Chapter 31- Enemies And Rivals

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"Just a few weeks ago, prisoner fourteen of the Threat Wing Prison, Sabina Mortea, had escaped. She had killed five guards and a reapriest during her escape. All other prisoners of all Wing Prisons have been accounted for. The royal family and Black Council refuse to give press or the public any information on the current situation, but many questions stay unanswered"...

(Angel's Pov)
"Sorry Anti, I can't" I wrote a few things down onto a piece of paper before giving it to another member of the school committee "Come on, a few of us are gonna head over to the mall with a teacher to get ice cream-" "Sorry, but I've got a lot of things to do and it's already week four of the second term". I looked at the calendar hanging up on the classroom wall "Can't you just split the list of things to be done with the other president-" "Already did and Gamer's at the same point on the list as me, and we still have to decide when to hold the meeting about the school dance-" "The committee's doing that again?" Anti asked, worry and concern sewn through his voice. "What about last year-" "Not going to happen again, like a murderous cult would try that the second time without Annadite..." I looked at the ground "...still no word from Aristomache?" "No, it's as if their too busy to even answer a call or text back" Anti folded his arms "Maybe they are? I mean the announcement on the radio today about Sabina Mortea escaping the Threat Wing Prison, the whole palace is on lock down". I tapped the pen on the desk, trying to remember the prisoner... Jackal had taught me to memorize all the prisoners in the Wing Prisons due to a possibility of Satan making me a reapriestess, which thankfully never happened but it didn't mean the lessons had gone to waste. "Sabina Mortea, ripper demon who is also a follower of the killen cult and retired Grey Army soldier" Anti looked at me in disbelief "How did you-" "Thank Jackal, he thought it'd be helpful if I knew most of the prisoners underneath the palace, just lucky that Mortea was one of those prisoners". Anti smiled at me "And I here I thought septiceye was the lucky one" both our heads snapped to the door, seeing Loki leaning on the door frame "Seeing as though he is the one who gets to be spoiled by your beauty".

"Not you again" I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose "Who are you-" "Name's Loki, Slit Knot... or should I say Slit Throat" and now Loki's pissed Anti off by mentioning his death "The fuck did you know my death?" "It's called observation and investigation... and a human realm newspaper from 1949 of a irish drunk who slit his own throat in front of a large group of people because he was deep into debt". That's... Anti killed himself? When I asked him about his death months ago, he just said 'slit throat'... why did I immediately assume he was murdered? And he was in debt at the time... meaning he was most likely scared that whoever he owed money to. I looked at Anti, his fists balled up as he looked the ground, clenching his teeth as he held back his anger. I stood up, glaring at Loki "What? Gonna kill me with your looks?" Loki laughed as I walked towards him "Or maybe your boyfriend will-" I punched him in the throat then floored him. "Apologize" I hissed as Loki tried to get his breath back, but he shook his head. I bent down, summoning a dagger and pricking my finger with it. I got rid of the dagger and grabbed Loki's wrist "Apologize to Anti now or else" "Or else what? You're gonna paint a pretty picture with your blood-" a small droplet of my blood hit his wrist, burning him "FUCK! OKAY! OKAY! I'm sorry!" I let go of Loki "Now get out of my classroom-" Loki immediately got up and ran out while I signed and turned back to Anti. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, catching him off-guard "A-Angel-" "I'm sorry... for everything that happened to you..... human life and demon life..." I felt Anti's arms wrap around me, hugging me back. It remained silent for a couple of minutes until- "What if I stayed here and help you knock off most of the things on that list for the committee?" Anti suggested "You're not a member of-" "Does it really matter if I'm on the committee or not?" Anti asked while I stayed quiet "I'm offering you help, take it" Anti laughed. "I guess... it doesn't really matter if you're a member or not, honestly we need help" I laughed a bit.

(Gamer's Pov)
Me and Akire were walking out of the library, then I heard her voice... turning my head to see Naomi yet again, talking to Death. "Seriously? Her again?" "What's wrong with Naomi?" Akire asked before I looked at her, nodding my head at the person Naomi was talking to. "A Ripper demon? Aren't those like really rare-" "Yeah, but numbers are slowly going back up after Hayes Creak Hospital was shut down" Death smiled back, starting huge conversation with her about something else. Akire smirked "Oh, I get it now" "Finally-" "You're jealous" "I'm not jealous!" Akire gave me a look that said otherwise, I looked back over at Death and Naomi, Naomi was holding onto Death's arm, smiling at him. "Alright, so you're not jealous that Death might have moved on from crushing on you to possibly finding a girl who's not bugged by his presence?" I glared at Akire "Okay, you're not jealous" she held her hands up "But seriously, what's your problem with her?" I crossed my arms, looking back at the two demons "Something seems very off about her". "How so?" Akire asked "It's... really just a feeling" "Better be a fucking strong one" I looked at Akire confused "What do you mean?" Akire just smiled at me "Any angel knows not to go pointing fingers at people unless absolutely needed... you use to be with the guards, right?" "Yeah?" "Then possibility that you're right or just jealous is seventy thirty-" "Gamer!" Loki wrapped an arm around my shoulders, smiling brightly at me. "Excuse you, we were talking-" "I need to talk to you about something" Loki said while dragging me off, down many corridors until the two of us were alone, standing in an empty hallway.

(No One's Pov)
"Now your red-haired friend is getting awfully close to my mate Naomi-" "You should tell her to stop drooling all over him- he's obviously not interested in her-" "I know, I can see it too" Loki assured Gamer "Really-" Loki slammed Gamer into the wall "I know exactly who he's interested in" a devilish smirk crawled onto his face as he held the fallen against the wall by the shoulders. Loki's eyes glowed red as he looked Gamer in the eyes "Y-you're a torture demon, j-just like Death-" "I'm exactly like Death, I'm a ripper demon~". Loki leaned down to Gamer's neck, the fallen could feel the demon's cold breath on his skin "You reek of him too, can barely smell shadow walker, but..." Loki looked Gamer in the eyes once again "Still irresistible innocent~" without warning, Loki kissed the fallen. Gamer stood there wide-eyed 'It feels wrong, completely wrong! I don't like it- stop! Please stop!' he scrunched his eyes closed "mhp!". Gamer finally pushed Loki away, wiping his mouth "That fuck is wrong with you-" "Get back here" Loki hissed, trying to pull Gamer close to him again, but ended up freezing as Gamer's eyes burned bright green "Never play mind games with a fallen angel who's been through worse shit" Loki started choking as if he was drowning "Nothing to say now?~" Gamer grinned a bit as Loki struggled to breathe. "Why is it always a fucking demon that can't keep their fucking eyes, hands and mouths to themselves?" Gamer muttered to himself, arms turning black before- "Gamer!" Mangle grabbed Gamer's hand, eyes shining bright like the sun. Gamer became light-headed as Loki got control over his body again "Thank you-" "You should be ashamed of yourself! You're here to represent Coral Coast High... I feel sorry for whatever human has you as their ego".

(Death's Pov)
I was in mine and Dark's room, sitting on my bed, fidgeting as I waited and eventually there was a knock on the door "It's open" Leo walked into the room, closing the door behind himself "Got your text, but I never gave you my number-" "I got it from Dark's phone" Leo raised an eyebrow "Okay....?". A minute passed before he walked over and sat down next to me on my bed, waiting for me to say something yet immediately gave up waiting. "So... why did you want to meet up?" Leo asked as I looked at the ground "Death?" I signed as the next set of words that came out of my mouth surprised and caught Leo off guard "A few weeks ago, you said that I had to talk to someone about all this crap I keep getting myself and other people into, so I think... now I need that talk".....

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