Quick Return

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Freya's POV

Not one- but two Sabrinas. One to rule Hell, and one to live her life with us, her family. The Sabrina we left in Hell dismissed me of my handmaiden responsibilities. Who took my role you ask? Lilith. It's about time she got what she deserved. The hard part about this? I'm not supposed to tell anyone. I begged Sabrina not to do it- but I can barely handle one Sabrina, how was I going to reign in two? 

Sabrina and I sneak back into the Spellman household later that night. No idea how we were going to explain to everyone that we aren't actually moving to Hell- but I'd leave that problem to Sabrina. 

"Well, I'll get started on something. I mean, lets have a family dinner." Aunt Hilda suggests while she Aunt Zelda, and Ambrose sit at the table. It does look empty without us. "It won't be the same without the girls, will it?" Aunt Zelda asks putting out her cigarette. "No it won't." Ambrose says sadly as he plays with his cup. My heart almost breaks for them. I look to Sabrina and she grabs my hand before spiriting us so that we are perched on the kitchen island. 

"Do you really think we'd miss a family dinner?" Sabrina teases. Ambrose stands up so quickly his chair falls over and he walks over to hug and pull me off the counter. Damn babe, it's maybe been 5 hours since we've seen each other, still I'll take all the loving I can get.

"Sabrina, Freya, what are you doing here?" Aunt Zelda asks, slightly excited. "What about the responsibilities in Hell?" Ambrose asks finally looking up from me. I look at her with a face as if to say 'yeah Sabrina, what about those responsibilities.' 

"I changed my mind! Who wants to deal with all that?" Sabrina chirps as she jumps off the counter. "I thought you did? You certainly tried hard enough to win the throne." Aunt Zelda says, still confused. "A part of me did want to become queen, another part of me thought, I'm a teenager! I want to be a teenager. Besides, all our business with Hell is done. Lucifer, Lilith, Caliban- who needs them!" Sabrina rambles. She looks to me to back her up.

"I mean good point." I manage to get out. I'm an idiot. "I'm going to go wash up for dinner." Sabrina says as she turns out the kitchen. Ambrose looks after her for a moment before looking down at me. He huffs and drags me out of the kitchen as he follows Sabrina. She goes to walk up the stairs but Ambrose catches her elbow before she has the chance to flee. 

"Cousin- you've been lying about something. I just don't know what." He accuses. "I'm not sure what you mean." Sabrina says plainly. Ambrose looks at me and I instantly turn away. "That's what I mean. You've been acting strangely lately, saying things, knowing things that you couldn't know. Even amidst all this insanity, you are the one things that feels off to me." He says. Sabrina looks at him and tries not to smile.

"I don't think you gave up the throne at all, did you?" Ambrose asks. Sabrina looks at me. "Please say something before I do. I can't control it around him." I beg. Ambrose smiles at this. "I wasn't lying. I'm not the Queen of Hell...... but also....I am." Sabrina says slowly. Ambrose looks at her with wide eyes.

"Well, what have you gone and done now?" He asks her. "Yup. Okay. Here we go, sit down for me love." I say as I coax Ambrose down to sit on one of the stairs. Sabrina takes a deep breath before telling him EVERYTHING. When it gets to the part about there being two of her, I can basically feel the stress radiating off of him. By the time she's finished telling him everything, I think he's going to bounce off the walls.

"That's impossible, if you never completed the time loop and and and and, the fact that there are two of you means.... you've created a time paradox." He stammers. "Cool." Sabrina says with a smile. "No!" Ambrose whisper yells so that the Aunties don't come running. I almost laugh.

"Not cool at all. The ramifications of this are horrifying at best!" Ambrose tells her. "But it worked! She's her, I'm me. We both got what we wanted. Don't you see this solves everything. I can be a Spellman AND a Morningstar." Sabrina says, clearly unphased by everything that was just told to her. 

"What happens when the Aunties find out that there are two of you-" "The Aunties have never been to Hell, so there's like zero chance of that happening." Sabrina says cutting Ambrose off. "Okay so what happens when the Dark Lord discovered that he has two daughters?" Ambrose asks. His knee bouncing so much now that I have to put my hand on it to try to calm him down.

"He's such a narcissist, he won't even notice." Sabrina says brushing every comment off. "Lilith notices everything!" Ambrose almost yells. We all pause. "Well shit yes she does." I say under my breath. "Lilith could be a problem- yup." Sabrina says, for once seeing a flaw in her plan. She thinks this over for a moment before stepping over me and Ambrose to climb the stairs. Ambrose reached out and attempts to grab her wrist.

"Cousin- just so we're clear, you're saying that there are two of you. So, if you're here, then that means she's....." Ambrose trails off. "Being crowned as we speak." Sabrina says. With a toss of her hair she's up the stairs and out of sight. 

"And you were fine with this?" He asks turning to me. I put my hands up in surrender. "Be lucky I love you so much." He says with a laugh. "I consider myself lucky each and every day I get to spend with you Spellman." I tell him. He smiles at this for a moment before his smile falls. 

"I have something to tell you." He says sadly. "I'm not sure if I can handle anything else today." I joke. When he doesn't smile I realize how terrible it must be. "Come upstairs with me." He says as he slowly stands. I take his hand and he guides me upstairs. I can tell something is off. Worse than I had thought. When he opens the door to our room, Kai is sitting in the middle of our bed, as if waiting for this moment. 

"You'll need to sit for this one." He tells me I look at him with one eyebrow arched and sit down anyway. "You know you can tell me anything right? It's not like someone died?" I tease. When he sits next to me with sad eyes, I realize how bad that joke might have been.

"Ambrose.... no one died, right?" I ask. He looks down and I can tell he's holding back emotion. "Prudence came by earlier. While you were gone." He says. I feel my heart drop to my stomach. No. Please fucking no. "While we were out with the Pagans... Agatha got loose." He says. My eyes well up. 

"Is Agatha okay?" I ask, voice cracking. He finally looks up at me before one tear rolls down his cheek. "Agatha is missing. She ran out. She disappeared right after...." He takes a second to collect his thoughts. "Right after what?" I ask. I need to know. 

"Right after she killed Dorcas." He finally says. 

I don't believe him. It's a sick joke. One look into his eyes tells me that this is, in fact, not a joke. 

And that's when I start screaming. 

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