He Blew Up Another School

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I'm standing at the big house with Annabeth's waiting for Percy to get here. He just had orientation but no called to tell me he blew up Paul's school. I see him walking up to us.

"I heard your summer stated off with a bang," I say.

"How did you already hear about that?" He asks.

"Mom tattled on you," I say with a shrug.

"Don't you usually wait for the school year to start before you destroy everything. Orientation has to be some sort of half-blood record," says Annabeth.

"Yah you've got jokes. Moms taking this one hard, Goode being where Paul works and all," says Percy.

Percy and Annabeth continue their conversation but I choose to leave them alone. I go off searching for Travis.

I still haven't got up the nerve to tell Percy or my mom. Somehow we've managed to hide it from pretty much everybody at camp which is hard to do considering we're always in each other's business. Conner caught us by the lake one day and surprisingly he hasn't said anything either. I guess we're just lucky.

I find Travis close to the lake.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," he says back wrapping his arms around my waist.

I give him a small kiss.

"My brother blew up another school," I say.

"How many is that now?" He asks.

"Let's see Mrs. Dodds, Cannibal giant, and now empousa," I say.

I hear the horn in the distance for dinner.

"Let's go I guess," I say taking his hand and dragging him that way.

As we get close I let go of his hand and we enter the dinning pavilion.

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