Chapter 66- Rave Aftermath

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(Death's Pov)
I grabbed Gamer's arm and dragged him off to a much less crowded area... or the place where Lali told us to meet-up when it came time to head back to Rieannie. I quickly grabbed out my phone, calling Lali "Death?" "Me and Gamer are at the meeting spot, can you quickly get here-" "Death, calm down-" "That's kind of hard for me to do right now" I snapped, letting go of Gamer's arm as he leaned against the wall of the building next to us. "What are you on about?" "Gamer's bleeding a bit and his blood drew attention-" "I'll get the others" "Lali-" she hung up on me... I just wanted her to give me mine and Gamer's train tickets so I could take him back- "Why aren't we with everyone else?" Gamer asked, barely keeping his eyes open... you've got to be fucking kidding me... he's gonna blackout soon.
Half an Hour Later, 11:20PM
I checked my phone again, no messages or texts from anyone. I angrily signed... I wish they'd hurry up. I shoved my phone into my pocket "You know... you're kinda cute" Gamer droned as I froze up a bit "Like really cute" I raised an eyebrow "Oh am I now?" "Yeah... a-and hot" okay... that one caught me off-guard. I've seen drunk Gamer before, but this is a completely different level. "You're lying-" "No, I'm not" he folded his arms, trying to be all serious while I held back a laugh "I mean it-" "Sorry Game, but it's really hard to take you seriously right now" I laughed a bit. "And you thought I had no 'pride'- you don't even have the fucking sin at all" he snapped, gaining the attention of a near by demon... I jumped to action without thinking... I stood in front of him, kind of pinning him to the wall as he looked away. I placed a hand under his chin and gently made Gamer look up at me "Don't look anywhere else, just look at me" "Death-" "You'll attract attention from people if you keep looking away" I whispered, Gamer mouthing 'Oh' as he looked down as he giggled a bit, I , yet again, tilted his head up to me "What did I just say-" "Sorry, I can't help it" Gamer laughed a bit, causing me to laugh as well while the near by demon walked off. I signed a bit in relief... which immediately changed once hearing police sirens "Shit-" "Death!" I looked over to see the others (EU students who were also here at the rave) running over as I stepped away from the fallen "The hell's happening-" "Cops are here! We've got to go now!" Lali yelled before quickly doing a head count to make sure everyone was here. "Uh... Gamer" he turned to me "Sorry for asking this, but can you shadow-walk all of us somewhere close to the subway?" I asked... I know he's drunk right now, but he's the only way we're getting to the train without going through police "I can't... too many people and-" I held his shoulders "You shadow-walked the whole class before, you can do it again".

There was indeed a hint of desperateness in my voice "Gamer, if the cops find Death here in Addersfield, he's screwed" Lali stated, getting Gamer's attention "Death's a ripper demon and ripper demons can't be outside allocated towns, so please for Death's sake, shadow-walk us somewhere near the subway". Gamer looked at the ground for a few seconds as police started yelling, Gamer's eyes immediately burned green as his arms blackened, holding his hands out, green smoke lifting off them, as the shadow on the building's wall blackened "GO!" Gamer yelled. We all ran through, running out a shadow by a tree of a park... we're intown- Gamer stubbled out of the shadow, closing it before leaning against a tree "Shadow-walking drunk... never doing that again-" "At least you got us all out of there" Lali smiled a bit, looking off to the right "There's the stairs down to the subway, come on" she motioned us to follow her. We ran down to the station, then to the platform we needed to be at, again, just getting on the train in time before it closed its doors. Lali did another head count, everyone was here... I turned to Gamer "Game... you alright?" "Yeah-" he passed out, I caught him before he hit the ground.

Once the train arrived in Rieannie, we all got off the train, I had to carry Gamer, and headed to 'Gate Seven'. We found the wall spray-painted '7G', Lali opened the portal, making us all go through before her, walking out of the other end, at back of the dorm block. Everyone went off different ways as Lali walked through and closed the portal while Gamer woke up "Welcome back to the living" I said, putting him down so he could walk yet he stumbled a bit. I quickly wrapped an arm around him, keeping him up right as Gamer tried to bat my hand away "Gamer, you can barely walk straight, let me help you or you're spending the night outside" I threatened, and gladly he listened, letting me help him walk back to our dorm house... which by 'pure luck' was on the complete other side of the dorm block. After a few minutes of walking, we were at the house... and I started feeling the 'after effects' of the alcohol kicking in... I felt like I was gonna be sick or collapse. Took two steps inside before Gamer pinned me to the wall by sudden strength, somewhat at his eye-level "Gamer-" he kissed me... I went to hold him yet my arms froze in place as he made the kiss deeper... something's holding me back. I want to hold him, kiss him, but... I pushed Gamer away, breaking the kiss as I held his shoulders. My heart... it's beating too fast, cheeks burning, the sick feeling is worse than before... I felt something hit my chest... I looked down, seeing Gamer had passed out the second time as the hoodie around his waist fell to the floor "Again...?" I muttered to myself, picking out the hoodie and Gamer as well. Fuck it, like I'm gonna make it down the hallway before collapsing myself... I carried Gamer into mine and Dark's room, seeing Dark passed out on his bed as I placed Gamer down on mine and opening the window next to the bed, the cold gentle breeze hitting the fallen's face. I looked down at him as he curled up in a little ball, snuggling into the pillow and sheets as his pendant softly glowed green... I felt it, the same weird 'happy' feeling I felt when Gamer was last passed out on my bed because of one of his dazes... emotional-based powers and he doesn't even know about it. I walked over to my desk, quickly writing something on a sticky note and sticking it to the door;
Don't wake Gamer (hungover). Get rid of note after you read it.
I walked out of the room, into the hallway and out the front door onto the veranda. The gentle breeze cooled my face as I sat down on the chair-swing, eye lids growing heavy as the sick feeling faded a bit. Everything blurred and slowly turned black as I felt something pull me down to lay on the chair... last thing I saw was the moonless sky dotted with stars.

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