Chapter 14- Heat Wave Part 2

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(No One's Pov)
Death and Gamer were the first to run out of their rooms and outside, seeing a bright blue glow illuminate behind one of the school buildings. They were soon joined by the rest of their class and the other ego classes. All students stood in their pajamas and looking over at the school while the fire alarms went off. One of the teachers pushed through, yelling out a few names including Asherah's, telling them to follow him to the school "Why-" "They need someone to put out the fire so he's taking over students with water based powers" Gamer interrupted Death "Makes sense when you put it like that- wait, are you still blushing?" Death smirked as Gamer immediately turned his face away. "How did you two get out here so fast?" Angel asked walking over to her two friends "Uh-" "Both of us couldn't sleep because of the heat so we were texting each other to pass the time" Death kind of told the truth "And the alarms were that loud- since when did you own pink shorts?" Death asked, Angel looked down at her shorts then back up at Death "Mine were in the wash so I borrowed one of Mangle's" "Sure you did" Death laughed a bit. Another teacher walked to the front of the crowd "Everyone is back to their dorms! If I see someone still here or not in bed, they'll automatically get cleaning duty-" "What if they already have cleaning duty?" Death asked "It'll be doubled like yours for being a smart ass"... good time to mention that Death's three-week cleaning duty was pushed an extra two weeks on the first day back due to accidentally breaking some lights in the classroom. This was now week five, last week of cleaning duty and close to having the punishment extended again. "Let's go back to the dorm house" Death muttered under his breath, hate in his eyes as he walked back to the dorm house with a few others.

Next Day
A small group from 1A decided to go get a few things from the student lounge before walking over to the fields for PE, that group was Leo, Isra and Nilima. The three walked down yet another hallway- "Fucking pathetic thing aren't you?" the girls looked over to see a tall black-haired guy picking on a first year from one of the business classes "Ryan- please leave me alone-" "Can't even stand up for yourself let alone get into the ego classes, pathetic meek unsuccessful piece of shit-" "Leave him alone" Isra got Ryan's attention "Or what? Shadow-walk me to death?" Ryan laughed. There was absolute anger in Isra's eyes "People always pick on the quiet ones or the shadow walkers because we're small, sweet and harmless- but sometimes we have really bad days, so we're no longer small, quiet, sweet... and we're most certainly not harmless" Isra hissed, eyes glowing dark pink as black smoke pinned Ryan's wrists to the wall. He started freaking out, panicking as blood dripped down from his ears "Isra-" "Not until he apologizes-" Nilima grabbed Isra's shoulder's "He's learned his lesson now stop it before one of the teachers see" Isra stayed silent for half a minute before blinking once and walking off with Nilima. Leo turned his head towards Ryan, seeing him now on the ground on the verge of crying "You alright-" "I can hear- that fucking bitch is crazy!" Ryan got up and ran off to class while Leo stood there confused.

(Leo's Pov)
Once I made it to the fields, I walked over to Gamer "Still got no assignment?" Gamer shook his head "You?" "No" "So another two periods of watching everyone else" "Yeah, guess so" I placed my bag down and sat next to Gamer "Leo! Why are you late?" Erik asked as he walked over "Shouldn't matter if I'm late or not" "It does-" "When you give me an assignment then it does" Erik gave up, walking off. "Actual reason why you're late?" "Remind me to never piss off Isra" Gamer raised an eyebrow "That bad?" I looked over at Isra who was sitting on the edge of the field listening to music with her eyes closed "Let's find out" "Wait, Leo-" "Too late" I got up and walked over to Isra. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, gesturing me to sit with her. I sat down on the grass as she took out the earphones "Hey, what's up?" she asked "May I ask you a personal question?" Isra nodded her head "While Ryan was talking to you and you lashed out... how did you-" "Use my powers like that?" Isra finished my sentence as I nodded my head. "I was born as a shadow walker in Hell, there's many different cults in Hell and my family was a part of one... I had a baptism, but instead of holy water, it was a small crown made of angel silver and the person who 'blessed' me was an overlord who had this amazing power" Isra smiled a bit before looking at the ground. "I was born deaf, so I had to learn sign language and read lips... my mother always told me that we may be a specific type of demon, but each demon had their own special power that very few had and when I turned ten, I came into my powers but also... I could hear, because of the special power that was passed onto me by the overlord who blessed me at my baptism" I tried my best to keep up with the story and understand it "What is your power?".

Isra looked up at me "Along with the shadow walking and shadow powers... I can also control a person's hearing- I can make them deaf for as long as I want, I can make them hear whatever I want them to hear... when I got my hearing and was learning how to talk, I couldn't always get my emotions out so I made people hear different emotion-related music so they could understand how I felt" okay, that's actually a very cool power and it suits her very well. "Could... could you show me?" I hesitantly asked, she was reluctant at first but soon signed. Isra placed her hand by my ear as her eyes glowed their unique dark pink, then all I could hear was this sweet and calming music, nothing else. I smiled a bit, along with Isra as I held the hand she had near my ear. In the corner of my eye I could see Lucifer walking over to us, causing Isra to completely flinch, moving her hand away as the music faded "You two look like you're having fun, mind telling me why?" Lucifer asked "I asked Isra to show me her power- which is very cool and-" "Alright romeo, I was just asking, but Isra, your ability to manipulate a person's hearing can lead to different possible abilities connected to it, stronger abilities... Erik wants you to practice long-distance hearing manipulation and Leo is gonna be good friend and volunteer to be the target" Lucifer patted my shoulder before walking off towards Dark, Wilford and Nilima. "And you're stuck with me... sorry" "Its fine, I need something to do anyway" I shrugged my shoulders.....

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