Sword of Hades: 5

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We walk as Percy stays close to me in case he accidentally falls again. The sound of water comes into my earshot.

"Uh oh," Nico says.

Ahead of us was a river that was as black as ink.

"The river Lethe," Nico says. He lets out a curse in Ancient Greece, "Well never mane it across."

The flower points to the other side.

"There's gotta be a way across," says Percy.

Thalia knelt next to the bank.

"Careful," I say, "This is the river of forgetfulness. One drop and you'll start to forget who you are."

Thalia backs up, "I know this place. Luke told me about it once. Souls come here I'd the choose to be reborn, so they totally forget their past lives."

Nico nods, "swim in that water and you'll be like a newborn baby. No memories or knowledge."

"I could shoot an arrow across, maybe anchor it to a rock," Thalia says.

"You want to trust the weight if a line that isn't tied down?" I ask.

"Your right?" She says.

"Nico, could you summon some dead?" I ask.

"I could but they would appear on the other side. Water acts as a barrier to the dead," says Nico.

"What kind of stupid rule is that?" Asks Percy.

"Hey, I didn't make the rules," Nico studies Percy, "you look terrible. You should sit down."

"I can't. You need me for this," says Percy.

"For what?" Asks Thalia, "you can barely stand."

"It's water isn't it? I'll control it. Maybe reverse the water flow fur you guys to cross," Percy says.

"In your condition? No way. I'd feel safer with the arrow," says Nico.

"I'll help him," I say, "I can't do to much but at least it'll be more safe."

"Phoebe no," he says, "you have to go over there."

"Nope. It's this or nothing."

I help Percy to the edge of the river. I had no idea if we could even do this.

"Stand back," Percy says to the other two.

I concentrate on the current.

"Here goes nothing," Percy mumbles.

We both raise our arms like we were lifting something heavy. The water rose. I couldn't believe this was actually working. It was just wide enough for someone to walk through.

"Go!" I yell, "we can't hold this forever."

Thalia and Nico rush into the riverbed. The river fought us. It didn't like us controlling it. It wanted to crash into my friends but I held the arc.

They get to the other side.

"Guys!" Thalia yells, "come on!"

"Phoebe, go first," Percy says.

"No, if I leave you you'll either pass out or drop the water on me. We'll go together. And if it falls I'd rather not have only one of us remember each other," I say looking him in the eyes.

He nods. We stand up. It takes him a minute to get up. The water tremble a little. Somehow we manage to climb down the riverbed in perfect sync.

Halfway across Percy must have stumbled because I hear Thalia scream no. My concentration broke along with Percy's.

As the river crashes down Percy pulls me close. I brace myself to get wet but I don't. A layer of air surrounds us. Percy had done this before. I use the rest of my power to help him.

We push forward. Percy and I stay shoulder to shoulder. We climb out of the river surprising Nico and Thalia.

Percy and I climb up the banks and pass out.

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