Chapter 62- Talk About It, I'll Listen

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...we sat down in the photo booth that I had dragged my friend over to after getting off the ferris wheel. I placed a few coins in, the two of us just taking stupid photos until I stopped putting coins in. The fallen angel next to me looked up with confusion written on his face, light pink somewhat dusted across his cheeks. I caressed the side of his face with my left hand, leaning in close as I connected our lips. I know I had kissed him about three times on the ferris wheel already, but I really just wanted the constant reminder that this moment is real. I wanted this moment to be real... I wanted it to last forever. The feeling of his slightly cold skin, his jaw, the unknown look in his perfect sky eyes... I just wanted to treasure as much as I could, but...

(Death's Pov)
I was startled awake as Ianthe slammed a textbook onto my desk, the whole class laughing a bit as I tiredly looked up at the teacher "Death, what is one of the hidden stories behind Robert Frost's poem 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'?" Ianthe asked... right, english lesson, fuck "Uh... the promise the main character has to keep that remains unknown to the reader". "Good save" Ianthe responded as I let out a silent sign of relief "Can someone name me another hidden story within the poem?... Angel?" I looked over at the reaper who rolled her eyes "The man who owns the woods and who he is, or possibly how the persona knows him" "Correct" Ianthe seemed a little more pleased in Angel's answer than mine... probably because she wasn't the one asleep during class. I haven't exactly been getting much sleep lately, the nightmares of old memories had came back... I hated it, but what I hate more? I glanced to Gamer's desk, watching the fallen write down a few notes while Ianthe talked.... what I hate more is the hope for something that will never happen, I hate hope. "So what is one of the main techniques Forst uses in his poem? Gamer?" Ianthe asked "Seasonal imagery" the fallen answered "And how do we know this?" "Frost uses seasonal imagery of winter; using the description of the snow, darkness and frozen water of the lake to paint a picture of the scene within the story of the poem" Ianthe smiled brightly at Gamer, very satisfied with his answer. I swear, if Gamer wasn't a demon or ego student, he'd be a great author... he's got the mind of a writer and is somewhat a bookworm. "And thanks to seasonal imagery, it helps create the symbolism of the woods and snow within the poem" Ianthe walked back up to the front of the classroom, still going on with her talking while I sat there, thinking about the dream she woke me up from.

It wasn't one of the usual nightmares I've been having, it was a memory from last term while the vs students were here... the carnival, right after getting off that ferris wheel and dragging Gamer to a stupid photo booth... making a small repeat of what happened last year in a photo booth... how he didn't push me away- the first time he didn't push me away... how last year he thought it was just part of the S.I.A assignment. Oh what I would give just to know exactly how and what he felt every time I kissed him- no. Don't go there. Stop making yourself go there. You're suppose to be a torture demon, one of the most dangerous ripper demons in Hell not some stupid 'lovesick' puppy with a mind clouded by lust and greed. I held my head, taking a shaky breath.... you can't have it, you can't have what you want.... you can't want him. My hand shot up into the air "Miss? Can I...?" Ianthe looked over at me as I pointed my thumb towards the door, receiving a small nod from the teacher as she went back to talking. I stood up and walked out of the classroom, down a few corridors until I walked into the toilets. I walked into one of the stalls, locking the door before sitting down on the lid of the toilet, head in my hands. My stomach had a fluttery feeling, my head throbbed as my chest became heavy.... I hate this feeling, I hate it so much... I'm not suppose to feel like this... I want it to go away. I heard the door open and close, hearing someone walk past the empty stalls until stopping in front of the one I was in... there was a light knock on the door "Death? You good in there?" it was Erik.... his voice was quiet and gentle. My throat went dry, it felt like my voice had just disappeared... I looked through the gap between the door and it's hinge, seeing Erik lean against the sink, eyes to the floor... the scene I saw wasn't a prince of Hell waiting for a demon to come out of their hiding place, but a teacher concerned and worried about his student.

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