Meeting the New Director

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We make our dinner. We see the table with Mr. D and who I assume is Chiron's replacement. We walk over to them.

"Well, my millennium is complete. If it isn't Peter Johnson. And guest," says Mr. D.

"Percy Jackson sir," says Percy.

"Whatever," he says.

I watch Mr.D lean over to the new guy and whisper something about my brother and I being a Poseidons kid.

"I see... I am tantalus, on special assignment as the new director until my lord Dionysus decides otherwise. I expect you to refrain from causing any trouble at my camp, Perseus Jackson," says Tantalus.

Sometimes it's nice to be over looked for my brother. He's more outspoken than I am so people tend to look to him and look over me. But I seriously don't mind.

"Trouble? Your camp already has trouble-" my brother continues but I walk away because I wasn't in the mood for an argument.

"Phoebe!" I hear Travis yell.

I run to him and give him a hug.

"I missed you. Sorry I didn't come find you to start with. My brother, enough said," I say.

He laughs at that. Him and his brother seem to be the only people who notice me over Percy. It refreshing because I like them, so them noticing me doesn't bother me like it does for people like Zeus.

"How was school?" Asks Travis setting his hand in his fist looking at me mockingly.

"I didn't get expelled so I'm going with good," I say.

"You could just stay at camp year round with me or us. Me and my brother. Us, yah us," he says awkwardly.

"My brother will go back," i say.

"Then don't do the same thing as your brother. Think for yourself," he says.

I hate that he's right. I always follow my brothers lead. He's always seemed more dominant. He makes friends so I hang out with them, he makes a plan so I follow it, he starts complaining so I do to, he likes it so almost always do as well.

"What about my mom?" I ask.

"You can still visit," he says.

"I'll be alone in my cabin!" I say.

"I'll hang out with you," he says, "what else you got. I can do this all day."

"I'll- I'll think about it," I say.

"Ok, I think we need to go sit down now. I'll see you later," says Travis.

I turn away and my face feels hot. I sit down at my table with my brother.

"Attention everyone. There's an unfortunate bit of housekeeping that needs tending to. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase have seen fit to bring this here," says Tantalus.

It was relieving to not be noticed enough to get my name announced. Trust me, I love Tyson, but I love being unnoticed even more. All the campers turned to my brother and in the process me as well.

"Normally I would release this beast into the woods and let you hunt it down but perhaps we should give it a chance to probe itself worthy of living. Are there any suggestions as ti which cabin should keep the beast," says Tantalus.

I look at my brother waiting for him to volunteer.

"Come, now. The monster doesn't seem all bad. It may even be capable of doing menial chores. Surely someone-" he stops. The green trident appears above Tyson's head. "Oh I see. It appears the matter has resolved itself. And a fine resolution it is. The answer should've been apparent all along, I suppose given the family resemblance," tantalus says.

The camp looks over to me and my brother. Travis and Conner looks about ready to die of laughter. If it was anyone else but then I might have been mad.

Tyson comes and sits with us. Percy looks at his plate the rest of the meal. The rest of camp shoots us look for the rest of dinner.

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