Chapter 45- Sunlight Aftermath

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(Death's Pov)
I woke up, head pounding and the taste of blood lingering in my mouth "So you're up" I looked to see Dark "The fuck happened?" I asked, sitting up, seeing that I was still in last night's clothes "Why does my head hurt so much?" I asked another question as Dark signed "Angel ended the dance early and Gamer took you back here... so really, you should be asking one of them what happened to you". I fucking hate it when he decides to be fucking cryptic "Fuck you-" I looked at my pillow, seeing tiny red stains "The hell?" I had no scratches or cuts so what the hell are these stains. Dark walked out of the room, saying he was gonna check on the others while I took a closer look at the stains on the pillow- it... it smells like Gamer... why would Gamer's scent or blood be- did he cut himself? or get in a fight with someone- I header a couple light knocks on my door.

(Gamer's Pov)
I woke up, seeing Anti passed out on his bed, he must've came back sometime last night. I sat up, looking down at my pillow to see blood stains from the bite mark on my neck. I quickly got dressed into some jeans, a t-shirt and my hoodie before walking out into the hallway, and over to Death and Dark's room, knocking on the door, Death opened it. "Hey um... you still drunk?" I asked nervously "No- is that why my head hurts?" "...someone spiked the drinks at the dance" "Wait, seriously?! Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid" I looked at the ground, biting my lip "Oh god, what did I do?" "Well-" we heard the door to Noah and Chase's room open as Alex walked out and stopped dead looking embarrassed. "H-hi Gamer, Death...." "Why were you in Chase and Noah's room?" Death asked "U-um... I-" "Alex what- oh...." Noah stopped mid-sentence as he locked eyes with me and Death, Noah was shirtless and only just zipping up his jeans "Hey....guys...." Noah looked a bit embarrassed, both of them did, looking like two angels who've just been caught. "I-I'm going back to my room" Alex quickly walked down the hall into his and Leo's room as Noah quickly closed the door. "Did they-" "I think they did" Death laughed a bit "So Gamer, what did I do last night?" "Uh... well-" "What's on your neck-" "U-um, I have to find Angel!" I quickly ran up stairs, covering my neck. I ran down the hall to Mangle and Angel's room, knocking on the door. Angel opened the door "Gamer-hey!" I rushed in the closed the door, turning to face Angel, seeing Mangle sitting on her bed with her head in her hands "What happened to her?" "Drank one of those spiked drinks" "Ya good there?" I asked Mangle, yet she just laid back down on her bed, covering herself with a blanket.

"Still haven't told me why you're in here" Angel folded her arms "Yeah, well..." I uncovered my neck, immediately seeing the look on Angel's face "How the hell-" "It was Death, after I brought him back last night-" "Tell me now, is that the only thing he did-" "Angel, calm down" she looked at the ground. "You know Death's better than that, even when it comes to me- this was purely an accident" I told her, she took a steady breath before looking back at me "You want me to help you cover it up-" "Please" Angel signed as she took a closer look at the bite mark "Fucking hell- he's gonna easily tell if you-" "Please Angel" "Fine, sit down on my bed".

(Leo's Pov)
Alex opened and closed the door, stopping dead as he saw me "H-hey Leo" "So where did you end up last night?" I asked "I-I ended up passing out in the changerooms at school-" "Oh cut the crap" Alex jumped a bit as I stood up "I could hear your bloody moans last night" "Excuse me?" "If you're gonna lie, make it a fucking good one, maybe that will also get to Hell". "Leo-" "We're angels, we don't sin whatsoever, just be fucking glad that I'm never gonna bring this up ever again" I pushed past Alex, walking out the door of our room; down the hallway and out the front door. I stood on the veranda, taking a deep breath and breathing out... regretting what I just did.

(Death's Pov)
I sat on my bed, door to the room wide open. Half an hour of being awake... I only remember bits and pieces of the dance- out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gamer walk past the door, hood over his head "Gamer!" I rushed over to the door as Gamer froze in the hallway, turning his head to face me "Yeah?". He walked over to me "Still haven't told me what I did last night-" "I think you don't want to know, you'd have to live with it-" "Stop stalling" I narrowed my eyes "I told you the truth of what you did when you were drunk and I wasn't, so tell me what happened" I folded my arms as Gamer started stuttering, trying to word whatever lies he was gonna spit out- what the... "Gamer". Gamer immediately froze up "Why.... is there makeup on your neck?" Gamer immediately covered his neck with the hood of his hoodie "Gamer-" "It's nothing". I grabbed a t-shirt that was hanging off the door knob as I grabbed Gamer's arm and pulled him close enough to quickly rub off the makeup, only to reveal small purple bruises and a painful looking bite mark- holy shit... no... Gamer must've seen the look on my face "Death, its okay-" "No it isn't! I did that, and to my best friend!" "It doesn't even hurt anymore, it only hurt for a few minutes-". I tried to step away from Gamer, but he ended up stepping forward, grabbing my hand and placing it on the bite mark on his neck, no sign of pain on his face "See, it doesn't hurt and I'm fine with it-" "It wouldn't be covered with makeup if you were fi-wait, where did you even get the makeup?". "...Angel and Mangle-" "They know?!" "They understand! They're not mad at you, only at the prick who spiked the drinks... seriously Death, all you did was bite me and I'm okay" I signed as I took a closer look at his neck. I could say now that the bruises were very bad and painful looking hickeys which were nearly a blackish-purple, also the bite mark looked like it went deep into his skin... guess that's why I woke up tasting blood.

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