Chapter 4- Fire, Land, Water

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I couldn't see anything, it was completely pitch black "Help! Someone help!" "Scream as loud as you want, they can't hear you~" I head butted the invisible force "You little shit" "No, no- please don't-" "Shouldn't have hit me then" my wrists started to burn as if they were on fire. "Please stop, I don't want this-" I could hear the guy laughing at me "Death...."
(Gamer's Pov)
I jolted awake from the memory, realizing I was sitting under a tree... I nodded off, didn't I? I leaned my back against the trunk as I looked down at my right wrist where the star tattoo was "What's that?" I jumped at Iris's voice, quickly covering my wrist. "N-nothing, just an old tat-" "That's a mark angels' got when they touch or were touched by demons... I'm no idiot, that's the main reason why you become demon" I nodded my head "To me, its really a reminder of the day I met my best friends". Iris sat down next to me "What it looks like to me is reminder what something that could've been" Iris held out her left hand, on her wrist was a scar in the shape of a star "How-" "I loved this guy who saw me as friend, to prove my love I did this with demonglass... all for nothing, he died cause he didn't want to love me back" I looked down. "Your 'best' friend, you sure you don't love them?" Iris asked "...yeah, I don't, but it doesn't mean that I don't care-" "Like I said earlier, selflessness will kill you, it'll make you protect your friend by taking away wrong problem" Iris stood up. "Everyone want you at tonight's fire, want to make you official shadow walker" "What?" "Tonight you'll become part of this tribe unless you don't want to" I stood up, looking over at the camp, smoke peacefully drifting off "Okay"....
That Night...
"Now keep in mind that the elders join us tonight, my father wants to tell story of 'shadow and darkness'" Iris said, leading me to where tonight's fire was gonna be "A new story the elders started telling the children" jez, should I be worried about what they're teaching these kids? "Tonight it will be us, my father and the elders" "Why-" "Sacred fire tonight" that was all she said as we walked into a small clearing, being met with eleven people sitting on logs around a fire, one of them was Iris's dad, the others were the elders. One of the elders waved us over and gestured to two empty seats. Me and Iris sat down, an elder waved her hand over the fire, making it brighter and grow a bit more. The fire glowed, showing a small scene with a person "Once... there was a shadow, small and harmless, innocence ran through its veins no matter what darkness touched it" Draven started "But then came the day that small shadow fell in love with bad darkness that embodied a young man... other innocents saw no balance in it, saw it as a sin so... the innocents shunned small shadow, sending them to a world of fire and blood" the fire played the story, and honestly... it already became one of the saddest stories I've ever heard. "The shadow befriended what was called enemy and started to love bad darkness they met" the fire showed the person holding hands with an ash-black figure that had horns "The bad darkness fell deep in love with shadow, no matter horns, wings or halo, it loved them" the fire became a beautiful red "Shadow and darkness story never ends". The fire turned back to its originally burning color as the elders looked at me "Gamer Shadow, would you become part of clan? No matter decision, we understand" an elder smiled... these people are so understanding and this place is so peaceful- great, I'm attached... "Yes" "Even if joining ceremony is full of pain?" "Yes"... I'm diffidently gonna regret this. One of the elders laid black fabric on the ground as all the other elders, Draven and Iris stood up. I stood up... maybe I should've asked what happens in the joining ceremony... at least I was warned before hand that it was gonna be painful.

"Take off your hoodie" Iris whispered, I hesitantly took it off and placed it down on the log "The next few minutes are gonna be a bit scary, but it's necessary" Iris warned "Wait what-" two of the elders grabbed me by the wrists and forced me to lay down on my stomach on the black fabric as another held my feet down. The fire glowed bright green as they started chanting, I couldn't get up, I wasn't allowed to. An elder got out a small blade, dipping the tip of it into a black liquid then holding it in the fire. They then pulled it out of the fire and walked over to me "No, wait-" I ended up yelling out in pain as they ran the blade across my back. It felt like my back was on fire, with blood dripping down my side as my eyes glowed the same green as the fire. That's when I started to blackout....

(Death's POV)
"Sorry, haven't seen anyone of that description" "Okay, thanks anyway" I signed. I had 'borrowed' a small boat from the docks, going to different docks and asking around, but every time its a dead end "But I did see the boat you described" "Really?" Death looked back up to the fisherman he was talking to "Yeah, stopped by weeks ago at one in the morning for fuel, it always stops here for fuel, but it came from a different direction this time, from Rieannie port, west of where you came from". "Did you see which direction the boat went after stopping here for fuel?" I asked "Yeah, dead east of Rieannie port, off that way" the fisherman pointed in the direction "But I've been out multiple times and haven't found a thing out there" "It couldn't hurt to try, thanks for the help" "No problem- hope you find that missing boy" I gave him a small nod before walking back over to the boat... there's containers of fuel in the back. "Hope you don't mind, I got someone to get ya some more fuel, on the house!" the fisherman called out "Thanks!" I yelled back. I just don't get why mid realm people are so nice.........

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