Chapter 61- Late Afternoon Toxic Thoughts

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(Angel's Pov)
I walked down stairs with Akire and Skyler, meeting the four boys at the bottom "You guys as well?" "Unfortunately, yes" Dark answered my question "This is starting to become a bad habit" Gamer groaned, folding his arms "Yeah, us getting called to Ianthe's office over and over again" Death added "You think there's a school record for that? Cuz I think by now, we've easily beaten it". I rolled my eyes, motioning the others to follow "Let's go see what the old crow wants-" "Think it'd be better to describe Ianthe more of a dead dove than a crow" Anti joked, I held back a laugh... really, it was a stupid joke, one that shouldn't earn even a pity laugh. Of course right after school is done for the day and we step one foot into our dorms, the seven of us get called into Ianthe's office for the millionth time in the one and three quarter years we've been at Ego University. A few minutes later, we walked into Ianthe's office expecting the worse as always when either of us are in here- actually, I think this is the first time Skyler's ever been in Ianthe's office. Ianthe sat at her desk as usual "Death, can you please close the door, I don't want anyone to hear this conversation" Death rolled his eyes at Ianthe's request yet closed the door anyways... best to given which seven students Ianthe had just gathered into her office. Ianthe gestured to seven black envelopes on her desk, each addressed to one of us... each one of us hesitantly picked up an envelope. Once again, as if last year was on repeat... the back the envelope, on each envelope, had a different wax seal of which wing each person was from, mine was dark purple wax with the Reaper Wing mark.... these are from the royal family. She didn't have to tell us to open them. We each opened our envelope, being met with a pitch black invitation with gold lettering, never really stating what it was an invitation for, just to be at the palace on twentieth of November.

"I'm confused... what's it for?" Skyler asked Ianthe "I don't know" Ianthe's answer sounded a little forced... again, with-holding information like always. "Isn't this on like the eighth week of term four?" Akire asked, Dark nodding his head to quietly answer Akire's question "I'm not going to something that I have no idea what it's about" Death started, earning the room's eyes, now all on him. "Last year at the anniversary ball, Michael annoyed the hell out of Mangle and Gamer, then had a stupid talk with me" Death complained while Gamer looked at him with a worried look. "Like I said before going, it was most likely a trap and it was" he folded his arms. "Please consider going" Ianthe signed "Because either way, you have to go to this event-" "Then why aren't we getting told what it is?" Anti harshly asked "Aristomache will tell you... soon".

(Gamer's Pov)
Ten minutes later, we were in mine and Anti's dorm, joined by Mangle and Leo, discussing this situation we were in. " 'Aristomache will tell you'- like the woman who's been ghosting us most of the year is gonna say single fucking word to us now" Angel started "Maybe this event is the reason she hasn't talked to us or at least you-" "Yeah, because everything is about the queen of Hell" Angel interrupted Skyler... jez that girl is pissed. "Actually, this year and last year has recently been about you guys" Leo hinted "And the tiniest bit being anyone in this house who gets involved with you-" "Like it's our fault all this shit has been happening to everyone" Anti snapped at the angel "It was a suggestion-" "Like how Mid realm authorities have been suggesting for nearly five months now, that a ripper demon was behind all those disappearances and now all ripper demons can't go anywhere-" "I don't want to get involved with this!" Death snapped at Anti. "You were just complaining about getting an invite to an un-named event-" "Doesn't mean I want an invitation to the stupid argument between you and Rohit-" "I am RIGHT HERE!" I signed as the three started to argue, yet at the same time my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled out my phone, seeing a text from an unknown number 'Hey sweetheart' I raised a brow, confused... the fuck? I texted back 'I'm sorry, who is this?' 'Well that's a bit hurtful compared to that nightout back in Hell' ...don't tell me I gave my phone number to a random during that drunken night out the first night of Welcome Home week. I remember the night, honestly I do, the whole night but... it doesn't cross out the possibility of giving a random my number while tipsy. 'Please, who is this?' I sent, immediately getting a message back 'Ares' my heart immediately sank... how? How did he- when did he get my number?!

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