Chapter 29- The Want for Escape

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(Leo's Pov)
You never realize how boring school is until you have absolutely have nothing to do. Seriously! All lessons for classes 1A, 1B and 1C are on hold- have you ever tried to convince a teacher to give you work? I have! To the point I was almost begging to Ianthe.... I was that bored, alright! There's absolutely nothing to do, almost everyone is doing other crap, the other schools are training with Erik and Lucifer. So yeah, I've been walking around the school over and over again for the past hour, bored as hell- I stopped as my head turned to the left to look at what I saw from the corner of my eye... Death, walking towards the other end of the corridor, back to me. So... I ran up to him "Death-" "Leave me alone Rohit" Death continued walking down the corridor, yet I didn't give up. I sped up, now walking by Death's side "Piss off-" "How was your day so far?" he came to a dead stop, looking at me weirdly "What?" "How is your day going?" I repeated the question again "What are you doing?" Death asked, narrowing his eyes "Attempting to have a decent conversation with you, although I could drop your ass and spit insults at you instead" he signed, starting to walk again, but letting me walk by his side. "So?" "What?" he glanced at me from the corner of his eye "You didn't answer my question" "I told you no-" "I meant how your day was going" I smirked as he bit his tongue, clearly not going to answer my question "Heard that you're going to try out for the football team-" "And?" "I'd like to wish you luck, both me and Dark are on the team already" Death pulled some sort of face. Silence remained for a few seconds before "What's the purpose of having sport teams?" I looked at Death "Most of the people on the team, I've never seen leave school for a game and I've never heard anything about any matches happening-" "That's because first years get too distracted during their first year of EU" I answered, hinting to Death why this term was the first time he's been told about all this.

"I guess... I've been distracted a lot last year-" "And this year as well" I nudged his arm, he laughed a bit "Okay, yeah... I just have a lot of things on my mind at the moment-" Death's phone went off. He looked at it, smile dropping a bit "Who is it?" I asked "Just... an old friend" he quickly typed something and sent it before shoving the phone back into his pocket. "Well... I'm still offering you that conversation" Death glared at me as I smiled at him "Fuck off" "Your choice, but I'm always here if you need someone to talk to" I walked off down the corridor and turned the corner, almost walking into Gamer. "Sorry-" "Relax Shadow, it's alright" I assured him "Wait, aren't you suppose to be with Angel and the Coral Coast students?" "I had to get a break from them" Gamer groaned "I can feel Mercy's dagger-like staring, Naomi won't shut up and this brunet guy kept looking at me weirdly, but I have a strong feeling his one of Mercy's 'friends' or something-" "So you're escaping the situation?" I smirked as Gamer signed. "Escaping it to go talk to someone... you seen Death today?" "Yeah, down the hall... why- what do you want to talk to him about?" I asked, concern crawling its way onto my face "A question about something back in Hell... it's private-" "Alright, I'll keep my nose out of it" I moved out of his way, then patted his shoulder "Good luck with that" I then walked off, starting another slow walk around the school. Not to clear boredom, more to keep myself from worrying about what was about to happen between the fallen and demon.

(Death's Pov)
I was standing in the corridor, looking at the ground as I thought about Leo's words- "Death" my head snapped up to look at Gamer "Hey, why aren't you with the Coral Coast students?" "Needed a break... hey, can we talk about something... in private?" "Sure?" I hesitantly agreed, soon following Gamer into an empty classroom, shutting the door behind me. "Okay, is this about the awkward agreement we made last term or-" "No, a hundred percent not about that at all" well, that's one less thing to worry about "I didn't snap at Leo again about-" "Not that either- nothing about EU or our classmates or that stupid deal we made" I crossed my arms "I wouldn't call it stupid" "Sorry, I-" "That actually hurt a bit since it was an idea you had part in-" "Okay, sorry...". He stood there, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie as he leaned against the wall while I leaned on the door "So... what do you want to talk about?" "Uh I-I..." he mumbled the rest of the sentence, I was only able to hear one word... 'past'. My face hardened, anger sort of raising up "What did you say?" I asked, indicating that I was in the mood for mumbling, Gamer took a deep shaky breath. "I want to know about your past-" "No" I coldly answered "Why?" "Gamer-" "You know everyone else's past, everyone who's suppose to be your friend" I looked over at Gamer, frustration, anger and annoyance showing on his face. "You know the darkest secrets about your friends, secrets they trusted you with, but you don't trust them enough to tell them anything-" "Don't" I warned, but like he ever listens. "Don't you trust anyone-" "Gamer" second warning I gave him, yet regrettably answered his own question... I didn't want that question answered or even asked by the one person it'll hurt the most... which it did. "You don't trust me" "Gamer... I do trust you-" "Then why don't I know anything about your past? Or anything before you met me and Angel-" I punched the wall behind Gamer, right next to his head... a horrible way to silence him, at least long enough to explain a simple thing I want him to get into his head.

"Listen to me" my voice was low and harsh, eyes closed as I tried to keep the anger in "I trust you with my own life, in fact... I'd only ever let one person kill me and that would be you" my knuckles hurt a lot, pain seeping through my arm "I don't tell people my past as a demon or human because it's that bad, worse than almost everyone's history- I hated my life that much that I didn't want to deal with it anymore... a reason why I changed my name to how it is now". I opened my eyes, keeping them to the ground, not wanting to look Gamer "If I tell someone how horrible my life was before meeting you, Angel and Akire... it's something I don't want to get pity for" Gamer remained completely silent "When I finally tell someone, I don't want it to change how they see, think or feel about me- I don't want people going fucking soft and pathetic just because I had a bad human life and afterlife". I looked at him in the eyes, seeing mostly worry on his face "Trust me now Gamer, you do not want to know my past".

(No One's Pov)
"Miss Attar-" Naila hit Lev in the back of the head, stopping him mid-sentence "How many times do I have to say it? Call me by my first name" "Sorry... Naila" Lev looked back down at the book he was reading "Well?" Lev looked back up at her confused, resulting in her rolling her eyes "You're a fucking mooncalf... what were you going to ask me?" "Uh u-um...". Lev stuttered a bit "W-why didn't John just kill me the f-first month of me being a killen....?" "To him, you weren't a killen at all. You were too valuable, still are now, he wants to protect you and keep you for himself" Naila half-assed her answer "People like you are very hard to find, I'd think he'd have feelings for you, a reason why he hasn't bothered trying to get Annadite or your daughter out of Hell's Palace". Lev looked back at the book "Was... was it his idea to have you talk to me or is it really you babysitting me to keep me from 'betraying' him again?" "Actually no, I proposed the idea of teaching you your witchdoctor powers, John agreed with me and decided that I should be the one to teach you" this kind of confused Lev. "It's important that a demon knows basic control and use over any power they possess, meaning you must also have a strong grasp on your witchdoctor side before Grey Leader decides you're a waste of personal time, I've seen it before" Naila handed Lev another book before placing a hand under his chin and making him look up at her. "The stronger you are, the more valuable you become" Naila let go of Lev's face and walked over to the other side of the room, over to her desk "Why does it matter so much if I'm strong or not?" Lev asked, standing up, placing the book down "I'm just a normal witchdoctor demon who's also a seer, there's nothing special about me-" "Yes there is" Naila snapped, making Lev immediately shut up.

"Only me, John and the Grey Leader see great value in you staying alive and on our side" Naila placed a hand on a book sitting on her desk "John has feelings for you, Grey Leader sees you as a weapon and I see you as something that should be in the hands of the Royal family and Black Council" now that got Lev thinking about something. "You think I should be with the Royal family and Black Council? Why?" "Because you are very special and a person like you shouldn't be with the killen cult... or in the hands of the Grey Leader"......

Ego University [Season 2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon