Chapter 71- Unhealthy Obsession

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I walked into mine and Dark's room, finding Gamer sitting on my bed as if he had been waiting for me "About time you came back" he smirked "Have you been waiting long?" "Nah, not really" he smiled as I closed the door, throwing my bag down by the foot of my bed. "How'd you get in?" "Dark let me in before heading off back to the school" Gamer answered, standing up, smiling brightly at me "So why are you here?" I asked, yet he tilted his head "If you wanted to hangout-" I went to place a hand on his shoulder yet his net set of words confused me. "What are you talking about?" he asked as I froze "We're always here..." no.... no, it can't... not again. I brought my hand back "This isn't real" he looked up at me, no signs of nervousness, awkwardness, anxiety... he was completely calm, as if he was in the world's safest room "It can be real... if you want it to be" his voice, kind and gentle, just like it was the moment we first met. I looked at the ground "It's still not real, even if I want it to be... it isn't" Gamer touched my hand with his slightly cold ones, yet somewhat flinched from the heat of my own. "Why can't it?" he asked "Because in reality, you don't want it to be real-" "You don't know that" I looked up at the fallen in front of me, no hints of a lie in his voice "Maybe, in reality, I do want it to be real... we might share the same want-" "If we did, you wouldn't always push me away". The edges of the room were faded into a rough blur "What are you afraid of?" Gamer quietly asked "You already know that..." I quietly snapped "...what am I afraid of?" "This or... me" I answered. He caressed the side of my face with his hand "But right now I'm not, am I?" he tilted his head to the side a bit "No, you're not" "It's just us here..." both of us leaned closer to the other "Alone..." he gently kissed me. It all felt so real; the familiar sickly feeling, heavy chest... the carefulness of his touch, the caution behind his kiss. He pulled away, uneven breaths as his half-lidded eyes stayed on my lips as I pulled him closer to me "Again..." I breathed before Gamer reconnected our lips, my arms wrapped around his waist as his were draped over my shoulders, a hand gripping onto the fabric of my shirt as the other's fingers was tangled in my hair-

(Death's Pov)

I jolted awake, breathing heavily as I gripped the sheets of my bed, light traces of sweat on my skin, the early morning sky dimly lighting up the room through the window by my bed. I sat up on my bed holding my head with my hand, I glanced over to see Dark dead asleep... I signed in annoyance, covering my face with my hands. Why? Why that fucking dream? Why every time.... why does it always feel like a ghost every time I wake up? My heart was still pounding in an unsteady rhythm as I calmed my breathing... bits of my skin had cold spots from where he touched me in that stupid dream... again, the dream had gone too far for my liking- I can't keep having those types of dreams about my friend. I got out of bed and walked out of the room, into the hallway and out the front door, onto the veranda. I leaned on the railing, tiredly looking at the school across the road... I wish I never- "Hello" I flinched a bit as a blue haired and pink-eyed girl appeared by my side "The fuck?!" I quietly yelled "Sorry... shadow-walking doesn't necessarily come with a warning call" the girl laughed a bit before gesturing to herself. "Lexi Itzal, class 1C" Lexi smiled "...Death, 1A-" "Oh I know who you are, you're the only ripper demon of the ego course" I narrowed my eyes... I don't trust this girl "You're a shadow walker?" "Well... kind of. Half night walker, half Dream Cater" I looked away from Lexi as she leaned on the railing, face softening a bit. "Bad dream?" "Could say that..." I clenched my jaw before yawning a bit "You get much sleep anymore, do you?" Lexi questioned yet I didn't give her an answer "Well, if you're not gonna talk to me now..." Lexi stretched her arms "Then I'll stay up with you until the sun rises". "Don't waste your time-" "Relax, it's only the last week of holidays and I've got absolutely nothing planned for the day" Lexi smiled.

(Dark's Pov)
I sat on the couch in the living room, listening to the others talk and argue- "Hey" a couple of us turned our heads to the door to see Seraphina "Can I borrow Dark for a bit?" she asked "Yeah sure" Anti answered as I rolled my eyes, standing up and walking over to Seraphina "What's up-" she grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hallway and out the front door, onto the veranda. I looked over at the veranda chair to see Death asleep yet a girl from 1C sitting on the floor next to the chair with a glowing blueish-pink web. Seraphina dragged me over to the road, where she finally let go of my wrist "Okay, something tells me this is serious" I said, folding my arms as she looked over at the school. "Ianthe wants to talk to me about something... can you please-" "I'll go with you" I assured her, giving her a warm smile. We walked across the road over to the school, walking through several corridors before we found ourselves standing in front of Ianthe's office "Want me to go in with you?" I asked "I..." "It's okay, I'll wait out here for you" Seraphina smiled at me before knocking on the office door "Come in" Ianthe answered. Seraphina walked into the room, closing the door behind herself while I sat down in a chair by the door... about ten minutes later, she walked out with Ianthe. I stood up "Hey-" Seraphina hugged me, tears staining my shirt yet I hugged her back, tightly to assure her that I'm here.

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