Come With Me

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A/N: How cute is this picture? I wanted Freya to be a ginger (well bc I am) but because I'm absolutely in love with Abigail Cowen who plays Dorcas. So this picture just makes me think of what Freya and Ambrose would look like together.


I would have loved to have spent the day showing Ambrose around Greendale. I mean the world has changed a lot within the past 75 years. However, he was supposed to head off the the academy tomorrow, so here we are, sitting on the porch swing while he attempts to reread every book in his collection to prepare. He's sitting in the porch swing whistling while I lay with my head in his lap, sewing a hole in the jacket he wanted to wear for his first day. How domestic of me.

"Sabrina! Hey! How was school?" I ask sitting up when she gets closer. She stops on the stairs and stares blankly at us. I instantly know something is wrong. Ambrose puts down his book and gives her a questioning look.

"Oh, Sweet Hell. What happened with Tommy?" He asks seeing her face. "Nothing happened." Sabrina says sighing. "It's been 13 hours and it didn't work." She explains leaning against the railing. "Oh Sabrina...." I say.

"Consider it a blessing." Ambrose says going back to his book. "I went back to the woods and the effigy was just lying there." Sabrina tells me. This causes Ambrose to put his book back down. "What do you mean back to the woods? No, the soul returns to the body... wherever that is." He tells Sabrina.

"The rite didn't say-" "You're playing with life and death and you don't even know the basics, cousin!" Ambrose explains angrily. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. Last time  fight was started over this... it didn't end so well.

"Wait- does that mean?" Sabrina asks trailing off. "He's at the mines." I say confirming her thoughts. Sabrina has a look of absolute terror on her face. She looks at me, then to Ambrose, then back at me before turning and taking off down the driveway.

"Sabrina! Wait!" I yell as I run to the railing, but it's too late. She's already half way down the road. There's no stopping her and I'm certainly to lazy to run after her. Ambrose stands from his spot on the swing and stretches.

"Maybe it's best to let her go." He says wrapping his arms around me from behind. I sigh. "Maybe you're right. I just hope we didn't injure Tommy ever more." I say. "Enough about that... help me finish getting ready for tomorrow." He says kissing my cheek before whisking me away into the house.



"What do you think of my new duds?" Ambrose asks strolling into the kitchen. Aunt Hilda and I look up from making dinner and she gasps. He looks good. As usual. But he looks extra special right now. The velvet jacket is perfect not that there isn't a hole in the back. Thanks to me that is.

"Awwww." Aunt Hilda coos while rushing over to give him a hug. "For my first day at the academy, I thought I'd go for a little Carnaby Street Cool." He says winking at me. I roll my eyes at him and continue chopping carrots.

"Too much?" He asks Aunt Hilda. "Definitely not, no. You never get a second shot at a first impression." She tells him with a giggle. "I've got it from here Freya darling. Will you lay the table and round everyone up?" She asks. I nod and hand her my knife and the veggies I was working on.

"Uh, I think Sabrina's gone to Harvey's. And Auntie Zee's been gone for ages." He tells us before I begin to set the table. "She had? That's odd. Where did she go, I wonder?" Aunt Hilda says.I shrug my shoulders. There's been so much excitement today that I didn't realize that I haven't seen Aunt Zelda since she went to speak to Father Blackwood.

"I guess it's just us today." Ambrose says. I take my spot at the table and Ambrose and Aunt Hilda do the same. It doesn't quite feel right without the other two, but it still feels like home. 

"Are you ready for tomorrow love?" Aunt Hilda asks Ambrose. He nods and digs into his stew. "I'm excited to see what's changed within the world of magic. I do wish Freya would come with me." He explains with a full mouth. I nudge him with a smile and tell him that he's being disgusting. He purposely takes another spoonful and slurps it up, making sure to spill some and be over the top. This sends Aunt Hilda and I into fits of laughter. I take his napkin and try to get the excess off of his chin.

"Satan bless you two." Aunt Hilda says under her breath as she watches us with a smile.



"I wasn't joking you know." Ambrose says as he changes the sheets on his bed. "About what?" I ask as I fix his shirt that I'm wearing in the mirror. "About you coming with me tomorrow." He says. I turn and face him.

"You know I'm not scheduled for classes tomorrow. Besides, don't you want to do something independently?" I ask. He walks over and puts his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest. "Why would I ever want to do anything by myself ever again now that I have you. And besides, if you don't have class, you can spend more time with me. You can show me around, introduce me to other witches, and we can sneak off and-" 

"Okay! Okay!" I laugh pushing his chest gently. "You've convinced me. I'll go with you." He smiles and leans down for a kiss when Sabrina comes marching through the door. She's about to speak but quickly senses what she was about it interrupt.

"You couldn't have waited 5 more minutes?" Ambrose asks annoyed as he steps back from me. My cheeks turn bright red. Sabrina shakes his comment away before speaking. "It worked. Tommy's back with Harvey, who is so happy." She says with a giddy smile.

"That's great Sabrina!" I cheer. "And how is Tommy feeling?" Ambrose asks. "Fine." Sabrina says shaking her head. This makes my smile falter. In this moment, I can read her and see that she's lying. 

"Does he have any sense of what happened to him?" Ambrose asks. Sabrina hesitates a moment. "Unclear?" She says as more of a question than an answer. Ambrose glares at her. "Sabrina?" He asks, concerned.

"I didn't really talk to Tommy, but apparently he's in shock, which the doctor says is totally normal." She explains quickly. I scoff. "Unless that doctor is a witch doctor, I'd get a second opinion." Ambrose says with sarcasm. "I knew you shouldn't have performed that resurrection. Everyone told you not to." 

"Tommy will be back to himself in a couple of days." Sabrina says, totally ignoring her cousin. "He'll be talking. He'll be eating-" "He's not eating?" Ambrose and I both ask alarmed. My heart sinks to my stomach. I'd read about resurrections gone wrong in Ambrose's books. Not eating was the first sign of a ritual gone wrong.

"We have to tell the Aunties." Ambrose says walking towards the door. "We can't! You can't! Freya, help!" Sabrina pleads. I grab Ambrose's arm and pull him to face me. "Ambrose. Look at me. We don't know if it's truly gone wrong yet. Give it some time. Maybe he really is in shock." I plead.

"They'll find out eventually. This is a small town." He tells me before directing the next part over his shoulder at Sabrina. "A man coming back from the dead is big news." He gives her one last glare before heading towards his bed.

"He didn't come back from the dead! He dug himself out of the mines." Sabrina tells him. Ambrose just nods his head. Obviously not happy with what was happening. Sabrina looks to me with pleading eyes.

"I think everyone just needs to go to sleep. We'll discuss this tomorrow." I tell her. "Fine. Before Ambrose leaves for the academy." Sabrina says. "Before Freya and I leave for the academy." Ambrose tells her from his mattress. Sabrina gives me a confused look. I shake my head and mentally tell her that I'll explain later.

"Goodnight Sabina."

"Goodnight Freya."  

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