Chapter 27- School Visit [Part 1]

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(Lev's Pov)
I was woken up just a few minutes ago by a high-rank killen soldier, telling me that I had to go to this room I've only just been told the existence of. I had to quickly throw on some clothes, shoes and my red killen coat so the high-rank killen wouldn't drag me by the leg in whatever I was already in. Now I was walking down the corridor of the south wing of the base with the killen following me close behind... this is the first time I've been down the south wing. We kept walking until we stopped at a door to a room, the sign on the door read 'High Commander' and instantly, my heart dropped... to the point I couldn't feel it beat. The door opened to show a high-rank Grey Army soldier, whose last name 'Ruthfold' was neatly sewn into her uniform. She looked at the killen who just nodded his head and started walking back down the corridor. "Commander Attar will see you now" I looked at her, completely confused before she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room, shutting the door behind me. "Ruthfold" "Sorry ma'am" I looked at the woman that stood in the middle of the room. Dressed in reds and blacks against warm ivory skin, grey eyes, hair blacker than mine and pulled back into a braided bun... and an inch or two taller than me. "Levan Romainov?" "Y-yes..." I answered, resulting in her motioning me to walk over to her... which I did. Once standing in the middle of the room, she just raised a brow as she walked around me, looking me up and down "You're a seer?" "Yes ma'am" she stood in front of me again "You're a witchdoctor" "Yes-" "Yet you barely use that power, only your seer powers" "U-uh... well, no one taught me how-" "You don't even look like you're from Isledale" I felt a lump in my throat "T-that's because I'm not, I'm from Anflon". She looked off to the side "Still Thorn region, but closer to the heart of Hell..." she mumbled under her breath.

Her eyes darted back to me before she grabbed my chin, taking a closer look at my face "Sickly pale, not surprised about that... yet Chevalier was completely right about your eyes, perfect shade of jade green" she let go of my face, she then grabbed my left arm, looking at my hand "Killed before, many before and after becoming a demon" she rolled up my sleeve, soon pointing at the faint scar of a bite mark "What's this?" "Chevalier, punishment for breaking a rule". "Of course he did" she looked at me as she let go of my arm "Name's Naila Attar, high commander of the both killen cult and the Grey Army... yet by the look on your face, you can kind of tell what type of demon I am" Naila's grey eyes looked directly into mine like daggers "Y-you're a torture demon- a Ripper demon" "Yes, but I also hold the blood of a reaper which threw you off first... didn't it?" I nodded my head. The only other demon I know with mixed blood is Gamer, but he's a fallen, a complete mess of a demon now, but Naila... there's two different types of senses I'm getting off her, changing between the two the whole time I've been talking to her. "We'll be having a lot of conversations from now on" she smirked while I swallowed hard, nervousness and fear creeping up my spine.

(Death's Pov)
"Football team?" "Oh come on- I've seen you during pe and training classes" "Yeah, but... football?" I questioned Liam, a third-year student from 4A and captain of the football team that I was just told the existence of a couple of seconds ago. Liam is only a centimetre taller than me, ash brown hair that was somewhat spiked up, night blue eyes and healthy pale skin. I never even knew we had sport teams or that the football team had their own jackets with nicknames on the back and the school logo, yet Liam wore that with absolute pride.... and after seeing him wearing the jacket, I only noticed a couple of other guys wearing them too. How distracted have I been last year? "You're seriously asking me of all people... to join the football team?" "You'd be a great addition to the team-" "I've never played and I'm not a team player whatsoever" I tried reasoning with him, yet he wouldn't quit. Liam has so much determination and spirit, an angel who's strong yet cares for his team mates as if they were his family. "If I joined the team, then-" "It'll be most likely that a killen attack could happen, yeah yeah, I've heard the same thing from Gamer when a few other team captains asked him about joining their teams, his back-up excuse was that he's not athletic at all" I raised an eyebrow... Gamer was asked to join sport teams? He turned them all down? "They all mostly asked him because of his crazy speed and his reflexes are somewhat quicker than other players-" "So why ask me to join the football team?" I asked, crossing my arms. "You're one of the fastest people in your year, I've seen you during pe and training classes... but also, yesterday's exercise in Lucifer's pe class- you threw a ball three quarters of the school field, it was completely unbelievable!" I signed at Liam's words. Lucifer made some of us throw balls across the field before moving us onto throwing a fake knife at a moving target, I threw the ball that far because I was pissed off that day.

But... I guess... "I'll go to the tryouts game-" "Thanks a lot!" Liam smiled before catching sight of another student he's been looking for and bolting after them. I signed "Never knew you'd join the football team" I flinched a bit as Gamer appeared by my side, smirking at me "For fuck sake- stop doing that to people" "Sorry" Gamer laughed a bit "But seriously, why?" "Gotta give something a go" I answered Gamer. I started walking to class, Gamer following by my side "Why didn't you take the offer?" "I'm co-president of the school committee with Angel-" "Holy shit! When did that happen?!" "A few hours ago" I stared at Gamer in disbelief "So you're not trying for a team because of that-" "Plus... I really don't sports" Gamer interrupted. I smiled a bit "Well congrats on being 'co-president' of one of the most important clubs in the school" it really was the most important club since now it only holds six or seven members not including the president... really, the school committee was the student council, teachers just thought 'school committee' sounded nicer and friendlier. "Attention students" me and Gamer stopped walking, looking at the school speaker and listening to the announcement "May classes 1A, 1B and 1C make their way to the school hall now" me and Gamer looked at each other confused "Why would they-" "Hey everyone! The buses are here!" someone yelled out as students crowded the windows. Me and Gamer ran down the corridor and outside, joining a few other 1A classmates. Three buses had pulled up outside the school. One was mostly white with a couple of different green lines painted along the side and one black and red line. The second bus was dark blue with multiple light blue lines. The last bus was completely black with one red line along the side. All the windows were tinted. No way to see anyone inside it until.... they got off the bus.

Angels, demons and devils got off all the buses, all of them were teenagers, all of them were students.... ego students. Most wore some piece of school uniform, but what didn't help was the fact that EU seemed like it just got some competition. How could I tell? They were all following their teachers towards the school hall. Alex and Isra ran past us "Hey! Come on!" Alex called for us to follow them. The four of us ran over to the school hall.....

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