Chapter 83- Fixed Stone

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(Gamer's Pov)
I walked out of the classroom a minute after the bell rang, last one out of the room. I put my earphones in and started to play music from my phone as I walked down the corridor, at one point seeing Death out of the corner of my eye, walking into the school councilor's office... I need to forget the world around me right now. I turned up the music, not caring if it resulted in me getting an ear-ache later, but... that... 'conversation' I had with Li last week about Death... why were they so... pushy and mad about me putting off some stupid deal I made with a friend? I turned my music down a bit... after the 'house meeting' we had last week, I haven't seen Li whatsoever... I hope I didn't piss them off that much, although a couple of days without a shadling following me around and making me look 'crazy' in front of other students would be good.

Lucifer walked past me yet I could faintly hear the shuffle of his feet coming to a stop "Ah, Gamer! just the shadow walker I wanted to see" I turned my head to Lucifer, seeing the archangel smile down at me as I paused my music and took an earphone out of an ear "Hey sir, I'm just heading to the den for stud-" "Right. Enough of that, come with me" Lucifer interrupted, starting to walk in the opposite direction of the den "Come on!" he called as I signed, following the teacher back down the corridor. A minute later, we walked into the music room "Uh Lucifer, I've stopped doing these lessons the end of last year-" "This isn't about that, the music lessons I mean" Lucifer gestured to one of the chairs as he closed the classroom door. I sat down in a chair as he walked over, grabbing a nearby chair and setting it down in front of me before sitting down in it "So... why am I here?" I asked "I've recently overheard that you've got some 'new power', mind control I believe" oh fuck... I thought only a few classmates knew about that. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna punish you for discovering such thing" "You're... not?" "Hell no" Lucifer assured me "I want to help teach you to control and use it" I raised a brow "You are gonna teach me 'mind control'?" I questioned, uncertain whether he was actually being serious "You really want me to prove that I can teach you?" Lucifer smirked as I rolled my eyes. "You're an archangel, never exactly heard of one being able to do that before" I said, folding my arms as I leaned back into the chair "Alright Gamer, tell me..." Lucifer leaned forward a bit, looking directly into my eyes "What is it that you desire?" I froze as I looked at him, seeing a small glint of reddish-orange glow in his dark eyes. "I-I... I want-ah" I held my head, hissing a bit in pain as I leaned over "Huh, that's... never happened before" Lucifer sounded unsure of what had happened... I swear, a shot of pain hit my head just as I was about to say... oh god... what the hell was I about to say?! I thought I didn't want anything anymore, but... apparently, there is still one thing.

"What was..." I looked up at Lucifer as he smirked "I've had people try and fight it before, but you... your eyes light up red and green like a christmas tree" Lucifer laughed a bit "That's no funny-" "Of course it isn't, but still" I glared at him "Your powers... the magic and blood that runs through your veins never seems to stop amazing me" Lucifer admitted. "You... you can make people tell you their desires, just like that" I said, sitting up straight as the pain in my head lessened "I can, a shame I didn't really get to hear what yours was" he sounded disappointed as if his fun had been ruined "To be honest, I didn't think I wanted anything else" I admitted as he raised a brow "What do you mean 'anything else'?". I signed "Before Hell, I wanted to be someone not a nothing, I wanted friends and family... and when I fell, I got that. Actual friends who cared about me, and I wasn't a nobody anymore" I started, looking down "I wanted to be useful, be able to protect those I care about... then I 'unlocked' my own demon powers" Lucifer leaned a bit forward in his chair, listening to every word. "I wanted out of my own personal hell... Death helped me escape Heaven, even if it meant falling... I don't regret that" I told him as he leaned back into his chair "That's why you weren't tortured in Hell... you didn't regret or feel guilty for anything" Lucifer stated, face softening a bit "You wished for nothing else, you were pure and innocent" I lowered my head a bit more. "You just keep surprising me" he said, a little impressed "You'd have to be the first archangel to ever say that to me" I laughed a bit "Well not all of them were born with my type of understanding" Lucifer smiled a bit "So will you let me teach you how to use and control that power of yours?" he asked "If you're still offering... sure".

(No One's Pov)
Aristomache walked into the Eclipse Temple, walking towards the alter where Shyama and Rochelle stood, it felt weirdly like deja vu "How'd it go?" Aristomache asked "Well... we took a chip from the clear quartz god stone and melted it down, poured it into the cracks of the soul stone and waited for it to mold and heal" Shyama started "Which took about a week, but it's now finally fixed". Aristomache looked at the green stone, picking it up for a closer look "Looks like it's completely new" the queen commented "That's a benefit of god stone for ya, I'm actually surprised that it healed and bonded with the original stone so well" Rochelle said as Aristomache placed the stone back down on the alter ritual table. "Okay... why do I feel like you've got some bad news to go with it?" Aristomache asked the two demons, both looking at each other "Well, with the soul stone taking the god stone so well... the fallen's now more likely to unlock further powers such as 'God Mode'... like Angel recently has" Rochelle warned "Once the soul stone's given back to him... this is the first time a soul stone's been successfully fused with liquified god stone". Aristomache kept her eyes on the stone "Then it's a good thing I'll be returning it to him myself" Aristomache picked the stone up, carefully holding it in her hand "It'll be best if I explain the repairs made to him" "Of course..." Aristomache looked at Rochelle "There something on your mind, Rochelle?" the queen asked "Well I...". Rochelle closed her eyes, taking a shaky breath "Shouldn't we tell Death the truth about his soul stone?" Rochelle questioned, looking up at the queen who's face turned cold "No" "But-" "The seven will be told the truth about themselves soon, along with the extra thing of 'surprises' I have to add to my list... we can't go spitting out all these 'secrets' all together". Aristomache looked up at the stain-glass mural of her ancestor "We don't want to break the demons' minds" "But Arist-" "That is all" Aristomache walked towards the exit of the temple as Rochelle glared at the queen's back "We'll see about that" Rochelle muttered to herself.

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