Chapter 144

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The Mr. Huang that Boss Zhang met was not someone else. The one who knew little about the people and was particularly interested in Haichang County was naturally Huang Qi who came out in a private interview.

As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles after reading a book. If you don't go out, you will never know what the outside world is like.

Although there have been regular reports about the folk and Haichang County in the palace over the years, no matter how many words are described on paper, they are not as shocking and profound as what I saw with my own eyes.

When he was a prince before, Huang Qi often walked among the people and knew a lot about the people.

When he went out of the palace, he saw the changes in the lives of the people, and seeing that everyone was getting better and better, with a rosy complexion, he was proud and relieved.

He came to the throne with blood on Jamida

, but he did not live up to his mother's hope. He worked hard day and night to take care of Zhao Guo well, and he deserved this position.

But when he arrived in Haichang County, he realized that fame is worse than seeing.

He didn't know everything about Haichang County in the palace, he knew how slippery Huo Chengyi was, and secretly sent a lot of people to pay attention to report the movements and changes in Haichang County.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, he dared to admit that what Boss Zhang said that Haichang was no worse than the capital was true.

In terms of magnificence and majesty, Haichang County is indeed no better than the imperial city that has existed for hundreds of years, but the style of Haichang as a whole is more eye-catching than the capital.

Haichang County is very lively and crowded, but the surprise is that no matter how many people there are, the streets are orderly.

The streets of Haichang County are very spacious and divided, and pedestrians and carriages are all separated.

The wide carriageway has not only the carriages of wealthy families, but also a cart pulled by several cows.

The shape and color of this cart are uniform, and the clothes of the driver are uniform. The huge bullock cart stops every time it goes, and the people get on and off at the designated place. It is said that it is called a 'public bullock cart'.

Huang Qi had heard of this for a long time, because it was in Huangxi Village at the time, and I thought it was a good idea, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing in the city.

It has greatly facilitated the speed of people's travel, and also virtually improved the efficiency of many things.

On every other street, there are special people to direct and evacuate the flow of people, and there are also street inspection teams with red cloth signs.

Specially catch those dignitaries who do not abide by the regulations of the county town, and those who come from other places to bully the civilians by virtue of their identity, and ensure the security in the county town.

There are also a variety of dazzling and dazzling shops, full of people, lively and prosperous, and the image of shabby poverty is no longer the same.

After just strolling around the streets of Juncheng for a while, the mood of several nobles from the capital has reached a shock.

"That kid always exceeded my expectations, Zifu, do you remember when we came here before?"

Sitting in the restaurant's private room to rest, staring at the scene of the crowd outside the window, Huang Qi couldn't help but sigh.

"Today's Haichang County is not an exaggeration to describe the vicissitudes of life..." In

just a few years, Huo Chengyi has developed such a dilapidated and impoverished place. This ability is really rare.

Even with the support of the imperial court, it is absolutely impossible to change someone so quickly.

"Master, Huo

Daniu has self-knowledge, you can rest assured." Qi Zifu comforted.

The shock in his heart was no less than that of Huang Qi. Huo Daniu's ability was beyond expectations. The courage he had in negotiating a deal with his master at the beginning, and the ability he showed now, is truly astounding.

However, judging from Huo Daniu's behavior of focusing only on business development in recent years, the other party is a self-aware person.

In the past few years, they have secretly sent people to investigate the news that the other party is also very peaceful.

"I understand Huo Daniu's character, but everything has an accident..."

Huang Qi looked majestic.

Didn't his imperial brother give him a chance to develop because he was not a threat? Huo Chengyi's ability was so strong that he felt uneasy.

It's not that he doesn't know Huo Daniu's character, but as an emperor, he has to think more and worry more than ordinary people.

Qi Zifu listened to the silence and sighed in his heart.

Since ancient times, emperors have been most taboo to build masters, Huo Daniu has no such thoughts, but excellent ability was a blessing in the past, but now it is a blessing or a curse...

Jamie Qi Zifu changed the

subject, "Master, why don't we first Order."

Huang Qi retracted his gaze and nodded, inviting the restaurant staff.

The houses in Haichang County are special, and the food is also well-known. If you don't eat local special seafood in Haichang County, you will be a waste. In addition to the private shops that settled in Jamida

County, most of them were opened by the Huo family.

The shopkeeper Huoji of Huoji Co., Ltd. has been professionally trained before taking up his post. No matter whether the guests are rich or rich, they are treated equally, and their quality is very high.

The restaurant where Huang Qi and the two rested is one of them. Although they dress up to be very ordinary among foreign tourists in order to keep a low profile, the restaurant Huo Ji is still very warm and welcoming.

"This gentleman must have come to our Haichang County in addition to this. Today is just a coincidence. Our store is doing activities to welcome the National Day. There are a lot of good-quality set menus. Would you like to try it, sir?"

"Oh, specially Activities for the National Day?"

Huang Qi knew about the National Day, and it was naturally Huo Chengyi's suggestion to him.

National Day and National Day, the whole country celebrates the birth of the motherland, let the people remember their Zhao people, and have a stronger sense of belonging to the country. At that time, all the ministers in the DPRK, including Huang Qi, liked this suggestion very much.

The Son of Heaven, what he cares most about is the support of the people.

"Yeah, our boss said that our people can have a good life today because of His Majesty's wise leadership, the support of the court, and we must learn to be grateful. Besides, we are the people of Zhao State, and we celebrate our motherland's birthday. Naturally we have to celebrate warmly together..."

"Your boss is very attached to the court."

"That is necessary! Our boss said that as a commoner of Zhao, we must love Zhao, because it is the state that protects us. Bullying us, the court's warm-blooded soldiers took their lives to protect the dignity of our Zhao country, abide by the court's laws, implement the court's imperial decree, and resolutely support His Majesty's policy of governing the country!"

"Our boss also built a special academy and adult education in the county seat. In the library, Haichang, regardless of gender, age, and age, must go to reading and listening to classes, study hard and work actively, endure hardships and enjoyment later, and work hard to build the great cause of our Zhao country!

" People are also inexplicably infected with blood boiling.

Huang Qi smiled and praised, "It seems that you have read a lot of books, can people in Haichang County be able to speak like you?"

The dude's words don't make a lot of sense, but they have great merit and relativity.

The guy who was praised was embarrassed and touched his head.

"Hey, no, the lord has won the prize, how can I export it, and someone like me will drag our boss's blessing to recognize a word, these are taught by the teachers of the academy and the education library, our annual National Day Flag Raising Ceremony The sacrificial words that you have to recite..."

"Do you have to recite these every year for the flag-raising ceremony?" Qi Zifu was curious.

They naturally know the flag-raising ceremony, which is the concept in the proposal of 'National Day'.

But they don't know what the guy said and read the sacrificial text. Every year, the National Day in other parts of Zhao State is not very lively.

Including the capital, it is just to send the Ministry of Rites to publicize the public, the emperor will not show up easily, and the palace is no different from peacetime, and does not pay attention.

The guys could see that they didn't understand from other places, so they continued to explain enthusiastically and patiently.

"Yeah, let's call this a sacrificial text, but the owner said it's called an oath, and I can't say it in a while. Three days later, it will be the National Day. At that time, the owner will personally hold a flag-raising ceremony in the central square of the county town. Master can go. Participate, sir, do you want to order food now..."

"Okay, thank you little brother for your answer, then let's order the signature dishes that you have discounted at the latest event."

Huang Qi was in a good mood, and waved the little second guy to serve.

After waiting for a while, I saw the dishes with all the colors and flavors, and then I heard the names of the dishes such as "National Celebration", "Long Live Your Majesty", "The Quartet Comes" and so on, and the smile on his face gradually increased.


Several distinguished guests from the capital of the restaurant had a very satisfying meal.

But he didn't know that after he left after the meal, the second guy who was serving him immediately changed his clothes and left through the underground passage of the restaurant at the same time.

The Earl's House, Haichang County, the study.

"How did Mr. Huang react?"

Huo Chengyi asked while signing the document, and Xiaobai sat beside him reading a book.

The young man standing opposite was the restaurant guy just now, handing over his hands and smiling back.

"Master is like a god. Your Majesty really went to Haichang to investigate, but you can rest assured that our people have done a good job. We started preparing at an early age. Let Your Majesty be as shrewd as you are."

Speaking of high merit With the words "Gaizhu", others don't know whether Huo Chengyi can ignore it.

How many lessons are played in modern historical TV dramas are experience!

When he first planned Haichang County, he expected that one day he would be feared by the emperor. His advanced modern thinking was an excellent ability and a huge treasure for the ancient people here.

So at that time, he thought of a countermeasure. Development is a must, but hiding is impossible. What should I do if I can't hide? Then fool around!

He also had no interest in Zhao's imperial power, and he looked at things in the longer term.

What's more, Zhao Guo is nothing to him now, and the six countries' economic development for so many years is all under his control.

It is rude to say that as long as he goes on a word, let the members of the business alliance stop doing business, do not have to fight, the economy of the six countries will be paralyzed, and the chaos in the world will be over.

It's just that he doesn't need others to know about such a huge business context, and he doesn't need others to compliment him. What he wants is that the business alliance can develop a little longer.

These can be kept in the dark. On the surface, he is still just a Huo Da merchant of Zhao State.

The emperor asked him to be loyal, he just showed his loyalty, there was no need to cause unnecessary trouble and disaster for a little face.

"Don't slack off, keep following along, you must let Mr. Huang have a good time and leave in our Haichang County, and prepare well for the National Day flag-raising ceremony, let's go."

Putting down the pen, Huo Chengyi ordered people to go down.

They can't relax until the person leaves.

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