Sabrina is Legend

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I bet you thought you saw the last of me

Freya's POV

"This better work." I mumble as we walk through woods, careful not so step on any branches that night give us away. "It will. I just know it." Sabrina says as she crouches behind one of the nearby fallen trees. It gives us the perfect view of the so called Green Man at the carnival. Its creepy enough to send a shiver down my spine- and that's saying something based on all the shit I've been through. 

"How are you so confident in all of this?" I whisper as I crouch down next to her. "I just know. You need to trust me Freya. All of this is going to go according to plan and then things can return to the way they were." She tells me. "I want to believe you. I have no choice." I say with a smirk. 

"Shh! Here they come. Right on schedule." She hushes as she crouches lower. As if Sabrina somehow knew the exact timeframe- out of one of the big top tents comes Pan. He drags Miss Wardwell behind him and the other carnival folks start cheering. I watch as they entwine Miss Wardwell's limbs into the base of the tree and she screams out for help. 

"Children! Our hour is at hand." Pan starts. "Who is ready to receive the Green One?" He asks. They all cheer some more and bite into the caramel apples meant for the people of Greendale. "Let him rise up and restore the garden of old for all his pagan brood!" Pan finishes. All the carnies lower their heads and begin chanting.

"It's showtime." Sabrina says with a smirk. She wraps her cape around her and creeps closer to the edge of the woods. Well shit, here goes nothing. I gently pick up my own cape and follow her, holding the dagger in my hand so tightly I think it might break in two. 

"Arise Green One! Arise and take back the Earth!" Pan shouts and they all turn to the tree. The branches around Miss Wardwell's limbs all tighten and seem to pull her into the tree. Right as she's about to be pulled in completely, the leaves start to turn black and fall off. The branches begin to snap and fall apart. 

"No. This cannot be!" Pan yells. Out of the branches where Miss Wardwell was comes a hand. Only it was never Miss Wardwell to begin with. The pagans all freeze and Pan turns to Robin, who has been pretending like he's been a part of the whole thing.

"Who did you bring us?" One pagan hisses. "That's Pesta, the witch of disease." He says with a smirk. "She's good with decay and rot." Sabrina says walking into the clearing. "You and your devilment. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Pan yells in her face. Sabrina just smirks.

"I killed you pathetic plant god." She says sweetly. "Now I think it's time you and your carnival left Greendale." I stand up and march into the clearing. All the coven slowly emerges and surrounds the Pagans, not giving them any chance to escape. I feel someone walk up beside me and I can't help but smile. 

"Ready to kick some Pagan ass?" Ambrose muses with a smile. I twirl the dagger in one hand and hold up the other ready to use magic if needed. "Never been more prepared for anything in my entire life." I answer with a smirk. Theo walks up on my other side and cocks the gun he's holding. Pan noticed how serious we are and begins looking around for any sort of plan. 

"Retreat my brothers and sisters! We will go and start again!" He yells as a few start to flee. "Coven! Do not stop until every last Pagan is driven from our home." Aunt Zelda calls out across the field. "Anything for the High Priestess." I say with a grin before we all run after the pagans. 

The goal wasn't really to kill anyone. But fuck it if I said I wasn't willing to kill someone after everything they've done to us. Theo and Ambrose take off after some Pagans and I run towards their tents, drawing my knife and slashing at their homes. Making sure that there is nothing for them to come back and collect. As I'm kicking over vases and bottles I can't help but smile. 

I quickly light a match and throw it on the ground, sending the whole place up in flames. As I'm running out of the tent I feel someone catch my wrist, I spin around knife ready but am quite relieved when it's just Aunt Hilda. She looks at me with a smile before pulling me in. 

"Want to help dear ole Auntie raise some heaven?" She asks. "I don't know what's gotten into you but there's literally nothing else I'd love to do more." I tell her. She giggles and pulls me over to a nearby tent. There's a sign above it that reads 'The Amazing Circe'. 

"This is what that bitch gets for turning me into a spider. Go around back and make sure she doesn't escape." Aunt Hilda says marching into the tent. I quickly run around and make sure no one else is around before slipping between the curtains. Inside Circe is running around trying to grab as much as she can before fleeing. 

"Hey, darling." Aunt Hilda coos. Circe freezes in her spot and looks at Aunt Hilda. "You going somewhere? It's just that I was remembering the day that we first met, at the picnic. You were so complimentary about my talents as um... oh yeah, a weaver." Aunt Hilda says. She pulls out a doll looking just like Circe from behind her back with a sickly sweet smile. Circe goes to jump and Aunt Hilda.

"Not a chance." I tell her as I step in and hold the dagger dangerously close to her, but not where she can reach around and touch me. "Before you toddle off, I just wanted to show you some of my other talents. All right, my love?" Aunt Hilda asks Circe. Circe just stands there and takes in a deep breath. 

"No?" Aunt Hilda asks. She waits a second before grabbing the dolls arm and bending it as hard as she can in a way that an arm definitely shouldn't move. Circe screamed out in pain as her arm mirrors the exact movement. Aunt Hilda gives me a small nod and I take this as my cue to start absolutely trashing the place. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see Aunt Hilda continue to manipulate the doll. Circe is writing on the floor in pain and all Aunt Hilda does is look at her, emotionless. I knock over the table, shattering her crystal balls. Stab at anything I think I can destroy. I know that Circe's screams should have me disturbed, but not too long ago I was in her place, writing in pain on these carnival grounds. So no, I don't feel bad.

"Freya darling." Aunt Hilda calls. I run up to her. "Do me a favor and look away." She tells me, eyes still locked on Circe's figure. "Wouldn't dream of it." I answer. She looks at me for a second with a wicked grin before grabbing the dolls neck and twisting as quickly as she can. Circe stills immediately. Dead. 

"Would you like to do the honors?" I ask as I strike a match. "Oh I would love nothing more." She says. She takes it from my fingers and throws it down next to Circe where it instantly catches fire. We stand there for a moment watching the flames grow higher. Aunt Hilda takes my hand in hers and gently rubs it. 

"Thank you." She whispers. 

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