Chapter 42- Awaiting Disaster

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(Death's Pov)
I walked into the school hall, seeing students hang up decoration and set up tables and chairs. Along with the EU committee, the VS students who members of their schools' committee helped. I walked around, saying hi to a few people until running into Mercy "Gorman" "Death" she glared at me "What are you doing in here?" "I-" "Leave him alone Mercy" I turned my head to see Adelina carrying a box of balloons, Mercy huffed and walked away "Bloody pain in the ass as always" Adelina signed. "Anyway, feel like making yourself useful?" Adelina shook the box a bit as I laughed a bit "If that's what is keeping from throwing me out, then sure" I followed Adelina to a small group of vs students sitting on the stage "Vaiva, Senka and James, got ourselves another helper" James had sun kissed skin and blonde spiked hair, he would've been about my height. We exchanged hellos as me and Adelina sat down. Half an hour went by while we blew up several balloons as we talked "Hey Gamer!" Senka smiled as Gamer walked past us with some ribbon in his hands, he stopped and turned to us "Hey-" he smirked when he saw me sitting there, helping blow up balloons "Couldn't keep yourself from helping, could you?" I laughed a bit. "Well at least you're making yourself useful" Gamer smiled before starting to walk again while I immediately remembered what I originally came in here for "I'll be back in a few minutes" I told the group before getting up and walking after Gamer "Gamer" he turned his head "Yeah?" he gave the ribbon to a student. "Can I talk to you? In private?" "Seriously Death? Now-" "I could yell the whole conversation, loud enough for everyone in here to hear" I smirked as Gamer signed before walking to the boy's changerooms, motioning me to follow him.

(Angel's Pov)
"Hey Angel" Akire appeared by my side as I walked up to the stage "Hey Akire- shouldn't you be at sewing club?" "I'm taking a break, been working on my dress for the dance along with a few other people's who were willing to pay for a handmade one" Akire grinned to herself as I laughed a bit "A witchdoctor from Isledale and they're trusting you to make dresses right after they paid you?" "The whole sewing club's doing it... just me, Sky and Bonnie are making a bit more money out of it". Akire then attempted looking at the clipboard in my hand "Ooohhh! What's that?" I held the clipboard away from her, yet someone else grabbed it out of my hand and read it "List of things that still need to be done before the dance" Dark looked back at the to of us "Angel, if you and Gamer need help, you can just ask-" "We are getting help" I snatched the clipboard back. "Some of the vs students were kind enough to volunteer to help out, now each thing on this list is getting crossed off a bit faster" I looked around the school hall, seeing so much progress done "I for one can't wait to see how it looks on the night" Akire smiled "You're diffidently coming, right Angel?" "No-" "Why?" Akire asked, unimpressed with my answer "You and Gamer planned the whole thing, it seems right that you should be there". "Akire's right Angel" Dark backed Akire up "Also helps if you have a date-" "Well who are you taking?" I asked Akire "No one, I'm my own date" she smiled, I turned to Dark "M-me?" "Spit it out, who is it?" Dark was silent for a few seconds before mumbling "Seraphina-" "Holy shit!" Akire over-reacted.

"You are taking Seraphina Lights to the dance?" "Yeah, there a problem with that?" "No, I just... Seraphina Lights?" Akire kept questioning him as I cringed, looking over at the other side of the stage to see a vs student and Anti lift something up onto the stage "Angel, Mid realm needs ya down here, not on cloud nine" Dark tried to hide a laugh as hit him in the arm with the clipboard. "Hey Anti!" Akire yelled out across the room, Anti lifted his head "Yeah-" "You taking Angel to the dance tomorrow night?" both mine and Anti's reddened, feeling the whole room's eyes in us "Want to go to the dance with me Angel?" Anti asked nervously "S-sure..." I answered, people's eyes finally drifted off us, going back to their own business. "I swear to Satan I'm gonna kill you one day" I harshly whispered, glaring at Akire as she tried to control her laughing "At least you can't make up anymore excuses".

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