Chapter 23- The Silenced Jade

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(No One's Pov)
Lev was carrying a box of new medical supplies to the makeshift hospital room of the killen base until stopping dead as he turned the corner. His eyes widened, bones stiffened, blood turning cold... he pushed himself to keep walking towards the hospital room, where two men stood outside its door. "Sir" Lev addressed John, then bowed his head to the second person "Grey Leader" John opened the door to the room for Lev. Lev walked into the room placing the box down, expecting John and the Grey Leader to go elsewhere yet they didn't move, they were looking at him.... as if waiting for him to join them. At this moment, Lev's heart started to race 'Did... did John tell him? Did John screw me over- did he actually tell the Grey Leader that I betrayed him, the killens and the Grey Army?!' Lev opened the box, being met with the medical supplies while still feeling the blade-like stares 'He told him. Of course he did- it's John Chevalier! The same old backstabbing asshole that forced you into joining the killens in the first place! The very person who is standing in your way..... the only reason I'm still alive'. Lev finished unpacking the supplies then turned to the two men "Excuse me, but is there a actual good reason why the two of you are just standing there doing nothing?" Lev's words were filled with annoyance and boldness, no signs of his actual fear shining through. John just smiled and motioned Lev to walk over. Lev forced his legs to move. He walked over to the two men "Grey Leader, this is Levan Romainov, our head medic and seer" John introduced Lev, the Grey Leader looked at Lev and smiled a bit "I've never met a seer before... how'd you find him?" "We met during his second year of hell, became good friends" John half-lied as Lev controlled his temper. "Levan, this is Mattew Grey, acting Grey Leader for his father" "It's very great to finally meet you Romainov, John here has told me much things about you, great things" Grey Leader smiled "Forgive our intrusion and staring, we were simply waiting for you to join the meeting that's about to commence in the command room". This... this is too weird- too much of a positive mood from someone to be in a killen base. This made Lev so uncomfortable and uneasy, yet he didn't fight the two men on escorting him personally to the command room.

Soon an hour passed by, a meeting with the Grey Leader, five Grey Army top-ranked soldiers, six high-ranked killen soldiers, John and Lev himself. Lev didn't necessarily listen to what the meeting or conversations were about, the whole time he was just invisible. No one dared to acknowledge his existence, no one except John, who sat by Lev's side the whole time. 'I'm only a sitting witness of this meeting because John wants to keep a close eye on me, to make sure I-' Lev's eyes widened as he let out a quiet gasp of surprise, catching the Grey Leader's attention "Romainov? Is everything alright?" John's hand had made its way onto Lev's thigh, and now since the room was quiet, everyone thought Lev was challenging a piece of information that was discussed. "He has information that is better than what we've just discussed" John smiled at Lev "Then by all means... Romainov, share what you know" everyone looked at him, interested in what he had to say... he's now been put on the spot to tell the Grey Leader about their target.... John had perfectly set him up for it. Lev stiffened while John smirked a bit. He moved his hand so it was on the inside of Lev's thigh "T-the information about a target, Gamer Sh-Shadow..." Lev is now about to break a promise of helping those kids, they'll know it was him... they'll never forgive him, they'll forever see him as a killen and not someone trying to breakout of this hold. "Gamer Shadow, a fallen angel who had become a shadow walker in 1986, found a couple months after the incident at Rieannie Port. We've been keeping track of any improvement he's made or any weaknesses he has, which at the moment, his strongest weakness is his friends, mostly his best friend who goes by the name Death" a few people started to whisper about the name. "Death is a Ripper Torture demon who holds a very strong wrath sin from his human life, his full powers have never been seen nor used since 1987. This demon will go at full lengths to protect this fallen-" "Give us something we don't already know" a Grey Army soldier sneered at Lev. 'Fuck it, like those kids trusted me anyways. All they were ever going to see me as was a killen who stabs people in the back'.

"Torture demon blood now runs within his veins and it's no ordinary torture demon blood... Ripper blood, given to him by his friend, Death" everyone looked at Lev in disbelief and worry, fear had risen into their throats, everyone but John and the Grey Leader "Why would a demon do such thing?!" "What if the fallen learns to use both shadow walker and ripper powers at the same time-" "More like how dead are we if he turns ripper demon, he'll become more of a threat than a possible corruption soldier-" "Enough!". Everyone went dead silent as John stood up, reassuring smile of a horrid leader on his face that sent chills down all the soldiers' spines. "First of all, we don't know if any of your ramblings would indeed happen or not as this situation has rarely occurred, secondly... Death originally gave the fallen his blood as a means to heal the fallen due to the poison we injected into him a few hours before hand-" Lev stood up, placing a hand on John's shoulder "Chevalier, a word... in private".
A Few Minutes Later
Lev and John stood in an empty room down the hall of the command room. John stood there, arms crossed and tired of waiting for the demon to say something- anything of why he had dragged him out of the command room. "Romainov-" John stopped himself as Lev dug his blunt nails into the palms of his hands, to the point that a few droplets of blood hit the ground "Lev, are you okay?" John asked gently, worry in his voice... a voice so caring and worried, a voice that never truly existed. That voice made Lev's blood boil, cuz really... the last time he heard that same voice was right before he was forced to join the killens. Lev turned around and punched John in the face, however... John stood there and took the blow, including the second punch that came after it.... which by chance, ending up hurting Lev's hand. "Done now?" "I-I..." Lev went to punch him again, yet John just pushed Lev's fist away "Levan-" "I can't take this fucking torture- originally you were gonna kill me years ago, but you didn't" Lev looked up at John "Why?" "I found a reason to keep you alive-" "Just fucking kill me already!" "No". Lev grabbed the demonglass dagger that hung from John's waist and went to slit his own throat, yet John easily ripped it out of his hand and threw it to the ground "Suicide is not a choice Levan". Silence fell on the demon and devil for a good few minutes.

"Are you already to go back to the meeting now?" "N-no, I can't..." Lev's arms blackened to a dark blue "I can't- you can't go doing things like that during fucking meetings!" Lev yelled while John cross his arms "Why-" "It's fucking inappropriate-" John grabbed Lev's wrist and slammed it into the wall behind him. "Let me make something clear Levan" John growled "I promised to not report you to the Grey Leader and your end of the deal was to start being a good little demon, and follow my rules..." Lev glared at him "You want to change it-" "Exactly" John loosened his grip on Lev's wrist "I won't report you if... you agree to be with me" Lev narrowed his eyes "No deal-" "Chevalier? Everything alright in there?" Grey Leader asked, standing outside the room. "All it takes is me to drag you out of this room and say to his face what you've been doing, but remember... it's the Grey Leader and he doesn't exactly show mercy, his punishments are a million times worse than the deal I'm offering" John coldly whispered into Lev's ear. "The reason why you're alive Levan is because compared to anyone else in this base, you're the most important, you're the most valuable person to me ever since we met" John used his free hand to make Lev look at him in the eyes "And there's millions of reasons to why I made you join the killen cult before anyone else discovered that you exist, one reason would be that I made a promise to your cousin Vladan to protect you at all costs" Lev's eyes widened "Another would be the secret beauty of your jade eyes". Lev couldn't look away from John's golden eyes nor move "That secret will stay a secret until I say so, but you will be told sooner.... if you give in" no more choices, no more escape.... "Fine" Lev regrettably agreed to the deal. John smirked as he let go of Lev's wrist "Good" John walked towards the door and opened it to be met with the Grey Leader "Everything's fine Sir, just needed to have a little talk to Levan".....

(Special thanks to Alice for helping me write this)

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