Chapter 34- Blood For Blood

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(No One's Pov)
Those present in the 1A dorm house were asleep as a demon walked into the dorms, carefully looking into each bedroom downstairs until stopping at Death and Dark's room. They carefully opened the door and looked in, finding both demons dead asleep... the intruder closed the door behind themselves and walked over to the beds, and once in the moonlight shone through the window... you could see Naomi, holding Gamer's demonglass dagger she had taken from his and Anti's room. Naomi then walked over to the edge of Death's bed "For our father, our brothers and sisters, for those who've fought yet laid down their lives... I pray to you great and powerful brother, that your death be painful, yet puts you to deep rest" she raised the dagger "And let me, sister of torture, take your soul back to our father who aren't in Heaven, and may your blood spill for the rejoice of the killens" a crazed grin spread ear to ear on Naomi's face. The dagger came down- Gamer ran into the room, grabbed Naomi and shadow-walked to outside the dorm house, behind the trees. Naomi kicked him off her "The fuck-" "Who are you?" Gamer's question came off more like a demand, but Naomi just laughed "I have a feeling you already know~" she laughed a bit more. "I'm Sabina Mortea, there is a real Naomi Tiamat, she's actually very sick at the moment and was suppose to pull out of the school visit... yet the two of us looked so alike that Grey Leader decided I should undertake a special important mission" Sabina dusted herself off "Get rid of the torture demon, capture the fallen". Gamer was slowly losing his temper "Who'd ever thought that the demon-wannabe was as overprotective over his 'best friend' then he was of him" Sabina smirked as she took off her jacket "I'm quite impressed though Shadow, how determined you are to protect others and not yourself... then again, it just proves how fucking weak you are-" "I'm not weak!" "Then prove it!".

Gamer's arms started to blacken "Prove you're not another useless weak fallen by killing me!" Sabina had a crazed psychotic smile on her face. Gamer could sense it now, two different demon scents coming from Sabina, she wasn't just a demon from the Phantom Wing... she was also a torture demon, more specifically a ripper demon like Death and Loki. Sabina however is mix-blood, a demon who carries both bloods and powers of her parents. "It really took you that long to pick up what I am?" Sabina laughed, taking a step towards Gamer "You're weak Gamer, you can't protect him from the fate he has shone down upon himself... he needs to be punished for the crimes he's made-" "Then you'll have to killed me first" Gamer stood in a fighting stance as Sabina laughed a bit. "Alright... if that's what you want~" she crack her knuckles before lunging at Gamer, but he swiftly dodged it and punched her in the ribs. They fought for a bit until Sabina threw Gamer to the ground, yet the fallen showed no signs of pain "How the fuck are you doing that?" Sabina asked as she picked up Gamer's demonglass blade and walked over to him "Doing... what?" Gamer struggled to talk as he tried to get up, resulting in Sabina kicking him into a tree. Again, no signs of pain on his face "That, how are you hiding pain? No one can do that... and it fucking pisses off torture demons" Sabina grabbed part of Gamer's hoodie and threw him at yet another tree "It's fucking annoying!".

Gamer placed a hand on his leg, a golden glow surrounded his hand while trying to heal himself until Sabina kicked him in the back, he bit his lip, thinking about anything other than pain as he worked up the energy to kick Sabina in the face. Sabina feel to the ground, nose bleeding a bit as she sat up, grabbing the demonglass dagger before struggling to stand up "How the hell is a fallen angel handling so much without feeling any pain-" Sabina's crazed smile returned to her face as she walked over to Gamer. "Demonglass would certainly do the trick" she sat on Gamer's stomach, rising the dagger high "I thought you were suppose to take me back to the killens-" "A stab wound can be healed... probably" the dagger came down yet Gamer managed to grab Sabina's wrists just in time to stop the blow... he was barely keeping the blade away from his chest. Gamer then looked Sabina dead in the eyes, his own flickered red as the star tattoo on his wrist burned, Sabina's eyes widened in disbelief "N-no... that's impossible-".

(Gamer's Pov)
The anger. Rage. Jealousy. Envy. I couldn't calm down. Everything burns... it hurts so much. I stood up, just barely able to walk, I heard footsteps, they belonged to the person who was calling out my name in concern before stopping.... I can feel his eyes on me as I started tearing up from the pain I was only now feeling. I knew it was him... I know his scent like the back of my hand.... my blood covered hands. Sabina's blood dripped off my hands as my eyes burned bright green, the star on my wrist glowing bright red as my hands were still faded black. "She was a fake, her name was Sabina Mortea not Naomi Tiamat.... she wanted to kill you in order to get to me" I turned my head to where Death stood, tears were now running down my face "I was scared and worried about her killing you, I-I... lost control" I looked at my hands "My god- I turned into a monster.... I killed her out of jealousy- I was so jealous about her getting closer to you-" Death wrapped his arms around me as I stood there, confused by the action. He placed a hand on my cheek and wiped away a tear with his thumb, while making me look up at him "I'm a torture demon... I'll never love anyone, the only person I'll ever make the exception is you... angel of mine" I froze up as Death kissed my forehead "Wait here, I'll get Lucifer and explain-" "No need to look for me". We turned our heads to see Lucifer with Mangle by his side, he looked at me then at Sabina "The fallen did this? To a killen?" "Uh I-" someone walked out from the shadows, blood-red coat hanging off their shoulders as they walked over to Sabina's lifeless body "What the-" "Cyprise Moon" Lucifer interrupted Death as Cyprise kneel down next to Sabina.

"Knew you couldn't kill him" Cyprise whispered to Sabina before Death summoned a knife and threw it at Cyprise.... but it just went straight through her "The fuck?" "If you're gonna try and kill an experienced shadow walker..." Cyprise looked up at us with an emotionless face "Remember they have shadow-based powers". She held onto Sabina's arm and shadow-walked to god-knows-where, leaving us four alone.... and me earning a late night hospital trip with a pissed off archangel.

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