Chapter 80- Their Little Game

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(Gamer's Pov)
People cheering loudly, crowding the stands and the field as two school teams ran across the field with a football, while cheerleaders danced and cheered, encouraging the crowd in the stands to cheer louder. I was sitting in the stands with some of my classmates, unfortunately watching the game playout while having my arms crossed and looking as though I had practically been dragged out of bed for this, I had Isra sitting to my left and Alex sitting to my right. Today is the football game between EU and Bear Mountain High School, one of the schools that was here for the school visit two terms ago... so sitting right behind me right now was Senka and a couple of her friends from Bear Mountain. I bet as soon as you heard 'football', you were thinking about 'American football' played back in the human realm... well, this isn't that type of football... this is ruby league football, think of Australia's 'NRL' back in the human realm. No real protection or padding for the players either, just socks, boots and the team's jersey and shorts, except a few players wearing tape, braces or head gear. Why am I here watching a game I've got no interest in? My friends are playing for EU, that being Leo, Dark, Noah, Roman... and Death. This would be the first time I see them play... although it's already near the end of the season and yeah, that sounds like I'm a bad friend but I've been busy with all this killen crap on top of being a co-president of the school committee. Anyway, back to present time.

About thirty minutes left of the second half of the game, the points are about seventeen all and it's Bear Mountain's ball, they've been tackled four times now, two more tackles and it's EU's ball. One second they were all in a line across the field, the next second, the ball was gone, being passed back down the line, soon stopping at the end with one guy trying to out-run most of the EU team... that was until Death ran at him and stopped him... Death's shoulder slammed into the bottom of the guy's ribcage, wrapped his arms around him and lifted... tackling the guy to the ground. Death got up as Noah ran over and patted him on the back with a smile "I hate these games" Angel droned, light bags under her eyes "Why? You get to support and cheer for your friends and school" Senka said "I just don't like sports... or anything that encourages the use of 'cheerleaders' " Angel nodded her head to the EU cheerleaders below. "Wait- Lali's a cheerleader?" I looked down at the girls as Alex raised a brow "You didn't know-" "First time at one of these games" I reminded him "Still, having cheerleaders just encourages some people to believe they're better than everyone else and that they're 'popular', to the point that they start going after the poor guys on the football team" Angel said with a little harsh tone. "Well Noah's taken" Alex stated, folding his arms "That won't stop them" Angel told the angel as the referee called 'fifth and final', meaning Bear Mountain needed to get rid of the ball and that would be kicking ball so it can get close to the back line before other team's ball. One of the players on the BM kicked the ball down the field, Dark catching it and running to about halfway across the field before passing it to Liam.

"Hey guys" Lali smiled, sitting down next to Alex while still in her blue and grey cheerleader uniform "Enjoying the game?" she asked "Two of us are bored" Angel answered, watching the game unfold tiredly as Lali turned to Alex "Emo and goth not sports fans I'm guessing" "Not really" Alex answered as I turned back to the game, spotting Death again on the field. "So Gamer, you staying behind after the game?" Lali asked with a smirk, I looked over at her as I raised a brow "Why would I?" I questioned "Cuz of you-know-who" she winked as I immediately caught on to what she was hinting "No-" "It wouldn't hurt anyone" Alex- no... since when is he on Lali's side?! "...fine, no stupid business though".
30 Minutes Later
The game had ended with the scores adding to 26 to 25, EU surprisingly won due to a penalty kick after Dark got 'high tackled' to the ground, in these football games you have to tackle someone from the lower chest down. By now, nearly everyone watching had left... while Lali and Alex dragged me down the stands and over to the EU team and a few of the cheerleaders that had stayed. "Hey guys, great game" Lali smiled "Thanks" Noah smiled back as he gave Alex a hug "Why did I have to get hit in the fucking head?" Dark groaned, holding an icepack close to his jaw "Well thanks to your 'fucking head' we won the game" Death laughed a bit. "I'm with Death on this won" "You always are" Dark glared at Lali yet tried to hold back a smile of his own "Good game guys" Liam, the team captain, smiled as he patted Dark's back "Thinking of heading over to Crystal's Beach with the other team, teachers are treating us to ice cream" Liam told us before walking off. The team and extras started walking off as Death turned his head, finally seeing me "Hey- you came" "You sound surprised" I folded my arms as I looked up at him "I just... didn't take you for a sports fan" "Thank Alex and Senka, they dragged me and Angel along to watch...". A few seconds of silence passed over us... god, why do I feel so awkward right now? "Sorry- I'm dead tired, I've got nothing to talk about" Death laughed a bit "Me neither" ...this would have to be the first time in forever that neither of us know what to say "Well... do you want to um..." Death stumbled over his words, the tiniest bit of nervousness mixed within them. "You want to head to Crystal's Beach? Hangout with the team?" Death suggested, sort of catching me off-guard "Sorry... what?" "Walk to Crystal's Beach... just the two of us, then join up with the others-" "Death" Death stopped midsentence as I closed my eyes "Stop..." "Game-" "Are you listening to yourself?" I asked, opening my eyes, keeping my head to the ground.

"I-I..." Death couldn't find any words "Why would you ask me that?" he stayed silent "Why would you want to be alone with me?" I asked another question, this time he answered "You know why-" "No Death, I don't" I looked up at him "You know what I want-" "No I don't" I snapped "All I know is that about this time last year, you told me that you loved me". "It was the truth-" "We were in the middle of an argument Death, right before you said those words" there wasn't any signs of anger in his eyes at all, something that was always present during arguments was completely gone "...what do you want me to say then?" he quietly asked, unlike himself at all. "I don't know, can we just... put the deal off for a bit" I asked, looking back at the ground "Can I ask why?" "Look, I know I agreed to the stupid deal but- I can't... I can't do it- any of this..." I felt as though I was gonna cry but... I bit the inside of my cheek. "Alright... I understand..." I looked up at Death, he smiled a bit "Just promise that we're still at least friends" "Of course" I assured him "Right, well... see ya later" Death smiled, walking off towards the school hall as I walked the other way, back towards the dorm block... it's for the best.

(Death's Pov)
I walked into the changerooms, it was empty, all the lights turned off. I walked over to my locker, falling to the ground... I leaned against the locker, head in my hands. My chest hurt so much, my throat felt like it was on fire as my eyes burned... that anger I've bottled up, feeling as though it was gonna explode. I've messed up... I mess everything up, I always do. I balled up my left hand and slammed it into the locker next to me, leaving a dint in the locker door. I'm nothing, worth nothing, deserve nothing as always... god knows I only deserve hell and torture. He deserves better, he's always deserved more... I looked at my hands. I'm a monster, a killer, nothing special.... I'm just a demon.

(Lev's Pov)
I carefully placed the last of the bottled medical supplies in a box and taped it closed... we're moving bases, again. All personal stationed here will be transported tomorrow at first light to the new base. According to John, we've stayed at this one too long, longer than he'd normally like. Usually we'd stay at one base for a couple of weeks to a month then move on... we've been at this one for nearly a whole year. "Inessa" the little red-eyed demon turned her head to me "Yes sir?" "Help me carry these boxes to the loading bay" Inessa nodded her head, carefully picking up one of the lighter boxes as I grabbed on of the heavy ones. The two of us slowly made our way down the corridors to the loading bay where several black vehicles were parked, killens loading supplies and files into them. We walked over to a vehicle with a paper sign taped on the window reading '8', placing the boxes down behind it "Levan" John called, walking over to them as I motioned Inessa to go carry another box from the infirmary. John soon stopped by the vehicle "I thought I told you to take it easy" "That's why Inessa's helping" I told him, folding my arms "You know you don't have to worry about me, I'm completely fine" I assured him "I can't help it, I nearly lost you-" "But you didn't". I looked around the loading bay "The Killen leader should be worrying about his cult, not the guy who nearly got himself killed" I told him as he signed "Just... promise me you'll take it easy" "If that's what it takes to get you off my back, then sure, I promise to take it easy". "Sir" John turned to a killen walking over to him "Yes?" "Which vehicle are the Darkbrooke files travelling in?" the killen asked "That'll be twelve- I'll show you, need to double check all files are there anyway" John smiled at me before walking off with the killen while I leaned against vehicle eight. I looked down at my left hand, seeing the silver ring on my ring-finger. I noticed its presence about twenty minutes after waking up in the infirmary last week. I have no idea where it came from, if I had 'summoned' it during that sleep or someone had put it there... but if it is the second... I've got a pretty descent idea who gave me the ring.

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