Chapter 72- Stones and Stars

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(No One's Pov)
Lev walked into the high commander's room, closing the door behind himself as Naila stood up from behind her desk "Ready?" she asked, Lev nodded his head, walking over to the middle of the room and sitting down cross-legged on the floor, resting his hands on his lap as he closed his eyes ...blood, it was old, left from a chaotic massacre that took place years ago-... Lev's eyes snapped open. Naila paced around the room "Try again" she told him as he bit his tongue. Lev closed his eyes again ...a room, that's where he was, more of a corridor, standing in front of a door. Behind it was crying, begging... prayers for someone to help whoever laid beyond the door-... Lev's eyes opened as an invisible force pushed him back a few feet. Lev felt how he did before; he was finding it hard to breath, throat bone dry, eyes stinging a bit "Again-" "Someone keeps pushing me out, I can't" Lev snapped at Naila, trying to control his breathing as Naila walked over to him and kneeled down. "Your seer powers aren't limited to future, you can also see past and now... present" Naila caressed Lev's cheek "You are strong enough to over come that force pushing you out, so when they try to again... you will push through" Naila let go of the demon's face and stood up, walking back over to her desk. "You need to try again" Naila sat down on her desk as Lev closed his eyes, taking a steady yet somewhat shaky breath ...the corridor, standing in front of the door. Lev went to grab the doorknob yet he felt the invisible force again, trying to push him out. Lev clenched his teeth as he grabbed the doorknob, turning it and pulling open the door to be met with a group of people... they've been missing from Mid for far too long, being held captive by the Grey Army... they all had crystal-gemstone-like eyes. They all looked up at Lev with fear, worry and relief in their eyes-... Lev slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Naila. "Well?" she folded her arms "...I need to warn the students".

(Akire's Pov)
I walked into mine and Seraphina's room, looking for one of my text books... school starts back up today and a missing textbook is the last thing I need right now. I was going through the pile of books by my bed- "Akire Shards-" I flinched, turning around and pegging the closest book at the person in the room yet it went straight through them- wait "Lev?" I raised a brow as I looked at him "In the flesh, well sort of- hey!" I threw another book at him. "About fucking time you showed up! What took you so fucking long?!" I yelled, thankfully I'm the only one in the house at the moment "I- there's no enough time to answer that and tell you- fuck..." Lev held his head "Akire, what I'm about to tell you stays between you and your friends".

(Death's Pov)
Back in class and of course the first period, we're listening to Erik go on about the types of ways angels and demons can lessen an enemy's powers and strengthen their own "Of course you all now have your soul stones in which will help you control your powers more" I looked down at my right hand, a ring on my middle finger. Akire got Seraphina to weld my soul stone onto the ring, I only agreed to it as one, it'd be useful instead of worrying about losing it in my pocket or bag and two, a distraction for Seraphina to keep her mind off the fact that her little sister was kidnapped by the killens. I looked over at Gamer, hood pulled over his head.... he's in one of his moods again. After coming back from the Human Realm, Rochelle took a look at his soul stone and discovered a crack, one caused by that stupid human that... threw it to the ground... Rochelle took Gamer's soul stone to Hell so Aristomache and Black Councilor Shyama could fix it. Gamer's been a bit out of it, really. "But there are many other stones such as heart stones, god stones, ancestral stones-" "What about Light and Dark stones?" Mangle asked, holding her hand up as Erik looked at her, confusion on his face, as if she wasn't supposed to know about that "As rare and powerful as they are, they are completely dangerous" Erik answered. "Only one Light stone and one Dark stone has ever existed, rumored that only the purest angel of life can hold the Light stone and the purest demon of death can hold the Dark stone without being infected" Erik stated, gaining the childish attention of all his students. "The Light stone brings light to all and heals its own creations yet if not the angel of life, the stone would send you into painful coma" Erik drew up a rough sketch of the stone on the chalkboard "The Dark stone embraces the darkness within the world and chaos' beauty yet if not the demon of death, the stone corrupts and infects the holder, turning them into a much darker version of themselves" Erik drew the dark stone.

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