Chapter 68- Human Experience

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(Death's Pov)
I opened my eyes, waking up from my lucid dream I wish to not go back to. I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes- wait... what the- I glanced at the empty vile on my nightstand, the red liquid completely gone. I felt around the right side of my face... it's gone, the metal plating and... I quickly got out of bed, changing into a pair of jeans, red t-shirt and a jacket before walking out of mine and Dark's room. I looked down at my right hand... it's completely normal- no signs of metal insight. I walked down the hallway, into the bathroom and over to the sink... I stared at the sink as I let out a shaky breath, gripping the sink before looking up at the mirror. I looked at my reflection... no robotic eye or hand, no metal plate on my neck, no red hair, just... blackish-brown hair, umber-brown eyes and warm ivory skin... it was like looking into the past. The bathroom door hesitantly opened, a head peaking in "Hey Death- holy shit!" I turned my head towards Dark as he looked at me in disbelief... his own appearance hadn't changed much, just healthier looking skin and his black eyes having a bit of a brown tint to them. "Not gonna get use to that-" "Yeah, well hopefully I'm not like this for long" I looked back at the mirror, looking at my reflection in somewhat disgust "Guys!" Anti ran up behind Dark "Leo looks completely different!". Anti ran off as me and Dark looked at each other before walking out of the bathroom, down the hallway into the living room to find the other guys and Leo, sitting on the couch. His hair was no longer white but an light ashy brown and his eyes were now a reddish brown. Leo had an unamused look on his face as a few of the guys laughed at him... that was before they saw me... their jaws dropped. "Holy crap...." Noah muttered under his breath as I rolled my eyes "How don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Wilford loudly asked, I shot him a glare as Gamer walked into the room, hood of his hoodie pulled over his face "Hey" he said quietly "Hey, what's with the hood?" I asked, resulting in him pulling it over his face more.

I smirked a bit, making eye contact with a few of the other guys as I leaned down to Gamer's ear "Gamer~" he tensed up "Can you take the hood off-" Gamer placed his hand on a shadow on the wall before realizing that he can't shadow walk. "Shit" he muttered under his breath, I went to grab his arm yet he completely dodged me before bolting to the other side of the room. "Come on, let me see-" "No! Stay away from me" Gamer kept running away from me, hood over his face. I wasn't the only one trying to get him though, you had a couple of the other guys try to catch him, but it was no use until I jumped over the couch and tackled him to the ground, sitting on his stomach. "Death! Get off-" I yanked the hood off, seeing his face and immediately smirked... his skin was now a healthier pale, eyes were a brighter blue and there was no trace of black eyeshadow around his eyes. "My god, you look adorable" I laughed, earning a laugh from the others.... I stopped laugh however, noticing something off. I looked back down at Gamer, he's... staring at me, as if he'd seen a ghost "You alright?" I asked, the question somewhat snapping him out of the weird trance he was in "Y-yeah" we all heard the front door of the dorm house open and close, a few seconds later, Lucifer walked into the room. I quickly got off Gamer and helped him up to his feet "Well don't just stand there, you've got an assignment to do, come on" we rushed outside, finding Erik parking the bus by the dorm block while the girls walked out behind us. Most of the girls; Amethyst, Serphina, Mangle, Nilima, Asherah and Akire, didn't have much change to them, only; Mangle's eye no longer being a bright gold-yellow but now light brown and Akire's mis-matched one purple, one green eyes now being a beautiful emerald green along with there being no sign of tiny glass shards sticking out of her arms.

The girls who had the most change to their appearance was Angel, Bonnie, Skyler and Isra. Isra's purplish-white hair was replaced with a very light blonde which almost seemed white and her unique dark pink eyes where now a deep brown, somewhat close to how Leo's now looked. Bonnie's bright blue hair was now a light brown, making her almost like a different person. Angel's hair seemed a bit wavy, it seemed look somewhat like a dark mix of either gold and light chestnut brown yet there were tiny streaks of her original purple. I looked down at Skyler... her hair was a chocolate brown, no trace of pink in it whatsoever "Holy shit- this is you natural hair color-" "Leave me alone" Skyler pouted, crossing her arms. "There's no way Ianthe, Erik and Lucifer expect all of us to just walk around EU like this-" "Like what? Powerless humans?" Akire interrupted Serphina "That's not where I was going with it-" "Rest assured, you'll all be spared the embarrassment of walking around school, that's why you're all getting on the bus now rather than later" Lucifer said as he walked past us. "Think of it as learning to understand it from our humans' point of view-" "We died and became demons and angel-" "But there are a few of us whose never been human" Angel snapped back at Serphina and really, she's right. Gamer, Isra, Nilima and Asherah were born as demon or angel, they don't know what the human realm is like whatsoever... and Skyler's lived her human life in Mid, so it also gives her a chance to see what another realm is like. "So that's it then? We're all going to spend a couple of days being human-" "Don't come to conclusions, Serphina... besides, it's twenty four hours, it's not that long" Akire informed her roommate as she rolled her eyes while Erik started marking off the roll, and one by one, we got on the bus.

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