Chapter 86- Welcome Home

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(No One's Pov)
Instead of having Lucifer drive the children to Hell, Ianthe suggested that Erik drove them back in one of the school's mini-buses. After going through Hell's gate, Death felt the familiar dark magic that haunted Hell, shooting through his veins. Death looked at his left hand, it slowly blackening to crimson red- he quickly shoved it into his pocket as the bus drove into Sreeburn. Shortly after, the vehicle drove past Hell's Palace and towards the very edge of the city, stopping in front of a small black-bricked castle in which they stared at in absolute awe. This castle was surrounded by the edging of a dark and undead forest, the leaves of the trees were pitch black and translucent to the point that the veins of the leaves looked as though they were really skeletal bones. The castle also had a black silvery metal bared fence surrounding it as well, its gate had opened itself for the bus to continue driving into the driveway, closing itself behind the bus as it passed. The bus stopped a meter or two away from the castle stairs leading to the front door, standing in front of the steps was seven people dressed in black with only a slight hint of their own signature color. The seven teens got off the bus, grabbing their bags as Erik got out and walked over to the seven adults by the stairs, the teens soon joining him, standing a bit of distance away from the unknown people.

"These people are the current Black Councilors of Hell" Erik stated as Death looked at each person, he already knew a few of them such as Rochelle, Shyama and Endzela yet the others he was unsure of. He could tell by looking at the man with the hood drawn over his face was Issac Murray, the Reaper Councilor, which rumors say no one has ever seen his face. Death looked at one of the tallest men who had dark green narrow eyes, very short dark red hair, warm sunkissed skin and piercings such as a silver stud on the left side of his nose and a silver ring in the middle of his lower lip as he wore black with slight hints of orange... meaning he was the councilor of the Flare Wing, therefore... Khorshid Ellis. The next unknown man had lovely dark skin and deep purple heavy-lidded eyes, naturally bold and muscular... thanks to the rumor of the Phantom Wing councilor's eyes, Death knew his name was Flannery Anderson. The last man was surely the Beast Wing councilor; goldened wolf-like eyes, long black hair with a few grey streaks, warm ivory skin covered in black clothing with hints of brown and grey wolf fur... Renard Griffin.

"Welcome children... to Enrith Castle" Endzela warmly smiled "For the next few weeks, you'll be staying here and learning a bit about each Black Councilor and the role you'll be inheriting in the future as Black Councilors" each of the teens looked back and forth between each other "Now if you follow us, we'll show you around your new home" Endzela turned towards the castle, motioning everyone to follow her up the stairs. One step through the front door into the castle... there was an old wooden staircase that lead up to the second and third floor, it had dark wooden floorboards which had a large seven-pointed star pentagram burnt into it in the center, the walls of each room either painted a dark pale color or had an old styled wallpaper. The teens were brought throughout the castle for a quick tour of rooms such as; kitchen, dinning room, bathrooms, living room, cellar and bedrooms, each teen being told which room is who. "Oh! you'll also inherit the 'Young Councilor' heirlooms during the ceremony then of course, during the rest of your stay, we'll be teaching you about them and how to use them" Shyama randomly brought up, confusing yet also gaining the teens' attention. "What?" Angel questioned, raising a brow "Shyama-" "Plus! you'll be allow to enter the seven temples of Hell" Shyama smiled, interrupting Issac "You'll learn all these ceremonies and rituals, and also the origins of Hell and-" "Shyama" Issac interrupted the councilor's rambling rather harshly as Rochelle turned to the kids "Sorry, Shyama can be a bit of a 'chatterbox' when she gets excited" Rochelle told them, no signs of emotion in her voice. "Our little tour is done anyway, you can freely go wherever in the castle except the 'older councilor' bedrooms" Rochelle stated "Best go to your own rooms first to unpack and settle in" Issac continued "Dinner is at six and all must be in bed by ten, rather big day tomorrow... you'll be getting your titles as Young Councilors and tomorrow will indeed be an extremely long day".

(Death's Pov)
I looked down at my left hand, it had gone back to normal about an hour or two ago... I had no idea why it went... you know, 'demon' on me just randomly. I signed before walking out of my room, closing the door behind myself. I walked down the hallway to Gamer's room, lightly knocking on the door "It's open" the fallen's voice called, I opened the door to see Gamer sitting on the bed with Anti and Dark "Hey, when did you guys get in here?" I asked the other two demons as Gamer gave me this very annoyed look. "They let themselves in, my door didn't exactly keep them out" I raised a brow, confused by what he meant until I looked at the door's lock "It's... broken? how?" "I don't know, somehow I got the only dodgy door lock" Gamer complained, falling back onto the bed as I laughed a bit. "Well that must suck" "Not for us" Dark smirked "Last time I knew, I never exactly invited any of you to a 'meeting' in my room" Gamer snapped, sitting up as I leaned on the door frame, that comment mostly aimed at Anti and Dark "What about Death-" "He actually knocked and waited for an answer unlike you two who just opened the door and letted yourselves in". I laughed a bit at the small argument as a tiny green-skinned demon appeared by my side "Excuse me Councilor Shadow, but I have your clothes for tomorrow's ceremony" the tiny demon beamed with the black clothes piled in her arms. Gamer got off the bed and walked over to us, kneeling down and smiling warmly at the tiny demon as he took the clothes off her "Thank you" he beamed, somehow making the demon absolutely speechless as she stared up at him in awe, she practically forced herself to rip her eyes off him in order to walk out the door and back down the hallway. Gamer stood up as I closed the door, everyone laughing a bit "Okay, 'Councilor Shadow'... I'm not gonna get use to that" Gamer laughed, placing the clothes on a set of draws as I leaned against the door "What about the way she just stared at you?" Dark questioned, Gamer shrugged his shoulders "I'm used to staring by now-" "Yeah, but a demon just looked at you as if you were a walking, breathing god" Anti pointed out. "Well you are talking to a fallen angel" I reminded him, gesturing to Gamer "Would make sense since out of us four, he's the one who's been the closest to the sun, moon and stars-" "Shut up" Gamer laughed at my words, along with the rest of us.

(Angel's Pov)
Me, Akire and Skyler were sitting on my bed talking "I still can't believe that this was the secret all along" Akire said "What? that we're actually several of the most powerful people in Hell?" I questioned "Yeah, that" Akire laughed a bit "It all makes sense now... why the royals pick to be so close to us, why they've kept such close eye on us" Skyler stated. "Well, the look on Aristomache's face... it seemed like there was more she wanted to say-" "Stop trying to add more into it, Angel. There's nothing else to it, we're just the next councilors of Hell, nothing else huge attached" Akire told me yet I still feel like there is something being kept from us. "Anyway, let's change the subject" Akire suggested "Angel..." I looked up at Akire "When are you gonna get with Anti?" "What type of question is that?!" I questioned... my reaction kind of failing me as Akire smirked at me and Skyler beamed at me "Oh come on, I see the way you look at him-" "I don't like him like that, Anti's only a friend" I snapped. "She's lying" Skyler whispered "Since when did this become a around of 'truth or dare'?" I questioned the two "Just be honest, Angel... you like him or not?" Akire asked "Stop pushing me in admitting shit" "Come on, I just want to know when you're gonna go out with him-" "The day you and Declan get together" I snapped back. Akire's face reddened a bit "W-what? what makes you think-" "You look at him like a wolf on a fullmoon" I smirked, seeing that I've finally cornered my friend "Plus, you wouldn't have it in you to ask him out, therefore me and Anti are never happening" I stated, folding my arms as Akire glared at me. "Maybe another topic change?" Skyler suggested

(No One's Pov)
The Black Councilors sat at the table in the dinning room, hearing muffled yet loud conversations the teens are having upstairs "I guess they've settled in" Flannery signed, smiling a bit "That good or bad?" "That's good, Khorshid" Endzela answered the Flare Wing Councilor before taking a sip of her tea. "I just hope they don't wake up as the walking dead in the morning, we've all got an early start to tomorrow" Renard stated, finishing off his cold black coffee "I just don't feel like dealing with last minute nervousness" Rochelle stated rather coldly, gaining the attention of her friends "What do you mean-" "She's talking about a certain demon upstairs" Shyama interrupted Flannery. "Fifty souls that the fallen loses it tomorrow-" "Khorshid" the mentioned devil flinched at his name as Rochelle glared at him "We have to fully support these children, they are our future successors afterall" Rochelle reminded them. "If we show any signs of doubt then all demons and devils will believe the doubt and see the kids as unworthy" she continued, each of the councilors either looking at each other or down at the table "So... like what our past mentors did for us, we must do for these children... for the best of Hell".

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