Chapter 75- Starlings [Part 2]

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(No One's Pov)
The teens carefully ran across the road over to the wall of the hospital, right by the loading bay, the sheet of darkness fading immediately around them "Dammit" Gamer muttered under his breath "It's fine, Gamer... we're here now" Angel told him before nodding to the others "Let's go". The teens ran into the loading bay, immediately knocking out the first few Grey Army soldiers who saw them before spreading out and taking on more soldiers. Lev turned his head, looking around to see the students he had been secretly helping "Why are they-" the soldier next to Lev aimed his gun at Death and before he could shoot the demon, Lev grabbed the gun off them and hit them in the head with it, knocking them out. Lev then turned to another soldier by him and started fighting. A minute later, all soldiers were on the ground and down for the count, Lev turned around, making direct eye contact with the teens he had just helped. "Lev?" Gamer asked as Lev nodded his head "Great to finally meet you all in person" Lev said before making eye contact with Anti "Uh... almost all of you" Lev muttered, feeling awkward as Anti folded his arms "Why are you kids here anyway?" Lev asked. "The starlings are here, being held in the basement" Gamer answered "Why are you here?" the fallen asked "Grey Leader insisted that I help with the last 'check-in' on this base before moving cargo-" Lev paused, realizing something "Okay, listen". Lev grabbed one of the soldiers' pads and brought up the screen showing the main lobby of the hospital "This is the main lobby, the door to the basement is in there but also more soldiers and the Grey Leader himself" Lev explained to the teens, all nodded in understandment "But there is soldiers and a couple of killens scattered throughout the building, you'd have to deal with them quickly before any of them call the breach in".

"Right" Angel turned to Anti, Seraphina and Death "You three will head to the main lobby, while me and Gamer stay here with Lev to keep our exit clear". A second later, Anti, Death and Seraphina rushed through the door leading into the hospital while Angel, Gamer and Lev walked around the loading bay, making sure none of the soldiers had set off any sort of alarm. Lev was checking one unconscious soldier when their radio buzzed "Loading bay, this is West 1, over" Lev hesitantly picked up the radio "This is loading bay" Lev nervously answered "Wait, who is this?" "This is one of the killens Grey Leader brought" "Why do you have one of the soldiers' radios?" "Isn't it obvious? They went for a toilet break and just gave me their radio just in case" Lev lied. "Let me guess, Smith?" Lev looked at the soldier's name tag which did in fact read 'Smith' "Yeah, does he do that a lot?" "Brings his gun to the bathroom but never the radio" the person on the other end signed "Anyway, just checking in with you guys since we heard a little commotion below" "Yeah, found the mice that chewed through the communication tower's wiring, a few soldiers decided to try and kill them" Lev lied again. "Copy that loading bay, lobby will check in with you in an hour" "Got it" Lev answered, standing up and putting the radio in his pocket as he turned to Angel and Gamer "Those three have about an hour to reach the lobby" he told the teens "Thanks Lev... why are you helping us?" Angel asked. Lev just smiled a bit "Livblod" that was the only word he said.

Seraphina covered a soldier's mouth with one hand and his eyes with her other, the hand on his eyes blinded him with a bright flash of light, stung-ing him in the process before he fell to the ground while Death grabbed the other soldier by the back of his head and banged it against the wall, knocking the soldier out. Anti quietly rushed over to the two, placing a hand on the wall of the corridor as his eyes glowed dark green "Take a right, next turn off is left, there's two soldiers in that corridor" Anti whispered, taking his hand off the wall, eyes no longer glowing. Death and Seraphina nodded their heads before quietly running down the corridor with Anti behind them.

Grey Leader looked at the pad on the desk he was standing at, the screen showed the west side of the building... the five heat signatures the scanners where picking up earlier where gone now. Grey Leader turned off the pad then walked over to the door leading down to the basement, an iron door with an old symbol engraved on it. Death, Anti and Seraphina ran into the main lobby of the hospital, seeing several soldiers and the Grey Leader "Well so much for being stealth" Death muttered under his breath as the Grey Leader turned around to face the teens on the otherside of the large room. Grey Leader smirked at Seraphina "I was wondering when the sister of the Celestine Starling would come~" he tried to hold back a laugh "Give me my sister or else" Seraphina growled, summoning her staff as Grey Leader laughed a bit "Oh sweetheart... I'd like to see you try" he laughed as Death froze up a bit. The ripper's eyes widened a bit in worry... the Grey Leader had a demonic scent- Grey Leader's horns and tail appeared as he continued to laugh... the Grey Leader's a devil.

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