Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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This battle was worse than ever before. I see my brother on the ground standing in the fountain while I had herds of Pegasi patrolling through the sky. I stayed in the sky fighting some of Kronos's demigods on their Pegasi. It wasn't hard to get the Pegasi to shake them off their back. Every time they shake one of Kronos's off I gain another Pegasus.

I see Percy go flying into the air on the back of a Clazmonian sow, which was like a flying warthog.

I fly after Percy and take a quick stab at the pig. I slice at its wing while Percy stabs it's leg. The wing was ripped and it started to fly crazily. My brother loses his grip and begins to fall. I dive in after him grabbing his hand before he can hit the ground pulling him onto Moonbeam with me.

"Thanks but I would have been fine. Achilles curse remember," he says.

"Right. I keep forgetting about that. Where do you want me to set you?" I ask.

Before he could answer I see chiron and the party ponies come barging in shooting their arrows.

"Thank the gods we were loosing people left and right," I say.

"No kidding. Drop me back at the fountain," Percy says.

I swoop in close enough for Percy to jump off. We keep fighting until dawn begins to break. We survived another night but barely.

We get back to our base. I find Percy talking to Chiron.

"Thanks for helping out chiron," Percy says.

"Kronos's army had us pushed all the way back to the Empire State Building," I say, "without you and the centaurs, at least from what I could see from up above, we probably couldn't have held."

"Time is short. As soon as Kronos regroups, he will attack again. We won't have the element of surprise on our side. And Typhon matches ever closer. The gods have slowed his approach, but he cannot be stopped. Once he and Kronos combine forces...." Chiron trails off.

"Then what chance do we have? We can't hold for another day," says Percy.

"We'll have to," I say.

"I'll see about setting some new traps around the perimeter," says Thalia.

She walks off to collect her hunters and Chiron goes to check in the party ponies.

"I'm going to check on the Pegasi," I say.

"Pheebs, how many did you gain. There's a lot more than when we started," Percy says.

"Seven," I say as I walk away.

I walk over to my now herd of twenty two Pegasi. A couple bow when I get close.

"Yes, I know I'm amazing but you can stand back up now," I tell them.

I go about feeding them whatever scraps I can find.

"I know it's not a lot but it's what we got to work with," I say holding out my hands to them.

I hear someone walk up beside me. I turn to see Travis and Conner.

"You guys ok?" I ask.

"Yah. You?" Conner asks.

"Yah. I have like scraps to feed them and I feel bad. I mean the ones Kronos had look so hungry," I say.

"Some of those are-" Travis says.

"Kronos's yah. It didn't take to much persuasion to get them to just buck their riders off. Look how hungry and sad they look. I feel so bad," I say petting one's muzzle.

"Do they have names?" Asks Travis with a smile.

"Not sure. Haven't gotten that far," I turn the the Pegasi that belonged to Kronos, "any of you got names?" I ask.

They each take turns telling me their names.

"Let's see we got Athetine, Neida, Arsedon, Jade, Loki, and Frosty," I say pointing at each.

"Loki? Like the Norse god?" Asks Conner.

"I know ironic right," I say stroking Loki.

I hear a noise coming from the sky. I turn staying in position thinking it was Kronos already. Instead I see a helicopter with Dare enterprise on the side.

"...Rachel?" I say just think out loud.

"Who?" Asks Travis.

"One of Percy's "girlfriends." He's not really dating her but she definitely has a crush on him. But so does Annabeth so it's really whichever one he pick," I say watch the helicopter.

The helicopter begins to fly all over the place. The pilot must have fallen asleep.

"Phoebe! Pegasus!" Yells Annabeth.

"Blackjack go to the blonde girl by boss. And quickly!" I tell him.

I trust him the most with Annabeth. Moonbeam is touchy with other riders and Blackjack likes Annabeth.

Blackjack goes rubbing and Annabeth jumps on his back and they take off towards the helicopter. I see her jump into it as Blackjack runs back to my side.

"Did I do good bosses sister?" He asks.

"You did great," I say patting his muzzle.

"Since when can Annabeth's fly a helicopter?" Asks Conner.

"As far as I know never," I say walking towards my brother, Annabeth, and Rachel.

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