Chapter 64- I Want Help

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(Gamer's Pov)
I was sitting on my bed with tiny scrunched-up balls of paper, throwing them into the air before Virus, my pet shade, ate them or hit them back towards me as I smiled. "You sure they can eat paper?" "They can eat whatever" I answered Anti, who sat at his desk on his side of the room "I even asked Lucifer, just to be sure-" "He knows Virus exists?" Anti questioned as I rolled my eyes "No" "Then what did you say-" "I told him that while reading the biology book, I came across the page about shades and had a couple of questions about it". "Way to lie yourself into getting an answer, if only we can do it with the royal family or the teachers to find out what this stupid event is" Anti angrily signed... we've still got no hint on what this whole thing is and the 'mystery' of it is slowly eating at a few people of our group. Anti leaned his head back, looking over at me and the tiny shade on my bed "Still don't understand why Virus doesn't trust me, I mean the distance we're at now is the minimum distance they're comfortable with when I'm around" Anti complained "But sure, they're completely fine with Death". I laughed a bit "You're just jealous Virus likes Death more than you" Anti folded his arms, leaning on the back of his chair ..."I'm actually surprised by how much Virus likes you cause they really hate Anti-" "Maybe goes off by the owner's feelings" Death smirked... a smile crawled onto my face as I laughed. "Or maybe Virus mimics me?" I suggested Death's idea, still laughing a bit ..."I still don't understand how they like you so much" I laughed as Death stroked the pet shade "Like I told you before, they must mimic their owner" he smirked.... "Maybe I like Death way more than...." my smile dropped as my laughing faded out. Why? I would I even say that- why am I going there? "Yeah, I get it... Death is your best friend so of course Virus is gonna like him more than me" Anti rolled his eyes, turning back to his desk while I sat there, motionless, questioning myself as Virus gently nudged my leg.

Why the hell would I go there?! He's my fucking friend- why was I even thinking about it?!.... that stupid deal.... that fucked up stupid idea the two of us came up with and agreed to... why the hell did I even agree to something like that?! I pulled my hood over my head as I felt my face burn up... a distraction. I need something completely off-topic to distract me from the thought of that stupid deal.... and I think I know just the person. I got up off my bed and headed towards the door, Virus staying put on my bed as Anti looked up at me "Where you going?" "I'm going to hang with one of the girls instead-" "Don't leave me in here alone with the shade" Anti somewhat begged as I smirked "This is probably why Virus doesn't like you" I laughed a bit, opening the door. "Besides, they're just gonna end up falling asleep while I'm gone" I walked out the door into the hallway, making sure to close my door behind me.

(Death's Pov)
I was walking down one of the school corridors, reading the classroom numbers above each door, lump in my throat. The sickly feeling in my stomach returning as I walked past each classroom. I soon stopped at a door with a sign on the door reading 'School Councilor', I hesitantly knocked on the door... shit... no, bad idea, this was a bad idea- "Come in" I froze up... normally I'm not like this but... I hesitantly opened the door "Are you Mrs Holme?" I nervously asked as she smiled brightly at me, nodding her head. She was a tall, skinny ivory-skinned woman with large brown eyes and medium-length, curly, light brown hair falling out of the messy bun she had poorly tied up. Mrs Holme was one of those teachers who wore retro clothes that are mostly pastel-colored, loose and flowing with her light blueish-aqua glasses, and I can guarantee you right now that this specific fact about Mrs Holme will surprise you.... she's a torture demon. Not a ripper demon like me, that's for sure, but still a dangerous one. Mrs Holme is a Terna torture demon, the same type of demon as the killen, Haruka, who's already nearly kill Leo twice now.... Mrs Holme however, is the least violent torture demon you'll ever meet. "Hello... Death? Is that correct?" I nodded my head, her smile grew "Well come in" I stepped into the small office, closing the door behind me as Mrs Holme gestured to the empty seat in front of her. I sat down "If you don't mind me asking, why have you came here?" she asked, leaning forward in her chair "I um.... I was wondering if you could help or j-just... listen to all the crap and problems and..." I held my head "A lot of things going on, huh?" she questioned as I nodded my head.

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