Chapter 13- Heat Wave

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(Anti's Pov)
All the guys were sitting in the living room, feeling like the walking dead "How fucking long is this heatwave gonna be here-" "The whole week dumbass" Leo answered Death, causing Death to kick the angel off the couch "Death-" "Should've kept his mouth shut" Death interrupted Alex. Alex and Death are on one couch with Leo now just dead on the floor, me and Dark on the other couch with Gamer sitting upside-down next to us, Wilford laid on the table with Noah and Broody sitting on of the chairs and Chase had just given up trying to getting up off the kitchen floor after falling over. Only the fans in two of the girl's rooms upstairs are working while all the other fans in the dorm house were broken due to a stupid fucking bet half of the guys made... which involved duck-tapping a battery to a rubber ball and Alex's electric powers. The ball had ended up bouncing everywhere at high speed, breaking lights and ceiling fans that crossed it's path until Akire threw a knife at the ball, nailing it down to a wall... in other words, Death and Dark won the bet. That was just the end of last week, right before Lucifer came into the dorm house to warn us about the heatwave. So most of us were now wearing shorts and a t-shirt or singlet "Why is it worse than the heatwaves back in Hell?" Wilford whined, being a bit overdramatic "Apparently the ones in the human realm are even worse according to Lucifer-" "Gamer, how the fuck are you wearing a hoodie right now?!" Noah yelled over Chase "I'm not wearing a shirt underneath, that's how" Gamer answered then froze as a few of the guys looked at him "What?" Gamer hesitantly asked.

"Someone hold him down" Gamer immediately sat up at Noah's words, jumped over the couch and ran out the room, down the hall with the guys chasing after him... leaving me, Leo and Alex alone "I don't get it- what's the big deal about-" "Ever since Gamer came back and told everyone he's gotten a shadow walker tattoo, they all have been asking him to show them, but I don't get why Death would be chasing him since he's already seen it-" "He wants to make sure he's the only one who saw it". Both of them looked up at me "What?" "There's a lot of things Death knows about Gamer and he's the only one that knows those things, makes sense for a torture demon to be greedy with his friend's secrets-" "Like how Death kissed Gamer?" Alex asked out-of-blue "U-uh... yeah, kind of-" "So what's with you and Noah? You guys together or not?" Alex sat up, wide-eyed from Leo's sudden question. "How- what makes you think-" "Dude, you sneak into his room when he's alone in there and I've seen you guys making out several times on the couch when I come back from school early" I answered, smirking as Alex covered his face "So? You guys together or not?" "K-kind of" Alex answered "What do you mean 'kind of'?" "I mean that-" "You guys friends with benefits or some shit?" "No! We just don't want people knowing about it yet". The three of us stayed silent for a minute until the guys walked back into the room "Where's Gamer-" "He's locked himself in Mangle and Angel's room... one of the rooms that still have working fans" "Fucking hell! Seriously?!" Leo groaned, sitting up. "Yeah, and the girls have decided to split up and sleep in the two rooms that have working fans-" "Lucky bitches" Wilford interrupted Dark...

(Gamer's Pov)
A few hours ago, I had ran from Angel and Mangle's room, down the stairs dodging people trying to catch me and made it back to mine and Anti's room- yeah I know I could've just shadow-walked to the room, but I can't actually use my powers in weather like this. I tossed and turned, even kicked the covers off the bed... it was just too fucking hot, too hot to sleep. I opened my eyes to be met with the pitch-black room as I sat up, looking over at Anti who seemed completely fine and fast asleep, I mean yeah he took his shirt off to feel cooler in this heat and I should take off my shirt too just to cool down a bit, but I've discarded that idea hours ago. My phone vibrated, I took it off the nightstand and looked at the notification on the screen, it was Death. I opened snapchat, opening the new snap from Death. A photo of the almost pitch black dorm 'Hey, you up?', I took a picture of the ceiling and typed before hitting send 'Yeah, guess the heat's gotten to you too' and almost immediately Death texts back 'Yep, driving me insane to the point I can't think' 'I thought you didn't have a brain' I sent back, quietly laughing a bit when he sent me back a photo of him holding the middle finger at the camera.

'Fuck you' 'No thanks' I held backing laughing for the sake of Anti being able sleep 'How long is the heatwave suppose to last?' 'Again, about a week' 'I'm not gonna last that long' I smiled a bit 'Well it is much worse than the weather back in hell' 'Agreed' 'Just promise that you won't do that weird thing you do when the weather is like this' a few seconds later, Death sent a snap, I opened it- face burning up as I looked at the photo of Death shirtless with his stupid devilish grin, words covering his eyes 'You mean this weird? ;)'. 'DEATH! What the fuck!' I texted.... why is he so inappropriate when its boiling 'Just making sure we're on the same page' 'You sure? Cuz it seems like at the moment we're in different libraries' 'Bet ya if I walk to your room that your face is red' 'You wouldn't' after sending that, I thought I heard a door open down the hall and immediately sat up texting him back 'Please don't! Stop!' 'Fine, give me proof instead' that asshole... I laid back down and lifted the phone as I placed an arm over my eyes. A quick flash of the camera and I uncover my face, looking at the photo.... light traces of sweat on my arm, face and neck, black t-shirt clinging to my skin, but my face had a glowing red blush spread from ear to ear. I hesitantly sent it... Death opened it. 'Happy now asshole?' I texted- Death had screenshot the snap I sent him 'You fucking asshole! This is why I never send you pictures of me' 'But I was right, you're blushing' Gamer pinched the bridge of his nose, a few seconds later, the school's loud fire alarm went off......

(Special thanks to Alice and Tamara for helping me write this)

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