Chapter 96 - My Homies D:

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After that mess, maybe it isn't a good idea to go to the highest security prison in Japan. Thankfully, that is only a maybe. Meanwhile, it is a terrible idea to try and jump out of a car in the middle of a long-ass bridge that would take forever to walk off. That would be the case if Shouta and Hizashi weren't coming. Instead, it will take longer because I rather jump off a bridge than get in the car with an angry Shouta and swimming sucks.

My deduction skills are getting better by the day, not that they are being appreciated by any means.

We arrive at the gate of Tartarus, and it doesn't take long for us to get in. I am more than happy to admit that it is because I come here multiple times a week. Otherwise, we would have had to go through a bunch of paperwork, and that shit sucks ass. I even went ahead and let the guard know that Shouta and Hizashi are coming too to make their lives easier.

Once we park, I hop out because I am tired of that car.

"Izuku, do you have any idea when those two will be here?" Tsukauchi asks as he steps out.

I consider for a moment, "Ten minutes or so? UA is only slightly farther from the police station." Tsukauchi nods.

"That gives us enough time to let Kurogiri's guards know what we are doing."

We head inside, showing our badges as I decide to continue the conversation, "Is there anything else that we should do while we are here?"

Gran Torino grunts beside me, "We could try talking to All for One again to see if he lets anything else slips."

"Oh yeah, he has been practicing his poetry, right?" Gran Torino glares at me, "That's a yes. To be fair, everything that he has said has either already been said or he's just being the psychopath that he is."

"Don't remind me."

"I deny we're going to get anything from him...actually, I haven't gotten to talk to him personally yet," Everyone turns to me as if I have lost it, "What?"

"Do we need to remind you that he is considered the most dangerous villain alive?"

"I can fix that with a few bullets."

"That's not what I mean, you brat."

I roll my eyes, "I know. However, he, technically speaking, likes me. He considered me a bigger target than All Might, so that has to say something."

Sir sighs, "Yes, but being a target and being liked are two different things."

"I used them under the same context for him for a reason. I don't mean it in literal terms in a sense. If anything, I am simply saying that I interest him. Psychopath, remember?"

"I still think that is a terrible idea."

"I trained under Nezu, sir. I can deal with All for One's bullshit. Besides, we can only be with him, what, five minutes? I can't fuck up that much in five minutes." I can, be that will work against me, so I am keeping that out. It's not lying if I don't mention it.

"Why are you so adamite about wanting to talk to him?" Sir questions, and I notice that he is watching me carefully.

"Because we can do this right now. Gran Torino and Tsukauchi can set up the Kurogiri shit, and you and I can talk to the local resident."

"That's not it."

Tsukauchi intervenes, "You're trying to get out of seeing Eraser." I swear nothing is a secret anymore.

I click my tongue, "Go fuck yourself."

"So it's a yes."

"Can you blame me?"

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