Chapter 28- School Visit [Part 2]

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(Gamer's Pov)
We walked into the hall, seeing everyone split into four groups, one group had our class mates and 1B and 1C, while the three other groups were filled with everyone who got of the buses a minute ago. "Who are they?" Death asked "I... don't know" I answered as we walked over to the group of EU students "You know what's going on?" I asked Leo, first person I turned my head too as Death crossed his arms "No idea" Leo shrugged is shoulders. I looked around the room, at the students who arrived, they were all talking or whispering to each other, looking at us... it felt as though they were judging us or guessing who was strong and weak. Ianthe walked out in front of the stage, then clapped her hands twice, the room fell silent "Rieannie Ego University" Ianthe's voice was loud and slightly echoed as she gestured to our group "Mount Willow Oceanside Collage" her gaze shifted to the group from the blue bus "Bear Mountain High School" the group from the green and white bus "Coral Coast High" the group from the black and red bus. "Welcome visitors to Rieannie and Ego University, and to the annual Boronia Shield Visit" I can say now that all the EU students looked at Ianthe as if she had just revealed the most 'shocking' thing in the world, none of us were told about a visit from three other schools, let alone the existence of other schools with the human-ego program. "Every year, four of the top schools take part in a honorary school visit were students of visiting schools receive further training from the hosting school. Every fourth year, Ego University hosts three other schools which are split off amongst our three ego classes" why are we only just being told about this type of thing now? They could've at least mentioned this last year or the start of this year.

"Last year, our ego classes 4A, 4B and 4C went to Bear Mountain's school, and next year classes 2A, 2B and 2C will be heading off to Mount Willow Oceanside. So during this visit, I'd like you all to represent your school well and be good role models for our younger students" just by looking at the a few students from the other schools, I can already tell that wasn't gonna happen. "These students will be spending the term here for further training with Erik and Lucifer, so while they're here, you're all expected to show manners and welcome them" wait... they are staying here for a whole term?! "Now onto the next thing... Bear Mountain students will be with class 1C, Mount Willow Oceanside will be with class 1B and Coral Coast High will be with class 1A" like things could get worse- "And students showing each school around campus, 1C will be Rosalind and Declan, 1B will be Marvin and Host, and 1A will be Gamer and Angel" nevermind.... it can get worse. Ianthe dismissed those whose name wasn't called out while me, Angel, Marvin, Declan, Host and Rosalind were split off amongst the three schools... me and Angel were with Coral Coast students. "I'm Gamer and this is Angel, if you have any questions or anything then you're always welcome to ask us-" "Did you guys actually fight killens last year?" immediately, both our eyes widened in worry "Rumour has it that seven demons from class 1A of EU is being targeted by the killens-" "Also that they are very close to the Royal family of Hell". Me and Angel stood there, thinking of multiple excuses or escape plans on how to get out of answering those questions "Guys enough" a girl with light brown-and-blue hair snapped at her classmates "We're not here to gossip or bug them with stupid shit such as rumours" she looked at us with her purple eyes- shit. "Mercy Gorman" Angel addressed the girl through clenched teeth "Angel and Gamer, long time since I last seen you guys".

(Death's Pov)
I was walking through the main building, soon walking into Leo "Sorry" I said coldly, walking around him "Hey" I stopped walking, turning my head towards Leo "We need to talk-" "We don't need to talk about anything" I told him through clenched teeth "Then why did you pull that face when Ianthe told Angel and Gamer they're the ones showing Coral Coast around EU?" I rolled my eyes "'s him, isn't it?". I glared at him "I don't know what you're talking about" "You know exactly what I want to talk about" "Well since it's my business, I don't need to discuss it with you-" "But talking to someone about it might help" I glared at Leo as he crossed his arms "Last year's SIA assignment, you said talking to someone like Mangle about your problems actually helped, what so different talking to at least me about it" "That's it, it's you" I spat. Leo however, didn't really care if I spat insults, as long as I did hear his words. I noticed I had balled up my fists, blunt nails digging into the palms of my hands... I need to calm down, now. "Death!" someone yelled as they ran down the corridor, pushing pass people "Gamer?" I looked at the fallen "Death-" "Calm down" I placed a hand on his shoulder "Why are you in such a rush?" "I have to get back to the group- no, wait that's not why I-" "You alright? You look like saw a ghost" Gamer tried to get his breath back "Yeah... I did" I raised an eyebrow, completely confused. "What are you talking about-" "Mercy is here" I swear to god himself, my heart fucking stopped "What?! H-how?!" "She's one of the students of Coral Coast High-" "Who's Mercy?" Gamer turned to Leo "She... Mercy Gorman is someone we knew back in Hell-" "More like use to work for a guy who wanted to gamble with Gamer as the beat" Leo looked at the two of us, very shocked and surprised. "What the hell did you guys go through before coming to EU?" "That's a long story, too long to even tell in one day" Gamer answered Leo as I turned around and went to walk... only to accidentally walk into someone the second time in two weeks.

(No One's Pov)
"Hey- watch where you're going" the girl hissed "Sorry" Death quickly apologized "Wait... Death? One of the top students in class 1A of EU?" the girl asked, slowly getting excited "Y-yeah?" "Oh my lord- I can't believe I got to meet you- no wait, I'm talking to you!" the girl jumped up and down "I'm Naomi Tiamat, student from Coral Coast Collage- wait, the uniform made that obvious already" while Naomi stumbled over her words, Leo whispered to Gamer "Is it me or is she kind of playing dumb to get Death's attention?" "She's purposely playing dumb" Gamer whispered back. "I made it awkward now, I should leave-" "No wait" Death placed a hand on her shoulder "Really, its nice to meet you-" Death froze a bit "Something wrong?" Naomi asked worriedly "N-no... you're a demon from the Phantom Wing?" "Yeah, got landed with a lust sin, but you have the wrath sin which is way cooler!" "Really-" "Hell yeah! Plus you're a torture demon as well, that's so awesome!" "You'd have to be one of first people to ever say that". "Fucking hell" Gamer muttered, rolling his eyes "I was the first one to say that to him" "Jealous-" "Fuck off, my sin's envy" Gamer harshly whispered at Leo while glaring at Naomi, who continued showing Death with complements. "Death's falling for it-" "I can fucking see that" Gamer growled "Since my school is paired up with your class, guess we're stuck with each other" "Y-yeah" Death stuttered, obviously nervous "Since when does Death get-" "He's never nervous" Gamer crossed his arms while the girl kept talking. "So why are you here and not with everyone else from Coral Coast?" Leo asked Naomi, she turned her head and smiled "Last week, I was sick with a stomach bug, I had a doctor's appointment so I got lift fro a teacher and arrived later than the others".

Gamer rolled his eyes "Fuck it" Gamer started walking as Leo raised a brow "Where are you going?" "Back to where I left Angel-" "You better take Naomi with you then" Death's voice interrupted Gamer's. Gamer looked back at Death "Since it's Naomi's school you're showing around-" "Wait, really?! My lord- Gamer, you're a life saver!" Naomi gave him a hug, one Gamer so wanted to get out of "I thought I'd have to walk around in this maze of a school, but now I won't get lost!" she smiled brightly, letting go of Gamer. "You're way too happy to be a demon-" "I get it from my mum" Naomi interrupted Leo before turning back to Gamer as he signed "Ready to go?" "Yep! Bye Death!" "It's Leo-" "Bye cute angel" Naomi waved, catching Leo off-guard while Gamer grabbed Naomi's arm and dragged her down the hall. Leo turned to Death "You palmed her off to Gamer-" "Because she was weirding me out, plus she wont be his problem after finding the group again".

Gamer turned the next corner, down another corridor before letting go of Naomi's arm "So you're a second year? In class 1A?" "Yeah, and?" "That's very impressive" "How?" Gamer asked, just waiting for an insult about being a shadow walker, his height... maybe she might've known he was a fallen, she is in the same class as Mercy, big possibility that Mercy and Naomi are friends. 'No, Mercy gets annoyed easily, being friends with Naomi and Naomi's overly-positive attitude would just drive her insane' Gamer thought "I think it's impressive that anyone could get into EU's human-ego program, I just got lucky that I was accepted into a school that has only one ego class" Naomi's answer caught Gamer off-guard. Naomi continued talking though 'Does this girl ever stop yapping? She talks more than that fucking shadling' Gamer was getting more annoyed by the second until they finally found the group, resulting in Gamer signing in relief....

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