Chapter 47- Fireflies

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(Death's Pov)
Once again, another bombfire party on the first day of the two-week-holiday after term two finishes, yet this time Lucifer and Miss Crowhurst supervising the party... you know, due to what happened at the dance so no alcohol allowed whatsoever. All second-year ego students of EU and vs students were at Crystal's Beach, surrounding a huge bombfire, identical to the one made last year. This 'party' was more of 'camping under the stars' ...basically we were all gonna try and stay up the whole night. I stood near the buses parked alongside the sandy edge of beach and road, looking out at everyone on the beach, surrounding the huge flame set up by the the two teachers. "Why aren't you with your friends?" I glanced at Lucifer before looking back at the fire below "A ripper demon teenager such as yourself should be having fun-" "I don't feel like having 'fun'..." I could feel his confused stare on me "Wha- it's the first night of the two-week holiday then the visiting schools are going back home next week". I kept my eyes away from the archangel "Listen, as a teacher, I'm a bit concerned Death... it's unlike you to not be hanging around at least one of your friends-" "Is that seriously what people think of me? That one lonely desperate person clinging onto one of his friends?" I glared at Lucifer as he folded his arms "I didn't mean it like that" "I know, just..." "Feeling a little 'anti-social' today?" I signed at Lucifer's words. "You could kind of say that-" "What's bugging you then?" "Seriously?" I looked back at Lucifer "A counselling session? Now?" "You're the one being a gloomy party-crasher" I signed again, walking towards the path down to the beach "Where you going?" "Being social like you want me to" I walked down the path, joining everyone by the flame. I looked around at everyone, soon spotting Angel, Mangle, Akire, Skyler, Anti, Dark, Leo, Bonnie and Gamer, sitting in a group a far from the bombfire... I quickly walked off in the other direction, not wanting to be spotted by them.

I soon spotted a different group of EU students... fuck it. I walked over to Kitten, Prince, Lali and Tanith "Hey, can I-" "Of course" Lali exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me down so I was sitting next to her "Why aren't you over with the others?" Tanith asked, nodding her head in the direction of where most of 1A was sitting "Too crowded..." I lied, really I wanted to avoid them for a bit "Isn't Rebel usually hanging out with you guys?" "She's hanging out with a couple of vs students, she'll be back in a bit" Lali answered as someone walked over to us, standing somewhat behind me ."Hey-" "Gamer! Nice of you to join us!" Lali exclaimed "Uh-" "Sit here, between me and Death" Tanith smiled brightly, Gamer hesitantly sat down next to us "So this is infamous Gamer Shadow" Kitten smirked, looking at Gamer a bit too much for my liking "He's a hundred percent a keeper" he smirked at me as I bit my tongue to control the venom that wanted to be known while Gamer's face turned a bit pink. "W-what-" "Sorry Gamer, a couple of us are inappropriate as hell" Lali apologized as Kitten laughed a bit "Sorry, forgot we've got an 'angel' in the house" Kitten laughed a bit more as Gamer looked at me "I didn't tell them-" "It's obvious to us" Prince interrupted me "Either way, you're a demon" Gamer smiled a bit at Prince's words as Rebel walked over to us. "Hey- cool, two new people joining the group" Rebel smiled, sitting down between Lali and Kitten. A couple minutes later, they talked and laughed, including Gamer in every new conversation... he was smiling, not a fake smile whatsoever, an actual smile that only appears when he's having fun.

"I'll be back in a few" I told the group, standing up and walking off... I walked over to the edge of the water, looking up at the moonless sky dotted in stars "Hell's your second chance at life... you said that years ago, multiple times" in the corner of my eye, I saw Akire, standing by my side "Lost track how many times you told people that, but I always knew why you told them that". Akire looked up at the sky "It was to give them hope... hope for a better life you lived in both Hell and the human realm-" "I told you about that part of my past to keep Angel and Gamer safe" my gaze shifted to the calm ocean water. "I promised not to say a word about it to anyone..." at least that's one thing Akire's managed to do for me "Fireflies" "What?" I looked at Akire with a confused face as she laughed a bit, continuing to look up at the sky "Stars look like fireflies... I remember my friend telling me that before dying in the human realm" her words faded a bit "Do you miss her? Your friend?" "A bit... she actually went to Heaven then was reincarnated a couple times... I think there's no more memory of our friendship". I thought for a bit "You died years before Angel, didn't you?" "Yeah and didn't wake up from 'dead sleep' until a month before she did either" out of most of these students, Akire would be the oldest if you counted the years she was human and demon up to now... doesn't make her the 'wisest' of the group though. "You and Gamer sort out your crap yet?" "Yeah, just friends and nothing else attached-" "But?" I looked at Akire with a cold face "We're both not going to care whatsoever if crap happens again... if it happens, it happens" I lied, Akire buying it "Good to see you acting a bit more mature... can't believe you haven't knocked Loki on his ass yet for what he did" ...and of course she knows about that.

"Let me guess, you read minds now-" "Fuck off" Akire laughed a bit, so did I "I'm a seer, not a stupid mind reader" Akire look at me "Just promise me you will knock that piece of shit on his ass, I'm sick of him trying to fucking flirt with everyone, including me" "Well if it benefits others and not just myself". I glanced over where Loki stood with his friends "Guarantee ya, the next time he over steps the line, he's fucking dead-" "Akire Shards! Death!" we both looked up near the sandy path from beach to road, where Miss Crowhurst was standing "Make yourselves useful and help me and Mr Morningstar set up these fireworks and sparklers" we both looked at each other then back at the path. "First one to the bus holds the fireworks-" "You're on" we both smirked before running past everyone and the fire, up the sandy path.

(No One's Pov)
Aristomache walked into the Courthouse of Hell, holding a pile of paper work she had finished on the cases for the newest arrivals in Hell. She walked into the Volt of Records, placing the pile on a small desk in the room in which spiraled down in a forever staircase. Aristomache walked out of the room, back into the main room of the court, seeing an archangel by the door of the exit... she signed "Michael, back in Hell for another talk with one of my Black Councilors?" "How did you-" "I'm Hell's current queen and those councilors, especially Rochelle, are faithful and loyal to me and the rest of the royal family". Michael tried his best not to let his anger or annoyance show "That conversation was meant to be private-" "That conversation was unintended, unnecessary and uncalled for" Aristomache's face turned cold "And no such thing as removal of a ripper demon from the EU ego program will happen, Death earned that opportunity fairly". "You want to talk about fairness, why keep an innocent down here when they could've been accepted back into Heaven-" "Because Heaven is their own hell, you should know that Michael, you were the one who raised him afterall" Aristomache snapped "And you should know he wants nothing to do with you as well". Michael let out a shaky breath in attempts to control himself from spitting venom "I only wish to see him- talk to him, just for a few minutes, no strings attached" Aristomache raised a brow "I thought you'd request seeing your 'sister' over him" "Well I can't, Ianthe wont give me that permission anyway and she can't give me permission to talk to him since he's not recorded as an angel anymore, such permission has to come from you". Aristomache looked away from Michael "Aristomache, please..." she forced herself to look back at Michael, his face turned soft and desperate "Please let me see Gamer".

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