He'll visit again on Saturday, he wants to talk to you... alone" that sent a dark chill down Lev's spine "I'm not allowed to go with you, he said nothing else after that" Lev bit his tongue as he thought about his next words... should he? "John, I-I..." Lev could feel his fear rise up in his throat "I don't feel safe being alone with Grey Leader" "It's okay, Levan" John held the demon's free hand "You'll be fine-" "There's something off about him, John. Everything that he says and does-" Lev felt his throat go dry with worry "Can we... can we just stop being killens?" Lev asked.

John looked away from Lev "You know that's impossible-" "No it's not, just make the cult disappear" John clenched his jaw "I can't do that, not with the Grey Leader breathing down my neck-" "Then disappear with me" John froze up at Lev's words... how badly he wanted to believe those words. The worry and desperateness that mixed within each passing word "We could go somewhere in Mid that's away from all this chaos, we could have a new life, an actual second chance at life, please... min kjærlighet" Lev begged as John closed his eyes, the devil's heart stung with warmth. "I'm sorry, Levan... I just can't..." Lev looked down "Fine" Lev ripped his hand out of John's "Get out" his voice was quiet yet harsh, John looked at Lev "Lev-" "Get out, Chevalier" "This is my cult, my base-" "And this is my infirmary!" Lev snapped, John took a step back... remembering how many times he's told Lev he had the infirmary and he had the rest of the base every time they moved to different bases. How many times they've fought just because he forced Lev to join the cult at the very start. "... alright, I'll go" John said with a pained voice as he walked across the room and out the door. How he had longed to hear Lev ask for him and him alone... to run away with him... John wanted to say yes with all his heart yet he couldn't... he just couldn't.

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