Chapter 30- Caught Staring

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(Gamer's Pov)
Since they were bored and had absolutely nothing to do... Leo, Akire and Dark had dragged me off with them to go have a look at something.... okay yes, we're spying on some of the visiting students right now. We were hiding behind trees near the school hall "Maybe we shouldn't be spying-" "Stop being an angel and shut up" Akire quietly snapped at me as we watched some of the students from the visiting schools train with Erik and Lucifer. Yeah, we figured out the real reason why we had so much training last term, it was because this term, we wouldn't have the chance to train at all while the schools are here, plus all our other classes have been put on hold, so no school work while these guys are here. There were about four students from each of the visiting schools training with the two teachers right now, meaning twelve ego students from different areas of the mid realm, but this training they were doing... some of it didn't look like training whatsoever. It looked more like practicing a routine for some sort of show or dance, but what was interesting was that the students training were using that type of style while practicing combat, the style was working so flawlessly.... if you couldn't tell, I was overly fascinated in it. It was so hypnotizing that I couldn't look away... basically, I was watching these students in absolute awe. "Hey Gamer, look!" Akire whispered, pointing at one of the students- wait... "A shadow walker?" I mumbled to myself. A girl with rusty copper skin covered in green, white and black clothes, her bright green hair was pulled back into two short, yet messy piggy-tails as strains of hair covered her crimson red eyes. The way she moved, it was as though she was water or smoke- all around her was black smoke as she dodged Lucifer's attacks... they actually let her go against Lucifer before Erik or another student. And while they fought, she wore a smile, as if she was having fun.

She seemed so happy, I could feel it from here... even I was smiling a bit- Akire pinched my arm "Hey-" "Stop goggling over the girl" she harshly whispered "Then why did you point her out-" "I thought you'd find it cool that there was another shadow walker on school grounds or more like a new friend to make" Akire looked back at the students. "She looks cool though-" "That's another reason I pointed her out, there's a chance you could learn something about your own powers if you watch another shadow walker use theirs" Akire smirked at me "Unless you don't want to know that shadling's name" "How did you know that-" "I've got friends on the other side~". Akire winked at me before turning to Dark. But how did she- wait... now I remember. Back in Hell, Akire's always bragged about seeing 'shadow people' or having friends on the 'other side', but now it makes sense. The whole time, she was talking about shadlings and other demons or devils that were dead... the crazy one now seems sane. I looked back at the visiting students, seeing Lucifer say a few words to that shadow walker girl before- shit... shit! She shadow-walked! Leo, Akire and Dark were questioning where she went until I felt someone tap my shoulder... great, we got caught. We turned our heads to see the shadow walker "You guys know that you can come over and watch, right?" "Uh..." the others had nothing to say, but I did "How did you know we were watching?" "Lucifer sent me over to tell you guys" she didn't seem angry about us spying, in fact the complete opposite. I felt it, her happiness just growing stronger by the moment. "Come on, you four can join us" we ended up shamefully following her down to her friends and the two teachers... Erik and Lucifer wouldn't stop smirking at us. "So we're spies now?" Erik questioned "We were that bored, none of us had anything to do-" "It's called independent training, Leo... and all of you can start doing that tomorrow" Lucifer unfolded his arms.

"Since you four are here, try getting to know a student from a different school" Lucifer suggested... and a few minutes later, I ended up sitting alone, watching the training carry on and the others talking to the visiting students. "Hey lonely" I flinched, only noticing the shadow walker girl sitting next to me "H-hey..." "Why you by yourself?" "Uh-" "You're a shy kid, aren't you?" she asked, I nodded my head a bit. "That's so adorable! You're so much like that other shadow walker in your class... Isra Hollow, I believe- I met her this morning and she reacted the same way you are now about my personality and my talking-" okay... she's a talker, more like a chatterbox and social butterfly. "Name's Senka Burnham by the way" Senka smiled "I'm Gamer Shadow" "Now that's a unique name, never heard one like it" I rubbed the back of my neck "Your parents' names must be interesting-" "I... don't have parents" Senka's smile dropped, sadness showing in her eyes. "My lord- I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I thought that-" "I didn't have a human life, I was born an a-... a demon, of the Eclipse Wing, I was made actually, not born" I corrected myself before saying 'angel', last thing I need is another student outside EU knowing what I am. "Besides, I have my friends to call family-" "My god, that's so cute!" Senka hugged me as my face turned red from the embarrassment of being called 'cute'.

(No Pov)
Death was sitting on a branch of the old willow tree outside the back school building, drawing in his journal- "So that's where you've been hiding" Death looked down and glared at the red-eyed brunet Coral Coast student, the guy Gamer described the other day "Not hiding, just escaping annoying pieces of shit like you" "Wow, what a prefect insult, my heart is just taring at the seems" the guy said sarcastically. Death closed his journal "Alright, who the fuck are you?" Death spat "Loki Roux, and you're Death" "No shit, now what do you want?" Death snapped at Loki, who seemed to not care for the demon's current attitude "Ripper demon, am I correct?" Death just glared at Loki. "You're a ripper demon too" "Knew you'd pick it up fast, rather surprised that I've just met a Ripper demon from Sreeburn, yet your dishonesty is very concerning-" "Your fucking name is the definition of dishonesty" Loki crossed his arms, smile appearing on his face. "Says a guy who actually comes from G.K-" "And where in Hell did you come from? Judging by your fucking manners and stuck-up attitude, my guess is that you're from North Gadweask" Loki's smirk grew wider "Right on the money, red" "Don't call me red" Death growled as Loki shrugged his shoulders. "Well..." Loki leaned on a branch, looking up at Death "I just just wondering if your little friend was taken-" "Which friend?" Death asked a bit rudely "Oh yeah, you're one of the tallest in your grade... I mostly meant the shadow walker or should I say fallen" Death immediately looked back at Loki, eyes narrowed "How did you-" "I'm friends with Mercy".

Death jumped down off the branch he was sitting on, now on the ground glaring at Loki "What? Did I manage to push a button that wasn't suppose to exist?" Loki smirked as Death started growling lowly "He'll be touched by sin one day" "Not if I have anything to say about it-" "Oh really?" Loki took a step towards Death. "So if no one can... then you will?~" Loki asked, his sly poisoned words flowing off the tongue before stepping closer to Death and placing his hand on the branch behind Death's head "That innocent can't remain sinless forever so..." Loki leaned in close to Death's face, the red-haired demon's face slowly turning pink. "Let's make a bet... that the fallen will easily fall for anyone-" Death grabbed the collar of Loki's shirt and slammed him into the trunk of the old willow, baring his sharp demon teeth at the other torture demon. "No such bet involving my friend will happen, he is mine, not yours" Death growled, eyes glowing bright red, anger boiling in his blood "Loki!" the two demons turned their heads to a dark almond-skinned girl with earthy-black dreadlocks and chestnut brown eyes, an angel. "Brooklyn-" "Stop being a dick and treat the hosting school with respect or Miss Breeks is gonna drag you back to Coral Coast herself" Brooklyn walked over to the boys as Death let go of Loki "I'm sorry, he can't be controlled unless on a leash made of demonglass" Brooklyn glared at Loki. "It's fine, just keep him away from the demon with bad anger problems" "I'll make sure of it" Brooklyn grabbed Loki's arm and dragged him off, back towards the main building while Death grabbed his bag and journal before catching sight of Colby... the boy from 1B and the very one that stole the widow journal. "HEY! BLACKWOOD!" Colby made eye-contact with Death "I want my friend's journal back!" Colby then smirked and bolted down towards the fields with Death running after him......

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