Chapter 15 Don't press me!

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No matter what, Zhou Weibai is a brother who has been nurtured by ancient etiquette since he was a child. Even if the little brother is not as delicate as a girl, it is not something that can be touched casually.

Don't talk about being close to men since I was a child, that is, I haven't said a few more words.

Now that he was in such an intimate contact under the pressure of someone, he reacted at this moment, the thick male smell in front of him got into his breath, and his face flushed red.

Huo Chengyi was also very uncomfortable, he was a man with strong vigor and blood.

In the past, because I was always on assignments, I couldn't find a partner, and I was a hooligan, but I was just verbally molesting the little girl in the village. In fact, I was still a green-headed person who didn't have the meat, and couldn't stand the slightest provocation.

The boy's body is warm and soft, with a hint of the refreshing breath after taking a shower, his clothes are messy, and his white and tender shoulders are in front of his eyes, which is simply the best picture to arouse a man's interest.

However, this silly little brother was still chaotically moving, his thin waist kept twisting, and the more his legs moved apart and restrained, the more intimate their contact became, and Liuxia Hui was getting hot. sweat!

"Don't move! Do you want to die?" Huo Chengyi warned in a hoarse voice, trying his best to breathe to calm down this fiery body.

Although he doesn't think he is a righteous gentleman, he still has a very basic principle.

Zhou Weibai is now panicked and scared. The momentum of beating someone just now has long since disappeared. Hearing his dull voice, and feeling that the thing is becoming more and more obvious, how dare he mess up, and his body is stiff.

Feeling ashamed and afraid in his heart, Huo Cheng's perseverance is not small, and he can't move at all.

"You, don't mess around, if you dare, dare to bully me, my mother will never let you go, woo..."

He turned his head and didn't dare to look at Huo Chengyi, shivering and trying to threaten, not knowing whether he was threatening others or comforting himself, his voice was trembling, because he couldn't help crying because of fear.

The intimate contact with the strange man made his whole person red into a boiled shrimp, panting nervously, his heart beating like a lively river shrimp inside.

Seeing him like this, Huo Chengyi really didn't know whether to call this young man brave or stupid.

At this time, he dared to say such a threat, it was purely provocation. If it was replaced by a real Huo Daniu, even if he was afraid of revenge from the tigress of the Zhou family, in order to fight for a man's tone, he might force him immediately.

Don't underestimate the dignity of a man, this thing is enough to make a cowardly and timid person do earth-shattering things.

What's more, in this ambiguous environment, men are all animals who think in the lower body. Fortunately, he is professionally trained and has stronger stopping power than ordinary people.

"Don't worry, I won't move you. If you didn't listen to my explanation, would you be like this? I said that I didn't watch you take a shower, and the clothes were stolen by Duan Xiaopeng's bastard."

Huo Chengyi couldn't help laughing, lowly The voice and hot breath were willing to spray on Zhou Weibai's face because of the distance, and the top of the boy's head was burning with smoke.

"I, I believe you're it, just let me go..."

Zhou Weibai was wrapped in his breath, so nervous that his heart was pounding, and he finally managed to say a word.

It was clearly him who was bullied, but it turned out that it was his fault when he said it, but he didn't dare to refute with his wet eyes. He was afraid that if he was really in a hurry, his innocence today would really ruin this person's hands.

Don't say that the object is a bad guy like Huo Daniu, he is the person he really likes, and there is no reason for a brother from a good family to give his body to someone before he gets married.

Huo Daniu is now pressing him like this, which can be regarded as taking advantage of him.

The young man's face was slightly red, and his wet eyes stared at him, and the small appearance that was afraid and did not dare to resist was quite pitiful.

At this moment, Huo Chengyi understood why some people like to abuse, because now he is so excited to see the brothers below such a young man dancing with excitement, and if he puts pressure on them, he is afraid that he can't help but turn into a wolf and do bad things.

"You, you go down..." Zhou Weibai felt the danger and was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Cough, okay, don't cry, don't cry, I'll come down."

Huo Chengyi coughed to hide his brother's excitement, comforting and letting go of others.

He all said that he was most afraid of people crying. When this little brother cried, his heart softened. Seeing others cry, he felt a little overwhelmed and distressed. He completely forgot that there were people crying and begging for mercy when he was doing tasks before, and he didn't even blink his eyes. If you kill him, he will actually feel soft and heartbroken at this moment.

Zhou Weibai didn't know what he was thinking. When he was free, he quickly got up from the ground and stepped back to the wall of the cave. He clung to his messy clothes with both hands and cried while being vigilant, for fear that the people in front of him would be beasts.

He pulled the muscles on his face because of his crying and the vigilant expression on his face. The half of his face that Huo Chengyi had beaten with Wu Qing's panda eyes when he fought back is now swollen, and the pain caused him to gasp when he pulled it.

Huo Chengyi finally saw clearly the tragic situation of the young man, and the feeling of being overwhelmed in his heart became even heavier.

Although he was fighting back just now, he is still a little brother anyway, and the younger brother's status is equal to that of a woman here. He didn't mean it and couldn't justify it.

After all, it was his good nephew who stole people's clothes first. It's normal for people to be angry, and the young man looks really miserable now, even though he actually got more sticks just now...

Zhou Weibai's crying appearance made Huo Chengyi a little uncomfortable. His usually flexible tongue was dull today.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hit you on purpose just now. You hit so hard just now, I thought it was a man who attacked me..."

Zhou Weibai, who was crying, was not happy when he heard his words, and stared at him even more aggrieved and angry, man Rude, the little brother here is all about the gentleness that is biased towards women, so to say that he is comforting others, he is clearly scolding him!

"No, no, I'm not saying you are as fierce as a man, I mean, hey, it was my fault just now, your face... I brought medicinal wine, you can wipe it, it's very effective."

Huo Chengyi After speaking, I found that my words didn't quite fit the world environment here, but my IQ went offline at a critical moment. I couldn't explain what I said. In the end, I could only give up. past.

"I have it myself, don't worry about it."

Zhou Weibai bulged his eyes and his voice choked. It's okay that this man didn't mention his face, but he was even more aggrieved and angry when he mentioned it. Going down the mountain and going home, I don't want to deal with this bullying villain anymore.

It's just been tossing for so long, it's already dark outside, and the mountains are the most dangerous at night. Although there are basically no beasts around the back mountain, it will be bad if you meet them.

And Huo Daniu is not only a scoundrel in the village. If a teenager encounters a bad guy when he goes down the mountain, it will be called every day should not be, and the ground will not work. Zhou Weibai has a bad reputation, but his appearance is not good. He is the best looking little brother in the village.

Huo Chengyi was worried, and quickly pulled the man's arm, "It's getting dark outside, it's too dangerous for you to go back down the mountain now, just stay here for one night and talk about it tomorrow, I know you don't worry about me, but I promise you, I don't will move you."

"I, I'm not afraid of the dark..."

Zhou Weibai was frightened again when he grabbed his arm. He struggled and shook his head with red eyes. The momentum he had just recovered was gone again. Obviously, he was more afraid of him than walking at night. One night alone.

"Aren't you afraid, but what if something happens? Don't worry, I'll keep my word. Besides, you saved me last time. No matter how bad I am, I won't retaliate. Head office, right?"

Huo Chengyi was helpless, finally got back his IQ and spoke smoothly, walked to his back basket, found a machete and handed it over.

Zhou Weibai looked at the knife in his hand, looked at the sky outside, estimated the danger of going down the mountain now, and finally stared at him hesitantly and struggled for a while before he made up his mind to accept the proposal and carefully took his hand. knife.

That expression is like confronting a flood of beasts.

Huo Chengyi looked at his actions so funny, he couldn't help but retracted the knife in his hand and walked over on his own initiative.

He pulled the person onto a stone and sat down, and under the panicked eyes of the young man, he stroked the person's face with the big hand that had poured down Lingquan.

"The knife will be used to defend against me later. I'll give you medicine first. Don't be nervous. If I really want to do something to you, can I wait until now? I just let you."

Huo Chengyi's handsome face showed a smile. , but it sounds so ruffian.


Zhou Weibai bulged his eyes and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't refute it.

In the end, he could only let the rough big hands of the other party touch his face with excuses, and there were grievances and reluctance in his eyes, but the man in front of him was so powerful that he couldn't resist, and his cheeks were flushed by the strange feeling of numbness on his face. .

However, although he was a little aggrieved and angry, he somehow didn't feel that this person was as annoying as before. Even if this person was still smearing his face to take advantage of him, it was still a rule in general.

In fact, after all this tossing, he already believed Huo Chengyi's words. As Huo Chengyi said, if this person really wanted to do something to him, he didn't have to wait until now. The facts just now proved that he couldn't beat the other party.

This realization surprised Zhou Weibai. He was born with great strength, and he followed his mother to the dangerous mountains since he was a child. There are very few boys in the hands-on village who can beat him, so he has a bad reputation for being fierce.

Just like Huo Daniu, a big man who is rare in the village, he didn't dare to really mess with him before.

I didn't expect that this person could easily stop him today, and it was clear that the other party had a chance to deal with him just now... But in the end, he actually let him go and gave him medicine, and the way he smiled and talked was different from before.

Zhou Weibai's head was a little confused and a little dizzy. He felt that the current Huo Daniu was like the Huo Daniu he knew, but he didn't seem to be that Huo Daniu.

But she didn't give her too much time to be confused. When Huo Chengyi finished rubbing him and let him go to carry something, a few beautiful flowers attracted his attention. "Hey, it's Fairy Orchid! Huo Daniu,

where did you find this good thing?" Zhou Weibai stared at the two strange orchids in Huo Chengyi's back basket.

Forget everything.

There's a Space Man in the Village [Rebirth]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن