Chapter 12- Talking to One-Side

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(No One's Pov)
Class 1A were back on the fields practicing their powers... Death however was still having trouble with his new one. Suppose to be able to glitch from one place to another, but he was having a bit of trouble with it "Its easy Death-" "No its not Gamer!" Death yelled back at his friend who was sitting in the stands "You're lucky that you don't have to do this crap" "Ianthe's sorting something out for me, but what you're suppose to do is fucking simple" Death rolled his eyes, bring his attention back to the task at hand. 'Just picture yourself somewhere other than where you're standing'... the worse advise Erik's given him at the start of the lesson and Death's been standing here for about half an hour. "You're overthinking it-" "My fucking god- I will come over there and beat your ass to the ground if you don't shut up!" Death snapped "Oh really?" Gamer smirked "You piece of sh-" "Come on cyborg, prove you're not useless metal and skin" Death glitched, appearing in front of Gamer, pinning him to the stands. Death's face was filled with anger, so pissed off that he could rip the shadow walker into pieces- "Your welcome" Gamer smirked, folding his arms and smirking as Death looked at him confused until he noticed that he finally did it "How did-" "You were overthinking it shit head" "Gamer's right Death, don't put much thought into something as simple as glitching, or something that's like shadow walking" Lucifer said as he walked pass the stands and the two demons. "And I'd appreciate it if you weren't so close to the innocent" Lucifer flicked his wrist, Death then flew backwards, down a few steps of the stands "The fuck?" Death stood up, looking at Gamer who just shrugged his shoulders....

(Angel's Pov)
I had to meet up with a teacher about the school committee so Erik and Lucifer let me skip class for the short meeting. I walked out of a classroom that the meeting was in and let out a sign... the bloody teacher wants me or Gamer to become school committee president since the old one graduated last year and apparently no one's gonna step up to take the role, and the teacher think's we're the most responsible and mature ones on the committee. I started walking down the corridor, bag hanging off a shoulder- my vision started going a bit blurry as I got to the stairs of the third floor, the feeling of weight on my chest until something pushed me and as I braced myself for the fall down the flight of stairs... a bright flash of purple light and the feeling of being pulled forward. I had to close my eyes as the flash was too bright, and when I opened them... I was no longer at EU, but in a huge dirt clearing. There was ash and burnt wood everywhere, and in the middle of the clearing was a campfire "Last month this old 1800s town was burnt to the ground due to drunk teenagers lighting illegal fireworks in celebration of graduating from their high school, a celebration that was put off for a month or two and now this is the after math" I heard a girl explain as one of her friends walked around with an old looking camera, filming her "Want to tell the camera why we've chosen to be here Dawn?" the cameraman suggested while there three other friends joined them, I carefully took a few steps forward, keeping some distance between me and the other group. "Adam-.... there was rumours that 1820, a young teen girl died right were this fire is" "How did she die?" "Nailed to the cross by the men of the town and then had her own heart cut out by the priest" my eyes widened with worry "My god- why would they do that?!" one of the two guys asked "Well Isaac, story goes that she became very sick after her sixteenth birthday, a month later a woman cured her but it left a pentagram on her right hand" I looked down at my hand were the pentagram tattoo was then back at the group "Everyone in the town except her father believed that she was touched by a demon, they killed her father in front of her, the last person of her family, then proceeded to torture her, one guy even raped her.... By her seventeenth birthday, she gave birth to a girl, then later died that very night" "That poor girl" yeah... poor girl "What was her name?" "Elizabeth Widow". I watched the other girl of the group put down the bag she was carrying and pull out- you've got to be fucking me.... an oujia board. "And tonight we're gonna attempt talking to her or other spirits who've died here" I signed, rolling my eyes as the teens setted up.

After a few minutes, they sat in a circle around the oujia board... they each put a finger on the planchette "Is there anyone here?" Isaac asked, I don't even know if I could- I'll try... I carefully sat down in-between Mary and Simon, placed a finger on the planchette and to my surprise, managed to move it to yes "Is that one of you guys?" Adam asked as his friends shook their heads "Is the spirit box on?" "Yeah, it is". They stayed silent for a few seconds before "Is Elizabeth Widow here with us?" I moved the planchette away then back to yes "Are you in pain?" I moved the planchette to no "How is she not in pain? I thought-" "Elizabeth, are you trapped?" I moved it away and back to no. "Dawn, are you alright?" I looked up at Dawn, she was staring right at me "Dawn, what's wrong-" "Is there a different name you want us to call you?" Dawn asked, I moved the planchette five times "Angel... is that your name now?" I looked back up at Dawn, making direct eye contact with her... I slowly moved the planchette to yes. "Well it's a nice name, makes me feel a bit better-" "Mary, Simon... I don't want to freak you out but she's sitting between you two" Dawn whispered "Seriously? Why-" "You being a medium still creeps me out" a medium? I looked at the ground, then back at Dawn "Can you hear and see me?" she nodded her head as the spirit box picked up a couple of my words.

"Can you describe what she looks like?" Mary asked "Pale, dark blue eyes... dark purple hair and kind of dressed like us?" her friends started questioning if I was actually lying about who I was or not "Okay you guys try keeping your original appearance after dying" I spat, the spirit box repeating what I said in the same tone, causing the teenagers to jump. "She's pissed-" "Oh no shit Sherlock" they whispered amongst each other for a minute until Adam spoke "Angel, does Heaven exist?" I immediately moved the planchette to yes, they all signed in relief "But also Hell" the spirit box took my words, causing them to go wide eyed "A-Angel? Are you a good spirit?" the planchette moved to no "Are you a bad spirit?" planchette stayed on no "If she's not good or bad... I don't get it" "What if she's not a spirit? I mean she's told us that she doesn't haunt this place, she's not in pain, told us Heaven and Hell exist-" "Angel, are you an angel?" I didn't bother moving the planchette from no. "Are you a demon?" "Don't ask that!" Simon went off at Isaac while I slowly and regrettably moved the planchette to yes, then one of them moved it to goodbye. Everything went black, I blinked a few times before noticing that I was now laying at the bottom of the stairs on the first floor. I sat up as two older ego students rushed over to me, I was looking around... confused about what just happened "My god- are you alright?!" one of the guys asked, getting down on his knees and quickly checking me over, the only thing I saw different from him and the other guy was his light blue and brown clothes "Patton, calm down" the other guy dressed in dark blue and black "I-I'm fine-" "Nonsense, for all we know you could now be suffering from brain injury, internal bleeding, broken bones-" "Logan, you're scaring her-" "She's a demon Patton, she seems completely uninterested in the possible injuries she could have after falling down a flight of stairs". The kind of argued a bit before I stood up "See, completely fine" I said, picking up my bag and throwing it onto my back "Okay, but be more careful next time kid-" "You did it again" "I can't help it Logan-" "You need to stop calling other students 'kid', yesterday you called Virgil your 'strange dark son'-" "At least I didn't say son or daughter this time-" "I'm just gonna go" I said awkwardly, pointing down the hall before running off, leaving the two alone to argue.....

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